Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2177 #bags: [] }
\"User Login\"
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App\\Models\\Admin\\Currency {#1869 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #appends: array:5 [ 0 => \"both\" 1 => \"senderCurrency\" 2 => \"receiverCurrency\" 3 => \"editData\" 4 => \"currencyImage\" ] #casts: array:10 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"country\" => \"string\" \"name\" => \"string\" \"code\" => \"string\" \"flag\" => \"string\" \"rate\" => \"double\" \"sender\" => \"integer\" \"receiver\" => \"integer\" \"default\" => \"integer\" \"status\" => \"integer\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-08-21 14:55:50\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-08-21 14:55:50\" ] #original: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-08-21 14:55:50\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-08-21 14:55:50\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
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Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2206 #bags: [] }
\"Automatic Money Out Edit\"
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App\\Models\\Admin\\Currency {#1869 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #appends: array:5 [ 0 => \"both\" 1 => \"senderCurrency\" 2 => \"receiverCurrency\" 3 => \"editData\" 4 => \"currencyImage\" ] #casts: array:10 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"country\" => \"string\" \"name\" => \"string\" \"code\" => \"string\" \"flag\" => \"string\" \"rate\" => \"double\" \"sender\" => \"integer\" \"receiver\" => \"integer\" \"default\" => \"integer\" \"status\" => \"integer\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-08-22 11:31:23\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-08-22 11:31:23\" ] #original: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-08-22 11:31:23\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-08-22 11:31:23\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2074 #bags: [] }
Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2084 #bags: [] }
Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2072 #bags: [] }
\"Money Transfer with QR Code\"
Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2083 #bags: [] }
App\\Models\\Admin\\BasicSettings {#1604 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #casts: array:7 [ \"mail_config\" => \"object\" \"firebase_config\" => \"object\" \"push_notification_config\" => \"object\" \"broadcast_config\" => \"object\" \"email_verification\" => \"boolean\" \"email_notification\" => \"boolean\" \"kyc_verification\" => \"boolean\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"basic_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:32 [ \"id\" => 1 \"site_name\" => \"QRPAY\" \"site_title\" => \"Money Transfer with QR Code\" \"base_color\" => \"#0C56DB\" \"secondary_color\" => \"#000400\" \"otp_exp_seconds\" => 600 \"timezone\" => \"Asia/Dhaka\" \"user_registration\" => 1 \"secure_password\" => 0 \"agree_policy\" => 1 \"force_ssl\" => 0 \"email_verification\" => 1 \"sms_verification\" => 0 \"email_notification\" => 1 \"push_notification\" => 0 \"kyc_verification\" => 1 \"site_logo_dark\" => \"seeder/logo-white.png\" \"site_logo\" => \"seeder/logo-dark.png\" \"site_fav_dark\" => \"seeder/favicon-dark.png\" \"site_fav\" => \"seeder/favicon-white.png\" \"mail_config\" => \"{"method":"smtp","host":"","port":"465","encryption":"ssl","username":"","password":"QP2fsLk?80Ac","from":"","app_name":"QRPAY"}\" \"firebase_config\" => null \"mail_activity\" => null \"push_notification_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","instance_id":"809313fc-1f5c-4d0b-90bc-1c6751b83bbd","primary_key":"58C901DC107584D2F1B78E6077889F1C591E2BC39E9F5C00B4362EC9C642F03F"}\" \"push_notification_activity\" => null \"broadcast_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","app_id":"1539602","primary_key":"39079c30de823f783dbe","secret_key":"78b81e5e7e0357aee3df","cluster":"ap2"}\" \"broadcast_activity\" => null \"sms_config\" => null \"sms_activity\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-08-23 18:31:46\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-08-23 18:31:46\" \"web_version\" => \"2.2.0\" ] #original: array:32 [ \"id\" => 1 \"site_name\" => \"QRPAY\" \"site_title\" => \"Money Transfer with QR Code\" \"base_color\" => \"#0C56DB\" \"secondary_color\" => \"#000400\" \"otp_exp_seconds\" => 600 \"timezone\" => \"Asia/Dhaka\" \"user_registration\" => 1 \"secure_password\" => 0 \"agree_policy\" => 1 \"force_ssl\" => 0 \"email_verification\" => 1 \"sms_verification\" => 0 \"email_notification\" => 1 \"push_notification\" => 0 \"kyc_verification\" => 1 \"site_logo_dark\" => \"seeder/logo-white.png\" \"site_logo\" => \"seeder/logo-dark.png\" \"site_fav_dark\" => \"seeder/favicon-dark.png\" \"site_fav\" => \"seeder/favicon-white.png\" \"mail_config\" => \"{"method":"smtp","host":"","port":"465","encryption":"ssl","username":"","password":"QP2fsLk?80Ac","from":"","app_name":"QRPAY"}\" \"firebase_config\" => null \"mail_activity\" => null \"push_notification_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","instance_id":"809313fc-1f5c-4d0b-90bc-1c6751b83bbd","primary_key":"58C901DC107584D2F1B78E6077889F1C591E2BC39E9F5C00B4362EC9C642F03F"}\" \"push_notification_activity\" => null \"broadcast_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","app_id":"1539602","primary_key":"39079c30de823f783dbe","secret_key":"78b81e5e7e0357aee3df","cluster":"ap2"}\" \"broadcast_activity\" => null \"sms_config\" => null \"sms_activity\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-08-23 18:31:46\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-08-23 18:31:46\" \"web_version\" => \"2.2.0\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
App\\Models\\Admin\\Currency {#1874 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #appends: array:5 [ 0 => \"both\" 1 => \"senderCurrency\" 2 => \"receiverCurrency\" 3 => \"editData\" 4 => \"currencyImage\" ] #casts: array:10 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"country\" => \"string\" \"name\" => \"string\" \"code\" => \"string\" \"flag\" => \"string\" \"rate\" => \"double\" \"sender\" => \"integer\" \"receiver\" => \"integer\" \"default\" => \"integer\" \"status\" => \"integer\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-08-23 18:24:19\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-08-23 18:24:19\" ] #original: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-08-23 18:24:19\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-08-23 18:24:19\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#1860 #items: array:4 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1866 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:4 [ …4] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 1 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1867 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:4 [ …4] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 2 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1868 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:4 [ …4] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 3 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1869 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:4 [ …4] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#1875 #items: array:1 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Extension {#262 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:1 [ …1] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"extensions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:11 [ …11] #original: array:11 [ …11] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#1905 #items: array:13 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1907 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 1 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1908 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false 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#visible: [] #fillable: [] } 8 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1915 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 9 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1916 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false 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\"Overview Section\"
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Con solo un simple escaneo, puede enviar o recibir fondos en cuesti\\u00f3n de segundos, eliminando la necesidad de ingresar manualmente o los tediosos detalles de la cuenta."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0642\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621\\u062a\\u0647 \\u0622\\u0644\\u064a\\u064b\\u0627","heading":"\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0641\\u064a \\u062b\\u0627\\u0646\\u064a\\u0629","sub_heading":"\\u064a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0643 \\u062d\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0628\\u062a\\u0643\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u0627\\u0635 \\u0628\\u0646\\u0627 \\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0633\\u0631\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0623\\u0645\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0648\\u0632 QR. \\u0628\\u0645\\u062c\\u0631\\u062f \\u0645\\u0633\\u062d \\u0628\\u0633\\u064a\\u0637 \\u060c \\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646\\u0643 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062a\\u0644\\u0642\\u064a\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0641\\u064a \\u063a\\u0636\\u0648\\u0646 \\u062b\\u0648\\u0627\\u0646\\u064d \\u060c \\u0645\\u0645\\u0627 \\u064a\\u0644\\u063a\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0627\\u062c\\u0629 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u062f\\u062e\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u062f\\u0648\\u064a \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062a\\u0641\\u0627\\u0635\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0633\\u0627\\u0628 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0645\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Un code lisible par machine","heading":"Transf\\u00e9rez de l'argent avec le QRCode en une seconde.","sub_heading":"Notre solution de paiement innovante vous permet de transf\\u00e9rer de l'argent rapidement et en toute s\\u00e9curit\\u00e9 \\u00e0 l'aide de codes QR. 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Enjoy the flexibility of a virtual card, empowering you to make online purchases effortlessly. Experience efficient remittance services for swift and reliable money transfers. Simplify your financial transactions and embrace the convenience of our comprehensive suite of features.","button_name":"Contact Us","button_link":"contact"},"es":{"title":"Nuestras caracter\\u00edsticas clave","sub_title":"Transfiere dinero sin problemas y al instante usando c\\u00f3digos QR, lo que permite transacciones r\\u00e1pidas y sin complicaciones. Realiza pagos seguros con confianza, gracias a nuestro avanzado sistema de seguridad que resguarda tu informaci\\u00f3n financiera. Recargue convenientemente su dispositivo m\\u00f3vil para una conectividad ininterrumpida. Almacene y administre sus fondos de forma segura en una billetera m\\u00f3vil, lo que brinda f\\u00e1cil acceso y control sobre sus finanzas. 