container = $container; } /** * @param WithChunkReading $import * @param Reader $reader * @param TemporaryFile $temporaryFile * @return \Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\PendingDispatch|null */ public function read(WithChunkReading $import, Reader $reader, TemporaryFile $temporaryFile) { if ($import instanceof WithEvents && isset($import->registerEvents()[BeforeImport::class])) { $reader->beforeImport($import); } $chunkSize = $import->chunkSize(); $totalRows = $reader->getTotalRows(); $worksheets = $reader->getWorksheets($import); $queue = property_exists($import, 'queue') ? $import->queue : null; $delayCleanup = property_exists($import, 'delayCleanup') ? $import->delayCleanup : 600; if ($import instanceof WithProgressBar) { $import->getConsoleOutput()->progressStart(array_sum($totalRows)); } $jobs = new Collection(); foreach ($worksheets as $name => $sheetImport) { $startRow = HeadingRowExtractor::determineStartRow($sheetImport); if ($sheetImport instanceof WithLimit) { $limit = $sheetImport->limit(); if ($limit <= $totalRows[$name]) { $totalRows[$name] = $sheetImport->limit(); } } for ($currentRow = $startRow; $currentRow <= $totalRows[$name]; $currentRow += $chunkSize) { $jobs->push(new ReadChunk( $import, $reader->getPhpSpreadsheetReader(), $temporaryFile, $name, $sheetImport, $currentRow, $chunkSize )); } } $afterImportJob = new AfterImportJob($import, $reader); if ($import instanceof ShouldQueueWithoutChain) { $jobs->push($afterImportJob->delay($delayCleanup)); return $jobs->each(function ($job) use ($queue) { dispatch($job->onQueue($queue)); }); } $jobs->push($afterImportJob); if ($import instanceof ShouldQueue) { return new PendingDispatch( (new QueueImport($import))->chain($jobs->toArray()) ); } $jobs->each(function ($job) { try { function_exists('dispatch_now') ? dispatch_now($job) : $this->dispatchNow($job); } catch (Throwable $e) { if (method_exists($job, 'failed')) { $job->failed($e); } throw $e; } }); if ($import instanceof WithProgressBar) { $import->getConsoleOutput()->progressFinish(); } unset($jobs); return null; } /** * Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process without using the synchronous queue. * * @param object $command * @param mixed $handler * @return mixed */ protected function dispatchNow($command, $handler = null) { $uses = class_uses_recursive($command); if (in_array(InteractsWithQueue::class, $uses) && in_array(Queueable::class, $uses) && !$command->job ) { $command->setJob(new SyncJob($this->container, json_encode([]), 'sync', 'sync')); } $method = method_exists($command, 'handle') ? 'handle' : '__invoke'; return $this->container->call([$command, $method]); } }