'000000', 'lt1' => 'FFFFFF', 'dk2' => '44546A', 'lt2' => 'E7E6E6', 'accent1' => '4472C4', 'accent2' => 'ED7D31', 'accent3' => 'A5A5A5', 'accent4' => 'FFC000', 'accent5' => '5B9BD5', 'accent6' => '70AD47', 'hlink' => '0563C1', 'folHlink' => '954F72', ]; public const COLOR_SCHEME_2007_2010_NAME = 'Office 2007-2010'; public const COLOR_SCHEME_2007_2010 = [ 'dk1' => '000000', 'lt1' => 'FFFFFF', 'dk2' => '1F497D', 'lt2' => 'EEECE1', 'accent1' => '4F81BD', 'accent2' => 'C0504D', 'accent3' => '9BBB59', 'accent4' => '8064A2', 'accent5' => '4BACC6', 'accent6' => 'F79646', 'hlink' => '0000FF', 'folHlink' => '800080', ]; /** @var string[] */ private $themeColors = self::COLOR_SCHEME_2007_2010; /** @var string */ private $majorFontLatin = 'Cambria'; /** @var string */ private $majorFontEastAsian = ''; /** @var string */ private $majorFontComplexScript = ''; /** @var string */ private $minorFontLatin = 'Calibri'; /** @var string */ private $minorFontEastAsian = ''; /** @var string */ private $minorFontComplexScript = ''; /** * Map of Major (header) fonts to write. * * @var string[] */ private $majorFontSubstitutions = self::FONTS_TIMES_SUBSTITUTIONS; /** * Map of Minor (body) fonts to write. * * @var string[] */ private $minorFontSubstitutions = self::FONTS_ARIAL_SUBSTITUTIONS; public const FONTS_TIMES_SUBSTITUTIONS = [ 'Jpan' => 'MS Pゴシック', 'Hang' => '맑은 고딕', 'Hans' => '宋体', 'Hant' => '新細明體', 'Arab' => 'Times New Roman', 'Hebr' => 'Times New Roman', 'Thai' => 'Tahoma', 'Ethi' => 'Nyala', 'Beng' => 'Vrinda', 'Gujr' => 'Shruti', 'Khmr' => 'MoolBoran', 'Knda' => 'Tunga', 'Guru' => 'Raavi', 'Cans' => 'Euphemia', 'Cher' => 'Plantagenet Cherokee', 'Yiii' => 'Microsoft Yi Baiti', 'Tibt' => 'Microsoft Himalaya', 'Thaa' => 'MV Boli', 'Deva' => 'Mangal', 'Telu' => 'Gautami', 'Taml' => 'Latha', 'Syrc' => 'Estrangelo Edessa', 'Orya' => 'Kalinga', 'Mlym' => 'Kartika', 'Laoo' => 'DokChampa', 'Sinh' => 'Iskoola Pota', 'Mong' => 'Mongolian Baiti', 'Viet' => 'Times New Roman', 'Uigh' => 'Microsoft Uighur', 'Geor' => 'Sylfaen', ]; public const FONTS_ARIAL_SUBSTITUTIONS = [ 'Jpan' => 'MS Pゴシック', 'Hang' => '맑은 고딕', 'Hans' => '宋体', 'Hant' => '新細明體', 'Arab' => 'Arial', 'Hebr' => 'Arial', 'Thai' => 'Tahoma', 'Ethi' => 'Nyala', 'Beng' => 'Vrinda', 'Gujr' => 'Shruti', 'Khmr' => 'DaunPenh', 'Knda' => 'Tunga', 'Guru' => 'Raavi', 'Cans' => 'Euphemia', 'Cher' => 'Plantagenet Cherokee', 'Yiii' => 'Microsoft Yi Baiti', 'Tibt' => 'Microsoft Himalaya', 'Thaa' => 'MV Boli', 'Deva' => 'Mangal', 'Telu' => 'Gautami', 'Taml' => 'Latha', 'Syrc' => 'Estrangelo Edessa', 'Orya' => 'Kalinga', 'Mlym' => 'Kartika', 'Laoo' => 'DokChampa', 'Sinh' => 'Iskoola Pota', 'Mong' => 'Mongolian Baiti', 'Viet' => 'Arial', 'Uigh' => 'Microsoft Uighur', 'Geor' => 'Sylfaen', ]; public function getThemeColors(): array { return $this->themeColors; } public function setThemeColor(string $key, string $value): self { $this->themeColors[$key] = $value; return $this; } public function getThemeColorName(): string { return $this->themeColorName; } public function setThemeColorName(string $name, ?array $themeColors = null): self { $this->themeColorName = $name; if ($name === self::COLOR_SCHEME_2007_2010_NAME) { $themeColors = $themeColors ?? self::COLOR_SCHEME_2007_2010; } elseif ($name === self::COLOR_SCHEME_2013_PLUS_NAME) { $themeColors = $themeColors ?? self::COLOR_SCHEME_2013_PLUS; } if ($themeColors !== null) { $this->themeColors = $themeColors; } return $this; } public function getMajorFontLatin(): string { return $this->majorFontLatin; } public function getMajorFontEastAsian(): string { return $this->majorFontEastAsian; } public function getMajorFontComplexScript(): string { return $this->majorFontComplexScript; } public function getMajorFontSubstitutions(): array { return $this->majorFontSubstitutions; } /** @param null|array $substitutions */ public function setMajorFontValues(?string $latin, ?string $eastAsian, ?string $complexScript, $substitutions): self { if (!empty($latin)) { $this->majorFontLatin = $latin; } if ($eastAsian !== null) { $this->majorFontEastAsian = $eastAsian; } if ($complexScript !== null) { $this->majorFontComplexScript = $complexScript; } if ($substitutions !== null) { $this->majorFontSubstitutions = $substitutions; } return $this; } public function getMinorFontLatin(): string { return $this->minorFontLatin; } public function getMinorFontEastAsian(): string { return $this->minorFontEastAsian; } public function getMinorFontComplexScript(): string { return $this->minorFontComplexScript; } public function getMinorFontSubstitutions(): array { return $this->minorFontSubstitutions; } /** @param null|array $substitutions */ public function setMinorFontValues(?string $latin, ?string $eastAsian, ?string $complexScript, $substitutions): self { if (!empty($latin)) { $this->minorFontLatin = $latin; } if ($eastAsian !== null) { $this->minorFontEastAsian = $eastAsian; } if ($complexScript !== null) { $this->minorFontComplexScript = $complexScript; } if ($substitutions !== null) { $this->minorFontSubstitutions = $substitutions; } return $this; } public function getThemeFontName(): string { return $this->themeFontName; } public function setThemeFontName(?string $name): self { if (!empty($name)) { $this->themeFontName = $name; } return $this; } }