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Make secure payments with confidence, thanks to our advanced security system that safeguards your financial information. Conveniently top up your mobile device for uninterrupted connectivity. Store and manage your funds securely in a mobile wallet, providing easy access and control over your finances. Enjoy the flexibility of a virtual card, empowering you to make online purchases effortlessly. Experience efficient remittance services for swift and reliable money transfers. Simplify your financial transactions and embrace the convenience of our comprehensive suite of features.","button_name":"Contact Us","button_link":"contact"},"es":{"title":"Nuestras caracter\\u00edsticas clave","sub_title":"Transfiere dinero sin problemas y al instante usando c\\u00f3digos QR, lo que permite transacciones r\\u00e1pidas y sin complicaciones. Realiza pagos seguros con confianza, gracias a nuestro avanzado sistema de seguridad que resguarda tu informaci\\u00f3n financiera. Recargue convenientemente su dispositivo m\\u00f3vil para una conectividad ininterrumpida. Almacene y administre sus fondos de forma segura en una billetera m\\u00f3vil, lo que brinda f\\u00e1cil acceso y control sobre sus finanzas. Disfrute de la flexibilidad de una tarjeta virtual, que le permite realizar compras en l\\u00ednea sin esfuerzo. Experimente servicios de remesas eficientes para transferencias de dinero r\\u00e1pidas y confiables. Simplifique sus transacciones financieras y disfrute de la comodidad de nuestro completo conjunto de funciones.","button_name":"Contacta con nosotras","button_link":"contact"},"ar":{"title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u064a\\u0632\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0626\\u064a\\u0633\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0644\\u062f\\u064a\\u0646\\u0627","sub_title":"\\u0642\\u0645 \\u0628\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0633\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0628\\u0634\\u0643\\u0644 \\u0641\\u0648\\u0631\\u064a \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0648\\u0632 QR \\u060c \\u0645\\u0645\\u0627 \\u064a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u062e\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0627\\u0639\\u0628. \\u0642\\u0645 \\u0628\\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0645\\u062f\\u0641\\u0648\\u0639\\u0627\\u062a \\u0622\\u0645\\u0646\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0643\\u0644 \\u062b\\u0642\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0628\\u0641\\u0636\\u0644 \\u0646\\u0638\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0642\\u062f\\u0645 \\u0644\\u062f\\u064a\\u0646\\u0627 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0630\\u064a \\u064a\\u062d\\u0645\\u064a \\u0645\\u0639\\u0644\\u0648\\u0645\\u0627\\u062a\\u0643 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629. \\u0642\\u0645 \\u0628\\u062a\\u0639\\u0628\\u0626\\u0629 \\u062c\\u0647\\u0627\\u0632\\u0643 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0633\\u0647\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0644\\u062d\\u0635\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0627\\u062a\\u0635\\u0627\\u0644 \\u063a\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0642\\u0637\\u0639. \\u0642\\u0645 \\u0628\\u062a\\u062e\\u0632\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0648\\u0625\\u062f\\u0627\\u0631\\u0629 \\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0643 \\u0628\\u0623\\u0645\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0645\\u0645\\u0627 \\u064a\\u0648\\u0641\\u0631 \\u0633\\u0647\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0648\\u0635\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0643\\u0645 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0643. \\u062a\\u0645\\u062a\\u0639 \\u0628\\u0645\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0645\\u0645\\u0627 \\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0651\\u0646\\u0643 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0639\\u0645\\u0644\\u064a\\u0627\\u062a \\u0634\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u0646\\u062a\\u0631\\u0646\\u062a \\u062f\\u0648\\u0646 \\u0639\\u0646\\u0627\\u0621. \\u062c\\u0631\\u0628 \\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0627\\u062a \\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0641\\u0639\\u0627\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0645\\u0648\\u062b\\u0648\\u0642\\u0629. \\u0642\\u0645 \\u0628\\u062a\\u0628\\u0633\\u064a\\u0637 \\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a\\u0643 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0627\\u062d\\u062a\\u0636\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0627\\u062d\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u064a \\u062a\\u0648\\u0641\\u0631\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0645\\u062c\\u0645\\u0648\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u064a\\u0632\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0634\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0644\\u062f\\u064a\\u0646\\u0627.","button_name":"\\u0627\\u062a\\u0635\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0646\\u0627","button_link":"contact"},"fr":{"title":"Nos principales fonctionnalit\\u00e9s","sub_title":"Transf\\u00e9rez de l'argent de mani\\u00e8re transparente et instantan\\u00e9e \\u00e0 l'aide de codes QR, permettant des transactions rapides et sans tracas. Effectuez des paiements s\\u00e9curis\\u00e9s en toute confiance, gr\\u00e2ce \\u00e0 notre syst\\u00e8me de s\\u00e9curit\\u00e9 avanc\\u00e9 qui prot\\u00e8ge vos informations financi\\u00e8res. Rechargez facilement votre appareil mobile pour une connectivit\\u00e9 ininterrompue. Stockez et g\\u00e9rez vos fonds en toute s\\u00e9curit\\u00e9 dans un portefeuille mobile, offrant un acc\\u00e8s et un contr\\u00f4le faciles sur vos finances. Profitez de la flexibilit\\u00e9 d'une carte virtuelle, vous permettant d'effectuer des achats en ligne sans effort. B\\u00e9n\\u00e9ficiez de services de transfert de fonds efficaces pour des transferts d'argent rapides et fiables. Simplifiez vos transactions financi\\u00e8res et profitez de la commodit\\u00e9 de notre suite compl\\u00e8te de fonctionnalit\\u00e9s.","button_name":"Contactez-nous","button_link":"contact"}},"items":{"640ef71ad67e1":{"language":{"en":{"name":"QRCode Money Transfer"},"es":{"name":"Transferencia de dinero con c\\u00f3digo QR"},"ar":{"name":"QRCode \\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644"},"fr":{"name":"Transfert d'argent QRCode"}},"id":"640ef71ad67e1"},"640ef76a0daf7":{"language":{"en":{"name":"Make Payment"},"es":{"name":"Hacer el pago"},"ar":{"name":"\\u0642\\u0645 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0644\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639"},"fr":{"name":"Effectuer le paiement"}},"id":"640ef76a0daf7"},"640ef77f774d4":{"language":{"en":{"name":"Advanced Security System"},"es":{"name":"Sistema de seguridad avanzado"},"ar":{"name":"\\u0646\\u0638\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0623\\u0645\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0645\\u062a\\u0642\\u062f\\u0645"},"fr":{"name":"Syst\\u00e8me de s\\u00e9curit\\u00e9 avanc\\u00e9"}},"id":"640ef77f774d4"},"640ef789a7f63":{"language":{"en":{"name":"Mobile Top Up"},"es":{"name":"Recarga m\\u00f3vil"},"ar":{"name":"\\u062a\\u0639\\u0628\\u0626\\u0629 \\u0631\\u0635\\u064a\\u062f \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644"},"fr":{"name":"Recharge mobile"}},"id":"640ef789a7f63"},"640ef797ceb14":{"language":{"en":{"name":"Mobile Wallet"},"es":{"name":"Billetera m\\u00f3vil"},"ar":{"name":"\\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644"},"fr":{"name":"Portefeuille mobile"}},"id":"640ef797ceb14"},"640ef7a180d4d":{"language":{"en":{"name":"Virtual Card"},"es":{"name":"Tarjeta virtual"},"ar":{"name":"\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629"},"fr":{"name":"Carte virtuelle"}},"id":"640ef7a180d4d"},"6495f8d809500":{"language":{"en":{"name":"Remittance Solution"},"es":{"name":"Soluci\\u00f3n de remesas"},"ar":{"name":"\\u062d\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644"},"fr":{"name":"Solution de remise de fonds"}},"id":"6495f8d809500"},"6495f8efd13bf":{"language":{"en":{"name":"Realtime Statement"},"es":{"name":"Estado de cuenta en tiempo real"},"ar":{"name":"\\u0628\\u064a\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0648\\u0642\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0642\\u064a\\u0642\\u064a"},"fr":{"name":"Relev\\u00e9 en temps r\\u00e9el"}},"id":"6495f8efd13bf"}}}\" \"status\" => 1 \"serialize\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-03-13 10:00:25\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-02 14:59:31\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
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This is available in many countries and allows users to store, send and receive money using their electronic device like mobile phone, pc."},"es":{"title":"Enviar dinero","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"El dinero m\\u00f3vil es un servicio de billetera electr\\u00f3nica. Est\\u00e1 disponible en muchos pa\\u00edses y permite a los usuarios almacenar, enviar y recibir dinero usando su dispositivo electr\\u00f3nico como tel\\u00e9fono m\\u00f3vil, computadora."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0647\\u064a \\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u0629. \\u064a\\u062a\\u0648\\u0641\\u0631 \\u0647\\u0630\\u0627 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0639\\u062f\\u064a\\u062f \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u0644\\u062f\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0648\\u064a\\u0633\\u0645\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0628\\u062a\\u062e\\u0632\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0648\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u0642\\u0628\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0623\\u062c\\u0647\\u0632\\u062a\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0643\\u0645\\u0628\\u064a\\u0648\\u062a\\u0631."},"fr":{"title":"Envoyer de l'argent","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"L\\u2019argent mobile est un service de portefeuille \\u00e9lectronique. Ceci est disponible dans de nombreux pays et permet aux utilisateurs de stocker, d'envoyer et de recevoir de l'argent en utilisant leur appareil \\u00e9lectronique comme un t\\u00e9l\\u00e9phone mobile ou un ordinateur."}},"id":"64102f47c990a"},"64102ffae94b6":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Receive Money","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Receive Money is a term used to describe the process of accepting or collecting funds that have been sent or transferred to you by another party. This methods such as bank transfers."},"es":{"title":"Recibir dinero","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Recibir dinero es un t\\u00e9rmino que se utiliza para describir el proceso de aceptar o cobrar fondos que un tercero le ha enviado o transferido. Este m\\u00e9todos tales como transferencias bancarias."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0625\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0646\\u0642\\u0648\\u062f","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"\\u062a\\u0644\\u0642\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0647\\u0648 \\u0645\\u0635\\u0637\\u0644\\u062d \\u064a\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645 \\u0644\\u0648\\u0635\\u0641 \\u0639\\u0645\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0642\\u0628\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062c\\u0645\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u064a \\u062a\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0625\\u0644\\u064a\\u0643 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0642\\u0628\\u0644 \\u0637\\u0631\\u0641 \\u0622\\u062e\\u0631. \\u0647\\u0630\\u0647 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0637\\u0631\\u0642 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0635\\u0631\\u0641\\u064a\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Recevoir de l'argent","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Recevoir de l'argent est un terme utilis\\u00e9 pour d\\u00e9crire le processus d'acceptation ou de collecte de fonds qui vous ont \\u00e9t\\u00e9 envoy\\u00e9s ou transf\\u00e9r\\u00e9s par une autre partie. Ces m\\u00e9thodes telles que les virements bancaires."}},"id":"64102ffae94b6"},"641030458b919":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Remittance","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"Remittance refers to the act of sending money, often by someone living or working in one country, to a recipient in another country. Remittances can be sent through various methods."},"es":{"title":"Remesa","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"La remesa se refiere al acto de enviar dinero, a menudo por parte de alguien que vive o trabaja en un pa\\u00eds, a un destinatario en otro pa\\u00eds. Las remesas se pueden enviar a trav\\u00e9s de varios m\\u00e9todos."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"\\u062a\\u0634\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0639\\u0645\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u060c \\u063a\\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u064b\\u0627 \\u0628\\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u0637\\u0629 \\u0634\\u062e\\u0635 \\u064a\\u0639\\u064a\\u0634 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u064a\\u0639\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0628\\u0644\\u062f \\u0645\\u0627 \\u060c \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0628\\u0644\\u062f \\u0622\\u062e\\u0631. \\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0645\\u0646 \\u062e\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0637\\u0631\\u0642 \\u0645\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Remise","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"Les envois de fonds font r\\u00e9f\\u00e9rence \\u00e0 l'acte d'envoyer de l'argent, souvent par une personne vivant ou travaillant dans un pays, \\u00e0 un destinataire dans un autre pays. Les fonds peuvent \\u00eatre envoy\\u00e9s par diff\\u00e9rentes m\\u00e9thodes."}},"id":"641030458b919"},"641030b9166cd":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Bill Pay","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay is a service that allows individuals to pay their bills electronically through a financial institution or a payment platform. It is a convenient and efficient way to manage recurring bills."},"es":{"title":"Pago de facturas","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay es un servicio que permite a las personas pagar sus facturas electr\\u00f3nicamente a trav\\u00e9s de una instituci\\u00f3n financiera o una plataforma de pago. Es una forma conveniente y eficiente de administrar las facturas recurrentes."},"ar":{"title":"\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0641\\u0627\\u062a\\u0648\\u0631\\u0629","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay \\u0647\\u064a \\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u062a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0623\\u0641\\u0631\\u0627\\u062f \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0641\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u064a\\u0631\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u064b\\u0627 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u062e\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0645\\u0624\\u0633\\u0633\\u0629 \\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0635\\u0629 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639. \\u0625\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0637\\u0631\\u064a\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0645\\u0631\\u064a\\u062d\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0641\\u0639\\u0627\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0625\\u062f\\u0627\\u0631\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0641\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0643\\u0631\\u0631\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Payement de facture","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay est un service qui permet aux particuliers de payer leurs factures par voie \\u00e9lectronique via une institution financi\\u00e8re ou une plateforme de paiement. C'est un moyen pratique et efficace de g\\u00e9rer les factures r\\u00e9currentes."}},"id":"641030b9166cd"},"641030e80c10b":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Mobile TopUp","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Fees and processing times can vary depending on the service provider. but the service is generally fast and convenient for users who need to recharge their mobile phones quickly and easily."},"es":{"title":"Recarga m\\u00f3vil","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Las tarifas y los tiempos de procesamiento pueden variar seg\\u00fan el proveedor de servicios. pero el servicio es generalmente r\\u00e1pido y conveniente para los usuarios que necesitan recargar sus tel\\u00e9fonos m\\u00f3viles de forma r\\u00e1pida y sencilla."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0645\\u0648\\u0628\\u0627\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0634\\u062d\\u0646 \\u0631\\u0635\\u064a\\u062f\\u0643","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"\\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0623\\u0646 \\u062a\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0633\\u0648\\u0645 \\u0648\\u0623\\u0648\\u0642\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0644\\u062c\\u0629 \\u062d\\u0633\\u0628 \\u0645\\u0632\\u0648\\u062f \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629. \\u0644\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0634\\u0643\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0645\\u0631\\u064a\\u062d\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0630\\u064a\\u0646 \\u064a\\u062d\\u062a\\u0627\\u062c\\u0648\\u0646 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0625\\u0639\\u0627\\u062f\\u0629 \\u0634\\u062d\\u0646 \\u0647\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0633\\u0631\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0633\\u0647\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Recharge mobile","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Les frais et les d\\u00e9lais de traitement peuvent varier selon le fournisseur de services. mais le service est g\\u00e9n\\u00e9ralement rapide et pratique pour les utilisateurs qui ont besoin de recharger leur t\\u00e9l\\u00e9phone portable rapidement et facilement."}},"id":"641030e80c10b"},"6410312aa1ad8":{"language":{"en":{"title":"QR Code Support","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Essential for using QR codes for various purposes, such as making payments, accessing information, or completing transactions. the user may need to scan a QR code to initiate the transaction."},"es":{"title":"Soporte de c\\u00f3digo QR","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Esencial para usar c\\u00f3digos QR para diversos fines, como realizar pagos, acceder a informaci\\u00f3n o completar transacciones. el usuario puede necesitar escanear un c\\u00f3digo QR para iniciar la transacci\\u00f3n."},"ar":{"title":"\\u062f\\u0639\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"\\u0636\\u0631\\u0648\\u0631\\u064a \\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0648\\u0632 QR \\u0644\\u0623\\u063a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636 \\u0645\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062f\\u0641\\u0648\\u0639\\u0627\\u062a \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0648\\u0635\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0644\\u0648\\u0645\\u0627\\u062a \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0625\\u0643\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a. \\u0642\\u062f \\u064a\\u062d\\u062a\\u0627\\u062c \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062d \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0628\\u062f\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Prise en charge des codes QR","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Indispensable pour utiliser les codes QR \\u00e0 diverses fins, telles que effectuer des paiements, acc\\u00e9der \\u00e0 des informations ou effectuer des transactions. l'utilisateur devra peut-\\u00eatre scanner un code QR pour lancer la transaction."}},"id":"6410312aa1ad8"},"6495fc470d4b1":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Virtual card","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"Virtual card is a digital payment solution that allows you to make secure online transactions without using a physical card. It functions like a traditional debit or credit card, it exists only in the digital."},"es":{"title":"Tarjeta virtual","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"La tarjeta virtual es una soluci\\u00f3n de pago digital que le permite realizar transacciones en l\\u00ednea seguras sin usar una tarjeta f\\u00edsica. Funciona como una tarjeta de d\\u00e9bito o cr\\u00e9dito tradicional, solo existe en el digital."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0647\\u064a \\u062d\\u0644 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a \\u064a\\u0633\\u0645\\u062d \\u0644\\u0643 \\u0628\\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0622\\u0645\\u0646\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u0646\\u062a\\u0631\\u0646\\u062a \\u062f\\u0648\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0641\\u0639\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629. \\u0625\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u062a\\u0639\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u0635\\u0645 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0626\\u062a\\u0645\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u0642\\u0644\\u064a\\u062f\\u064a\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0641\\u0647\\u064a \\u0645\\u0648\\u062c\\u0648\\u062f\\u0629 \\u0641\\u0642\\u0637 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062c\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a."},"fr":{"title":"Carte virtuelle","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"La carte virtuelle est une solution de paiement num\\u00e9rique qui permet d'effectuer des transactions en ligne s\\u00e9curis\\u00e9es sans utiliser de carte physique. Elle fonctionne comme une carte de d\\u00e9bit ou de cr\\u00e9dit traditionnelle, elle n\\u2019existe que sous forme num\\u00e9rique."}},"id":"6495fc470d4b1"},"6495fcde2e394":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Mobile Wallet","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"A mobile wallet is a digital platform that allows users to store, manage, and transact with their money using a mobile device. It enables users to make payments, send and receive money."},"es":{"title":"Billetera m\\u00f3vil","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"Una billetera m\\u00f3vil es una plataforma digital que permite a los usuarios almacenar, administrar y realizar transacciones con su dinero utilizando un dispositivo m\\u00f3vil. Permite a los usuarios realizar pagos."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0646\\u0642\\u0644\\u0629","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0627\\u0631\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0646 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0635\\u0629 \\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a\\u0629 \\u062a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u062a\\u062e\\u0632\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0648\\u0625\\u062f\\u0627\\u0631\\u062a\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u062c\\u0647\\u0627\\u0632 \\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644. \\u0623\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u062a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639\\u0627\\u062a \\u0648\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644."},"fr":{"title":"Portefeuille mobile","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"Un portefeuille mobile est une plate-forme num\\u00e9rique qui permet aux utilisateurs de stocker, g\\u00e9rer et effectuer des transactions avec leur argent \\u00e0 l'aide d'un appareil mobile. Il permet aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des paiements, d'envoyer et de recevoir de l'argent."}},"id":"6495fcde2e394"}}}\" \"status\" => 1 \"serialize\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-03-14 08:16:22\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-02 15:51:24\" ] #original: array:7 [ \"id\" => 6 \"key\" => \"service-section\" \"value\" => \"{"language":{"en":{"heading":"Service Provide","sub_heading":"Our Supported Services.","details":"QR code money transfer is a payment system that allows users to make transactions by scanning a QR code using their mobile device."},"es":{"heading":"Servicio proporciona","sub_heading":"Nuestros servicios admitidos.","details":"La transferencia de dinero con c\\u00f3digo QR es un sistema de pago que permite a los usuarios realizar transacciones escaneando un c\\u00f3digo QR con su dispositivo m\\u00f3vil."},"ar":{"heading":"\\u062a\\u0642\\u062f\\u064a\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629","sub_heading":"\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0627\\u062a\\u0646\\u0627 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062f\\u0639\\u0648\\u0645\\u0629.","details":"\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0647\\u0648 \\u0646\\u0638\\u0627\\u0645 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u064a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0639\\u0646 \\u0637\\u0631\\u064a\\u0642 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062d \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0623\\u062c\\u0647\\u0632\\u062a\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"heading":"Fournir des services","sub_heading":"Nos services pris en charge.","details":"Le transfert d'argent par code QR est un syst\\u00e8me de paiement qui permet aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des transactions en scannant un code QR \\u00e0 l'aide de leur appareil mobile."}},"items":{"64102f47c990a":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Send Money","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"Mobile money is an electronic wallet service. This is available in many countries and allows users to store, send and receive money using their electronic device like mobile phone, pc."},"es":{"title":"Enviar dinero","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"El dinero m\\u00f3vil es un servicio de billetera electr\\u00f3nica. Est\\u00e1 disponible en muchos pa\\u00edses y permite a los usuarios almacenar, enviar y recibir dinero usando su dispositivo electr\\u00f3nico como tel\\u00e9fono m\\u00f3vil, computadora."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0647\\u064a \\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u0629. \\u064a\\u062a\\u0648\\u0641\\u0631 \\u0647\\u0630\\u0627 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0639\\u062f\\u064a\\u062f \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u0644\\u062f\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0648\\u064a\\u0633\\u0645\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0628\\u062a\\u062e\\u0632\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0648\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u0642\\u0628\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0623\\u062c\\u0647\\u0632\\u062a\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0643\\u0645\\u0628\\u064a\\u0648\\u062a\\u0631."},"fr":{"title":"Envoyer de l'argent","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"L\\u2019argent mobile est un service de portefeuille \\u00e9lectronique. Ceci est disponible dans de nombreux pays et permet aux utilisateurs de stocker, d'envoyer et de recevoir de l'argent en utilisant leur appareil \\u00e9lectronique comme un t\\u00e9l\\u00e9phone mobile ou un ordinateur."}},"id":"64102f47c990a"},"64102ffae94b6":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Receive Money","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Receive Money is a term used to describe the process of accepting or collecting funds that have been sent or transferred to you by another party. This methods such as bank transfers."},"es":{"title":"Recibir dinero","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Recibir dinero es un t\\u00e9rmino que se utiliza para describir el proceso de aceptar o cobrar fondos que un tercero le ha enviado o transferido. Este m\\u00e9todos tales como transferencias bancarias."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0625\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0646\\u0642\\u0648\\u062f","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"\\u062a\\u0644\\u0642\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0647\\u0648 \\u0645\\u0635\\u0637\\u0644\\u062d \\u064a\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645 \\u0644\\u0648\\u0635\\u0641 \\u0639\\u0645\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0642\\u0628\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062c\\u0645\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u064a \\u062a\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0625\\u0644\\u064a\\u0643 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0642\\u0628\\u0644 \\u0637\\u0631\\u0641 \\u0622\\u062e\\u0631. \\u0647\\u0630\\u0647 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0637\\u0631\\u0642 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0635\\u0631\\u0641\\u064a\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Recevoir de l'argent","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Recevoir de l'argent est un terme utilis\\u00e9 pour d\\u00e9crire le processus d'acceptation ou de collecte de fonds qui vous ont \\u00e9t\\u00e9 envoy\\u00e9s ou transf\\u00e9r\\u00e9s par une autre partie. Ces m\\u00e9thodes telles que les virements bancaires."}},"id":"64102ffae94b6"},"641030458b919":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Remittance","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"Remittance refers to the act of sending money, often by someone living or working in one country, to a recipient in another country. Remittances can be sent through various methods."},"es":{"title":"Remesa","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"La remesa se refiere al acto de enviar dinero, a menudo por parte de alguien que vive o trabaja en un pa\\u00eds, a un destinatario en otro pa\\u00eds. Las remesas se pueden enviar a trav\\u00e9s de varios m\\u00e9todos."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"\\u062a\\u0634\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0639\\u0645\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u060c \\u063a\\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u064b\\u0627 \\u0628\\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u0637\\u0629 \\u0634\\u062e\\u0635 \\u064a\\u0639\\u064a\\u0634 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u064a\\u0639\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0628\\u0644\\u062f \\u0645\\u0627 \\u060c \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0628\\u0644\\u062f \\u0622\\u062e\\u0631. \\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0645\\u0646 \\u062e\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0637\\u0631\\u0642 \\u0645\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Remise","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"Les envois de fonds font r\\u00e9f\\u00e9rence \\u00e0 l'acte d'envoyer de l'argent, souvent par une personne vivant ou travaillant dans un pays, \\u00e0 un destinataire dans un autre pays. Les fonds peuvent \\u00eatre envoy\\u00e9s par diff\\u00e9rentes m\\u00e9thodes."}},"id":"641030458b919"},"641030b9166cd":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Bill Pay","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay is a service that allows individuals to pay their bills electronically through a financial institution or a payment platform. It is a convenient and efficient way to manage recurring bills."},"es":{"title":"Pago de facturas","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay es un servicio que permite a las personas pagar sus facturas electr\\u00f3nicamente a trav\\u00e9s de una instituci\\u00f3n financiera o una plataforma de pago. Es una forma conveniente y eficiente de administrar las facturas recurrentes."},"ar":{"title":"\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0641\\u0627\\u062a\\u0648\\u0631\\u0629","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay \\u0647\\u064a \\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u062a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0623\\u0641\\u0631\\u0627\\u062f \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0641\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u064a\\u0631\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u064b\\u0627 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u062e\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0645\\u0624\\u0633\\u0633\\u0629 \\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0635\\u0629 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639. \\u0625\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0637\\u0631\\u064a\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0645\\u0631\\u064a\\u062d\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0641\\u0639\\u0627\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0625\\u062f\\u0627\\u0631\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0641\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0643\\u0631\\u0631\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Payement de facture","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay est un service qui permet aux particuliers de payer leurs factures par voie \\u00e9lectronique via une institution financi\\u00e8re ou une plateforme de paiement. C'est un moyen pratique et efficace de g\\u00e9rer les factures r\\u00e9currentes."}},"id":"641030b9166cd"},"641030e80c10b":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Mobile TopUp","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Fees and processing times can vary depending on the service provider. but the service is generally fast and convenient for users who need to recharge their mobile phones quickly and easily."},"es":{"title":"Recarga m\\u00f3vil","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Las tarifas y los tiempos de procesamiento pueden variar seg\\u00fan el proveedor de servicios. pero el servicio es generalmente r\\u00e1pido y conveniente para los usuarios que necesitan recargar sus tel\\u00e9fonos m\\u00f3viles de forma r\\u00e1pida y sencilla."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0645\\u0648\\u0628\\u0627\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0634\\u062d\\u0646 \\u0631\\u0635\\u064a\\u062f\\u0643","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"\\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0623\\u0646 \\u062a\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0633\\u0648\\u0645 \\u0648\\u0623\\u0648\\u0642\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0644\\u062c\\u0629 \\u062d\\u0633\\u0628 \\u0645\\u0632\\u0648\\u062f \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629. \\u0644\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0634\\u0643\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0645\\u0631\\u064a\\u062d\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0630\\u064a\\u0646 \\u064a\\u062d\\u062a\\u0627\\u062c\\u0648\\u0646 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0625\\u0639\\u0627\\u062f\\u0629 \\u0634\\u062d\\u0646 \\u0647\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0633\\u0631\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0633\\u0647\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Recharge mobile","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Les frais et les d\\u00e9lais de traitement peuvent varier selon le fournisseur de services. mais le service est g\\u00e9n\\u00e9ralement rapide et pratique pour les utilisateurs qui ont besoin de recharger leur t\\u00e9l\\u00e9phone portable rapidement et facilement."}},"id":"641030e80c10b"},"6410312aa1ad8":{"language":{"en":{"title":"QR Code Support","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Essential for using QR codes for various purposes, such as making payments, accessing information, or completing transactions. the user may need to scan a QR code to initiate the transaction."},"es":{"title":"Soporte de c\\u00f3digo QR","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Esencial para usar c\\u00f3digos QR para diversos fines, como realizar pagos, acceder a informaci\\u00f3n o completar transacciones. el usuario puede necesitar escanear un c\\u00f3digo QR para iniciar la transacci\\u00f3n."},"ar":{"title":"\\u062f\\u0639\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"\\u0636\\u0631\\u0648\\u0631\\u064a \\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0648\\u0632 QR \\u0644\\u0623\\u063a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636 \\u0645\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062f\\u0641\\u0648\\u0639\\u0627\\u062a \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0648\\u0635\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0644\\u0648\\u0645\\u0627\\u062a \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0625\\u0643\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a. \\u0642\\u062f \\u064a\\u062d\\u062a\\u0627\\u062c \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062d \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0628\\u062f\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Prise en charge des codes QR","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Indispensable pour utiliser les codes QR \\u00e0 diverses fins, telles que effectuer des paiements, acc\\u00e9der \\u00e0 des informations ou effectuer des transactions. l'utilisateur devra peut-\\u00eatre scanner un code QR pour lancer la transaction."}},"id":"6410312aa1ad8"},"6495fc470d4b1":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Virtual card","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"Virtual card is a digital payment solution that allows you to make secure online transactions without using a physical card. It functions like a traditional debit or credit card, it exists only in the digital."},"es":{"title":"Tarjeta virtual","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"La tarjeta virtual es una soluci\\u00f3n de pago digital que le permite realizar transacciones en l\\u00ednea seguras sin usar una tarjeta f\\u00edsica. Funciona como una tarjeta de d\\u00e9bito o cr\\u00e9dito tradicional, solo existe en el digital."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0647\\u064a \\u062d\\u0644 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a \\u064a\\u0633\\u0645\\u062d \\u0644\\u0643 \\u0628\\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0622\\u0645\\u0646\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u0646\\u062a\\u0631\\u0646\\u062a \\u062f\\u0648\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0641\\u0639\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629. \\u0625\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u062a\\u0639\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u0635\\u0645 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0626\\u062a\\u0645\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u0642\\u0644\\u064a\\u062f\\u064a\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0641\\u0647\\u064a \\u0645\\u0648\\u062c\\u0648\\u062f\\u0629 \\u0641\\u0642\\u0637 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062c\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a."},"fr":{"title":"Carte virtuelle","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"La carte virtuelle est une solution de paiement num\\u00e9rique qui permet d'effectuer des transactions en ligne s\\u00e9curis\\u00e9es sans utiliser de carte physique. Elle fonctionne comme une carte de d\\u00e9bit ou de cr\\u00e9dit traditionnelle, elle n\\u2019existe que sous forme num\\u00e9rique."}},"id":"6495fc470d4b1"},"6495fcde2e394":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Mobile Wallet","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"A mobile wallet is a digital platform that allows users to store, manage, and transact with their money using a mobile device. It enables users to make payments, send and receive money."},"es":{"title":"Billetera m\\u00f3vil","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"Una billetera m\\u00f3vil es una plataforma digital que permite a los usuarios almacenar, administrar y realizar transacciones con su dinero utilizando un dispositivo m\\u00f3vil. Permite a los usuarios realizar pagos."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0646\\u0642\\u0644\\u0629","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0627\\u0631\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0646 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0635\\u0629 \\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a\\u0629 \\u062a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u062a\\u062e\\u0632\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0648\\u0625\\u062f\\u0627\\u0631\\u062a\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u062c\\u0647\\u0627\\u0632 \\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644. \\u0623\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u062a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639\\u0627\\u062a \\u0648\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644."},"fr":{"title":"Portefeuille mobile","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"Un portefeuille mobile est une plate-forme num\\u00e9rique qui permet aux utilisateurs de stocker, g\\u00e9rer et effectuer des transactions avec leur argent \\u00e0 l'aide d'un appareil mobile. Il permet aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des paiements, d'envoyer et de recevoir de l'argent."}},"id":"6495fcde2e394"}}}\" \"status\" => 1 \"serialize\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-03-14 08:16:22\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-02 15:51:24\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
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Effectuez des paiements s\\u00e9curis\\u00e9s en toute confiance, gr\\u00e2ce \\u00e0 notre syst\\u00e8me de s\\u00e9curit\\u00e9 avanc\\u00e9 qui prot\\u00e8ge vos informations financi\\u00e8res. Rechargez facilement votre appareil mobile pour une connectivit\\u00e9 ininterrompue. Stockez et g\\u00e9rez vos fonds en toute s\\u00e9curit\\u00e9 dans un portefeuille mobile, offrant un acc\\u00e8s et un contr\\u00f4le faciles sur vos finances. Profitez de la flexibilit\\u00e9 d'une carte virtuelle, vous permettant d'effectuer des achats en ligne sans effort. B\\u00e9n\\u00e9ficiez de services de transfert de fonds efficaces pour des transferts d'argent rapides et fiables. 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This is available in many countries and allows users to store, send and receive money using their electronic device like mobile phone, pc."},"es":{"title":"Enviar dinero","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"El dinero m\\u00f3vil es un servicio de billetera electr\\u00f3nica. Est\\u00e1 disponible en muchos pa\\u00edses y permite a los usuarios almacenar, enviar y recibir dinero usando su dispositivo electr\\u00f3nico como tel\\u00e9fono m\\u00f3vil, computadora."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0647\\u064a \\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u0629. \\u064a\\u062a\\u0648\\u0641\\u0631 \\u0647\\u0630\\u0627 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0639\\u062f\\u064a\\u062f \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u0644\\u062f\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0648\\u064a\\u0633\\u0645\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0628\\u062a\\u062e\\u0632\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0648\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u0642\\u0628\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0623\\u062c\\u0647\\u0632\\u062a\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0643\\u0645\\u0628\\u064a\\u0648\\u062a\\u0631."},"fr":{"title":"Envoyer de l'argent","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"L\\u2019argent mobile est un service de portefeuille \\u00e9lectronique. Ceci est disponible dans de nombreux pays et permet aux utilisateurs de stocker, d'envoyer et de recevoir de l'argent en utilisant leur appareil \\u00e9lectronique comme un t\\u00e9l\\u00e9phone mobile ou un ordinateur."}},"id":"64102f47c990a"},"64102ffae94b6":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Receive Money","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Receive Money is a term used to describe the process of accepting or collecting funds that have been sent or transferred to you by another party. This methods such as bank transfers."},"es":{"title":"Recibir dinero","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Recibir dinero es un t\\u00e9rmino que se utiliza para describir el proceso de aceptar o cobrar fondos que un tercero le ha enviado o transferido. Este m\\u00e9todos tales como transferencias bancarias."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0625\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0646\\u0642\\u0648\\u062f","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"\\u062a\\u0644\\u0642\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0647\\u0648 \\u0645\\u0635\\u0637\\u0644\\u062d \\u064a\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645 \\u0644\\u0648\\u0635\\u0641 \\u0639\\u0645\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0642\\u0628\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062c\\u0645\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u064a \\u062a\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0625\\u0644\\u064a\\u0643 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0642\\u0628\\u0644 \\u0637\\u0631\\u0641 \\u0622\\u062e\\u0631. \\u0647\\u0630\\u0647 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0637\\u0631\\u0642 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0635\\u0631\\u0641\\u064a\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Recevoir de l'argent","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Recevoir de l'argent est un terme utilis\\u00e9 pour d\\u00e9crire le processus d'acceptation ou de collecte de fonds qui vous ont \\u00e9t\\u00e9 envoy\\u00e9s ou transf\\u00e9r\\u00e9s par une autre partie. Ces m\\u00e9thodes telles que les virements bancaires."}},"id":"64102ffae94b6"},"641030458b919":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Remittance","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"Remittance refers to the act of sending money, often by someone living or working in one country, to a recipient in another country. Remittances can be sent through various methods."},"es":{"title":"Remesa","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"La remesa se refiere al acto de enviar dinero, a menudo por parte de alguien que vive o trabaja en un pa\\u00eds, a un destinatario en otro pa\\u00eds. Las remesas se pueden enviar a trav\\u00e9s de varios m\\u00e9todos."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"\\u062a\\u0634\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0639\\u0645\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u060c \\u063a\\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u064b\\u0627 \\u0628\\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u0637\\u0629 \\u0634\\u062e\\u0635 \\u064a\\u0639\\u064a\\u0634 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u064a\\u0639\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0628\\u0644\\u062f \\u0645\\u0627 \\u060c \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0628\\u0644\\u062f \\u0622\\u062e\\u0631. \\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0645\\u0646 \\u062e\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0637\\u0631\\u0642 \\u0645\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Remise","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"Les envois de fonds font r\\u00e9f\\u00e9rence \\u00e0 l'acte d'envoyer de l'argent, souvent par une personne vivant ou travaillant dans un pays, \\u00e0 un destinataire dans un autre pays. Les fonds peuvent \\u00eatre envoy\\u00e9s par diff\\u00e9rentes m\\u00e9thodes."}},"id":"641030458b919"},"641030b9166cd":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Bill Pay","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay is a service that allows individuals to pay their bills electronically through a financial institution or a payment platform. It is a convenient and efficient way to manage recurring bills."},"es":{"title":"Pago de facturas","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay es un servicio que permite a las personas pagar sus facturas electr\\u00f3nicamente a trav\\u00e9s de una instituci\\u00f3n financiera o una plataforma de pago. Es una forma conveniente y eficiente de administrar las facturas recurrentes."},"ar":{"title":"\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0641\\u0627\\u062a\\u0648\\u0631\\u0629","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay \\u0647\\u064a \\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u062a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0623\\u0641\\u0631\\u0627\\u062f \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0641\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u064a\\u0631\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u064b\\u0627 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u062e\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0645\\u0624\\u0633\\u0633\\u0629 \\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0635\\u0629 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639. \\u0625\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0637\\u0631\\u064a\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0645\\u0631\\u064a\\u062d\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0641\\u0639\\u0627\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0625\\u062f\\u0627\\u0631\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0641\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0643\\u0631\\u0631\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Payement de facture","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay est un service qui permet aux particuliers de payer leurs factures par voie \\u00e9lectronique via une institution financi\\u00e8re ou une plateforme de paiement. C'est un moyen pratique et efficace de g\\u00e9rer les factures r\\u00e9currentes."}},"id":"641030b9166cd"},"641030e80c10b":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Mobile TopUp","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Fees and processing times can vary depending on the service provider. but the service is generally fast and convenient for users who need to recharge their mobile phones quickly and easily."},"es":{"title":"Recarga m\\u00f3vil","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Las tarifas y los tiempos de procesamiento pueden variar seg\\u00fan el proveedor de servicios. pero el servicio es generalmente r\\u00e1pido y conveniente para los usuarios que necesitan recargar sus tel\\u00e9fonos m\\u00f3viles de forma r\\u00e1pida y sencilla."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0645\\u0648\\u0628\\u0627\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0634\\u062d\\u0646 \\u0631\\u0635\\u064a\\u062f\\u0643","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"\\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0623\\u0646 \\u062a\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0633\\u0648\\u0645 \\u0648\\u0623\\u0648\\u0642\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0644\\u062c\\u0629 \\u062d\\u0633\\u0628 \\u0645\\u0632\\u0648\\u062f \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629. \\u0644\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0634\\u0643\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0645\\u0631\\u064a\\u062d\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0630\\u064a\\u0646 \\u064a\\u062d\\u062a\\u0627\\u062c\\u0648\\u0646 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0625\\u0639\\u0627\\u062f\\u0629 \\u0634\\u062d\\u0646 \\u0647\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0633\\u0631\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0633\\u0647\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Recharge mobile","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Les frais et les d\\u00e9lais de traitement peuvent varier selon le fournisseur de services. mais le service est g\\u00e9n\\u00e9ralement rapide et pratique pour les utilisateurs qui ont besoin de recharger leur t\\u00e9l\\u00e9phone portable rapidement et facilement."}},"id":"641030e80c10b"},"6410312aa1ad8":{"language":{"en":{"title":"QR Code Support","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Essential for using QR codes for various purposes, such as making payments, accessing information, or completing transactions. the user may need to scan a QR code to initiate the transaction."},"es":{"title":"Soporte de c\\u00f3digo QR","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Esencial para usar c\\u00f3digos QR para diversos fines, como realizar pagos, acceder a informaci\\u00f3n o completar transacciones. el usuario puede necesitar escanear un c\\u00f3digo QR para iniciar la transacci\\u00f3n."},"ar":{"title":"\\u062f\\u0639\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"\\u0636\\u0631\\u0648\\u0631\\u064a \\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0648\\u0632 QR \\u0644\\u0623\\u063a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636 \\u0645\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062f\\u0641\\u0648\\u0639\\u0627\\u062a \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0648\\u0635\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0644\\u0648\\u0645\\u0627\\u062a \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0625\\u0643\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a. \\u0642\\u062f \\u064a\\u062d\\u062a\\u0627\\u062c \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062d \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0628\\u062f\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Prise en charge des codes QR","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Indispensable pour utiliser les codes QR \\u00e0 diverses fins, telles que effectuer des paiements, acc\\u00e9der \\u00e0 des informations ou effectuer des transactions. l'utilisateur devra peut-\\u00eatre scanner un code QR pour lancer la transaction."}},"id":"6410312aa1ad8"},"6495fc470d4b1":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Virtual card","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"Virtual card is a digital payment solution that allows you to make secure online transactions without using a physical card. It functions like a traditional debit or credit card, it exists only in the digital."},"es":{"title":"Tarjeta virtual","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"La tarjeta virtual es una soluci\\u00f3n de pago digital que le permite realizar transacciones en l\\u00ednea seguras sin usar una tarjeta f\\u00edsica. Funciona como una tarjeta de d\\u00e9bito o cr\\u00e9dito tradicional, solo existe en el digital."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0647\\u064a \\u062d\\u0644 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a \\u064a\\u0633\\u0645\\u062d \\u0644\\u0643 \\u0628\\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0622\\u0645\\u0646\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u0646\\u062a\\u0631\\u0646\\u062a \\u062f\\u0648\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0641\\u0639\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629. \\u0625\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u062a\\u0639\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u0635\\u0645 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0626\\u062a\\u0645\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u0642\\u0644\\u064a\\u062f\\u064a\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0641\\u0647\\u064a \\u0645\\u0648\\u062c\\u0648\\u062f\\u0629 \\u0641\\u0642\\u0637 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062c\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a."},"fr":{"title":"Carte virtuelle","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"La carte virtuelle est une solution de paiement num\\u00e9rique qui permet d'effectuer des transactions en ligne s\\u00e9curis\\u00e9es sans utiliser de carte physique. Elle fonctionne comme une carte de d\\u00e9bit ou de cr\\u00e9dit traditionnelle, elle n\\u2019existe que sous forme num\\u00e9rique."}},"id":"6495fc470d4b1"},"6495fcde2e394":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Mobile Wallet","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"A mobile wallet is a digital platform that allows users to store, manage, and transact with their money using a mobile device. It enables users to make payments, send and receive money."},"es":{"title":"Billetera m\\u00f3vil","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"Una billetera m\\u00f3vil es una plataforma digital que permite a los usuarios almacenar, administrar y realizar transacciones con su dinero utilizando un dispositivo m\\u00f3vil. Permite a los usuarios realizar pagos."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0646\\u0642\\u0644\\u0629","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0627\\u0631\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0646 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0635\\u0629 \\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a\\u0629 \\u062a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u062a\\u062e\\u0632\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0648\\u0625\\u062f\\u0627\\u0631\\u062a\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u062c\\u0647\\u0627\\u0632 \\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644. \\u0623\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u062a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639\\u0627\\u062a \\u0648\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644."},"fr":{"title":"Portefeuille mobile","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"Un portefeuille mobile est une plate-forme num\\u00e9rique qui permet aux utilisateurs de stocker, g\\u00e9rer et effectuer des transactions avec leur argent \\u00e0 l'aide d'un appareil mobile. Il permet aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des paiements, d'envoyer et de recevoir de l'argent."}},"id":"6495fcde2e394"}}}\" \"status\" => 1 \"serialize\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-03-14 08:16:22\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-02 15:51:24\" ] #original: array:7 [ \"id\" => 6 \"key\" => \"service-section\" \"value\" => \"{"language":{"en":{"heading":"Service Provide","sub_heading":"Our Supported Services.","details":"QR code money transfer is a payment system that allows users to make transactions by scanning a QR code using their mobile device."},"es":{"heading":"Servicio proporciona","sub_heading":"Nuestros servicios admitidos.","details":"La transferencia de dinero con c\\u00f3digo QR es un sistema de pago que permite a los usuarios realizar transacciones escaneando un c\\u00f3digo QR con su dispositivo m\\u00f3vil."},"ar":{"heading":"\\u062a\\u0642\\u062f\\u064a\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629","sub_heading":"\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0627\\u062a\\u0646\\u0627 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062f\\u0639\\u0648\\u0645\\u0629.","details":"\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0647\\u0648 \\u0646\\u0638\\u0627\\u0645 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u064a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0639\\u0646 \\u0637\\u0631\\u064a\\u0642 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062d \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0623\\u062c\\u0647\\u0632\\u062a\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"heading":"Fournir des services","sub_heading":"Nos services pris en charge.","details":"Le transfert d'argent par code QR est un syst\\u00e8me de paiement qui permet aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des transactions en scannant un code QR \\u00e0 l'aide de leur appareil mobile."}},"items":{"64102f47c990a":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Send Money","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"Mobile money is an electronic wallet service. This is available in many countries and allows users to store, send and receive money using their electronic device like mobile phone, pc."},"es":{"title":"Enviar dinero","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"El dinero m\\u00f3vil es un servicio de billetera electr\\u00f3nica. Est\\u00e1 disponible en muchos pa\\u00edses y permite a los usuarios almacenar, enviar y recibir dinero usando su dispositivo electr\\u00f3nico como tel\\u00e9fono m\\u00f3vil, computadora."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0647\\u064a \\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u0629. \\u064a\\u062a\\u0648\\u0641\\u0631 \\u0647\\u0630\\u0627 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0639\\u062f\\u064a\\u062f \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u0644\\u062f\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0648\\u064a\\u0633\\u0645\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0628\\u062a\\u062e\\u0632\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0648\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u0642\\u0628\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0623\\u062c\\u0647\\u0632\\u062a\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0643\\u0645\\u0628\\u064a\\u0648\\u062a\\u0631."},"fr":{"title":"Envoyer de l'argent","icon":"las la-paper-plane","sub_title":"L\\u2019argent mobile est un service de portefeuille \\u00e9lectronique. Ceci est disponible dans de nombreux pays et permet aux utilisateurs de stocker, d'envoyer et de recevoir de l'argent en utilisant leur appareil \\u00e9lectronique comme un t\\u00e9l\\u00e9phone mobile ou un ordinateur."}},"id":"64102f47c990a"},"64102ffae94b6":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Receive Money","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Receive Money is a term used to describe the process of accepting or collecting funds that have been sent or transferred to you by another party. This methods such as bank transfers."},"es":{"title":"Recibir dinero","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Recibir dinero es un t\\u00e9rmino que se utiliza para describir el proceso de aceptar o cobrar fondos que un tercero le ha enviado o transferido. Este m\\u00e9todos tales como transferencias bancarias."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0625\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0646\\u0642\\u0648\\u062f","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"\\u062a\\u0644\\u0642\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0647\\u0648 \\u0645\\u0635\\u0637\\u0644\\u062d \\u064a\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645 \\u0644\\u0648\\u0635\\u0641 \\u0639\\u0645\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0642\\u0628\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062c\\u0645\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u064a \\u062a\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0625\\u0644\\u064a\\u0643 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0642\\u0628\\u0644 \\u0637\\u0631\\u0641 \\u0622\\u062e\\u0631. \\u0647\\u0630\\u0647 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0637\\u0631\\u0642 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0635\\u0631\\u0641\\u064a\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Recevoir de l'argent","icon":"las la-receipt","sub_title":"Recevoir de l'argent est un terme utilis\\u00e9 pour d\\u00e9crire le processus d'acceptation ou de collecte de fonds qui vous ont \\u00e9t\\u00e9 envoy\\u00e9s ou transf\\u00e9r\\u00e9s par une autre partie. Ces m\\u00e9thodes telles que les virements bancaires."}},"id":"64102ffae94b6"},"641030458b919":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Remittance","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"Remittance refers to the act of sending money, often by someone living or working in one country, to a recipient in another country. Remittances can be sent through various methods."},"es":{"title":"Remesa","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"La remesa se refiere al acto de enviar dinero, a menudo por parte de alguien que vive o trabaja en un pa\\u00eds, a un destinatario en otro pa\\u00eds. Las remesas se pueden enviar a trav\\u00e9s de varios m\\u00e9todos."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"\\u062a\\u0634\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u062d\\u0648\\u064a\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0639\\u0645\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644 \\u060c \\u063a\\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u064b\\u0627 \\u0628\\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u0637\\u0629 \\u0634\\u062e\\u0635 \\u064a\\u0639\\u064a\\u0634 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u064a\\u0639\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0628\\u0644\\u062f \\u0645\\u0627 \\u060c \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0628\\u0644\\u062f \\u0622\\u062e\\u0631. \\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062d\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0645\\u0646 \\u062e\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0637\\u0631\\u0642 \\u0645\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Remise","icon":"las la-coins","sub_title":"Les envois de fonds font r\\u00e9f\\u00e9rence \\u00e0 l'acte d'envoyer de l'argent, souvent par une personne vivant ou travaillant dans un pays, \\u00e0 un destinataire dans un autre pays. Les fonds peuvent \\u00eatre envoy\\u00e9s par diff\\u00e9rentes m\\u00e9thodes."}},"id":"641030458b919"},"641030b9166cd":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Bill Pay","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay is a service that allows individuals to pay their bills electronically through a financial institution or a payment platform. It is a convenient and efficient way to manage recurring bills."},"es":{"title":"Pago de facturas","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay es un servicio que permite a las personas pagar sus facturas electr\\u00f3nicamente a trav\\u00e9s de una instituci\\u00f3n financiera o una plataforma de pago. Es una forma conveniente y eficiente de administrar las facturas recurrentes."},"ar":{"title":"\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0641\\u0627\\u062a\\u0648\\u0631\\u0629","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay \\u0647\\u064a \\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u062a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0623\\u0641\\u0631\\u0627\\u062f \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0641\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u064a\\u0631\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0643\\u062a\\u0631\\u0648\\u0646\\u064a\\u064b\\u0627 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u062e\\u0644\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0645\\u0624\\u0633\\u0633\\u0629 \\u0645\\u0627\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0635\\u0629 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639. \\u0625\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0637\\u0631\\u064a\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0645\\u0631\\u064a\\u062d\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0641\\u0639\\u0627\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0625\\u062f\\u0627\\u0631\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0641\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0643\\u0631\\u0631\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Payement de facture","icon":"las la-shopping-bag","sub_title":"Bill Pay est un service qui permet aux particuliers de payer leurs factures par voie \\u00e9lectronique via une institution financi\\u00e8re ou une plateforme de paiement. C'est un moyen pratique et efficace de g\\u00e9rer les factures r\\u00e9currentes."}},"id":"641030b9166cd"},"641030e80c10b":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Mobile TopUp","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Fees and processing times can vary depending on the service provider. but the service is generally fast and convenient for users who need to recharge their mobile phones quickly and easily."},"es":{"title":"Recarga m\\u00f3vil","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Las tarifas y los tiempos de procesamiento pueden variar seg\\u00fan el proveedor de servicios. pero el servicio es generalmente r\\u00e1pido y conveniente para los usuarios que necesitan recargar sus tel\\u00e9fonos m\\u00f3viles de forma r\\u00e1pida y sencilla."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0645\\u0648\\u0628\\u0627\\u064a\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0634\\u062d\\u0646 \\u0631\\u0635\\u064a\\u062f\\u0643","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"\\u064a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0623\\u0646 \\u062a\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0633\\u0648\\u0645 \\u0648\\u0623\\u0648\\u0642\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0644\\u062c\\u0629 \\u062d\\u0633\\u0628 \\u0645\\u0632\\u0648\\u062f \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629. \\u0644\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0634\\u0643\\u0644 \\u0639\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0645\\u0631\\u064a\\u062d\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0630\\u064a\\u0646 \\u064a\\u062d\\u062a\\u0627\\u062c\\u0648\\u0646 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0625\\u0639\\u0627\\u062f\\u0629 \\u0634\\u062d\\u0646 \\u0647\\u0648\\u0627\\u062a\\u0641\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0628\\u0633\\u0631\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0648\\u0633\\u0647\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Recharge mobile","icon":"las la-mobile","sub_title":"Les frais et les d\\u00e9lais de traitement peuvent varier selon le fournisseur de services. mais le service est g\\u00e9n\\u00e9ralement rapide et pratique pour les utilisateurs qui ont besoin de recharger leur t\\u00e9l\\u00e9phone portable rapidement et facilement."}},"id":"641030e80c10b"},"6410312aa1ad8":{"language":{"en":{"title":"QR Code Support","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Essential for using QR codes for various purposes, such as making payments, accessing information, or completing transactions. the user may need to scan a QR code to initiate the transaction."},"es":{"title":"Soporte de c\\u00f3digo QR","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Esencial para usar c\\u00f3digos QR para diversos fines, como realizar pagos, acceder a informaci\\u00f3n o completar transacciones. el usuario puede necesitar escanear un c\\u00f3digo QR para iniciar la transacci\\u00f3n."},"ar":{"title":"\\u062f\\u0639\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"\\u0636\\u0631\\u0648\\u0631\\u064a \\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0631\\u0645\\u0648\\u0632 QR \\u0644\\u0623\\u063a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636 \\u0645\\u062e\\u062a\\u0644\\u0641\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062f\\u0641\\u0648\\u0639\\u0627\\u062a \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0648\\u0635\\u0648\\u0644 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0644\\u0648\\u0645\\u0627\\u062a \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0625\\u0643\\u0645\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a. \\u0642\\u062f \\u064a\\u062d\\u062a\\u0627\\u062c \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645 \\u0625\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0645\\u0633\\u062d \\u0631\\u0645\\u0632 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062c\\u0627\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0631\\u064a\\u0639\\u0629 \\u0644\\u0628\\u062f\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0629."},"fr":{"title":"Prise en charge des codes QR","icon":"las la-qrcode","sub_title":"Indispensable pour utiliser les codes QR \\u00e0 diverses fins, telles que effectuer des paiements, acc\\u00e9der \\u00e0 des informations ou effectuer des transactions. l'utilisateur devra peut-\\u00eatre scanner un code QR pour lancer la transaction."}},"id":"6410312aa1ad8"},"6495fc470d4b1":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Virtual card","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"Virtual card is a digital payment solution that allows you to make secure online transactions without using a physical card. It functions like a traditional debit or credit card, it exists only in the digital."},"es":{"title":"Tarjeta virtual","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"La tarjeta virtual es una soluci\\u00f3n de pago digital que le permite realizar transacciones en l\\u00ednea seguras sin usar una tarjeta f\\u00edsica. Funciona como una tarjeta de d\\u00e9bito o cr\\u00e9dito tradicional, solo existe en el digital."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0641\\u062a\\u0631\\u0627\\u0636\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0647\\u064a \\u062d\\u0644 \\u062f\\u0641\\u0639 \\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a \\u064a\\u0633\\u0645\\u062d \\u0644\\u0643 \\u0628\\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0645\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a \\u0622\\u0645\\u0646\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0631 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u0646\\u062a\\u0631\\u0646\\u062a \\u062f\\u0648\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0641\\u0639\\u0644\\u064a\\u0629. \\u0625\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u062a\\u0639\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0645\\u062b\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0637\\u0627\\u0642\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062e\\u0635\\u0645 \\u0623\\u0648 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0627\\u0626\\u062a\\u0645\\u0627\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u0642\\u0644\\u064a\\u062f\\u064a\\u0629 \\u060c \\u0641\\u0647\\u064a \\u0645\\u0648\\u062c\\u0648\\u062f\\u0629 \\u0641\\u0642\\u0637 \\u0641\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062c\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a."},"fr":{"title":"Carte virtuelle","icon":"las la-credit-card","sub_title":"La carte virtuelle est une solution de paiement num\\u00e9rique qui permet d'effectuer des transactions en ligne s\\u00e9curis\\u00e9es sans utiliser de carte physique. Elle fonctionne comme une carte de d\\u00e9bit ou de cr\\u00e9dit traditionnelle, elle n\\u2019existe que sous forme num\\u00e9rique."}},"id":"6495fc470d4b1"},"6495fcde2e394":{"language":{"en":{"title":"Mobile Wallet","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"A mobile wallet is a digital platform that allows users to store, manage, and transact with their money using a mobile device. It enables users to make payments, send and receive money."},"es":{"title":"Billetera m\\u00f3vil","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"Una billetera m\\u00f3vil es una plataforma digital que permite a los usuarios almacenar, administrar y realizar transacciones con su dinero utilizando un dispositivo m\\u00f3vil. Permite a los usuarios realizar pagos."},"ar":{"title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062a\\u0646\\u0642\\u0644\\u0629","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"\\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0641\\u0638\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0628\\u0627\\u0631\\u0629 \\u0639\\u0646 \\u0645\\u0646\\u0635\\u0629 \\u0631\\u0642\\u0645\\u064a\\u0629 \\u062a\\u062a\\u064a\\u062d \\u0644\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u062a\\u062e\\u0632\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u0647\\u0645 \\u0648\\u0625\\u062f\\u0627\\u0631\\u062a\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0644\\u062a\\u0639\\u0627\\u0645\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0647\\u0627 \\u0628\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0627\\u0645 \\u062c\\u0647\\u0627\\u0632 \\u0645\\u062d\\u0645\\u0648\\u0644. \\u0623\\u0646\\u0647\\u0627 \\u062a\\u0645\\u0643\\u0646 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u0633\\u062a\\u062e\\u062f\\u0645\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0625\\u062c\\u0631\\u0627\\u0621 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062f\\u0641\\u0639\\u0627\\u062a \\u0648\\u0625\\u0631\\u0633\\u0627\\u0644 \\u0648\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u0644\\u0627\\u0645 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0623\\u0645\\u0648\\u0627\\u0644."},"fr":{"title":"Portefeuille mobile","icon":"las la-wallet","sub_title":"Un portefeuille mobile est une plate-forme num\\u00e9rique qui permet aux utilisateurs de stocker, g\\u00e9rer et effectuer des transactions avec leur argent \\u00e0 l'aide d'un appareil mobile. Il permet aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des paiements, d'envoyer et de recevoir de l'argent."}},"id":"6495fcde2e394"}}}\" \"status\" => 1 \"serialize\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-03-14 08:16:22\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-02 15:51:24\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
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App\\Models\\Admin\\Currency {#1873 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #appends: array:5 [ 0 => \"both\" 1 => \"senderCurrency\" 2 => \"receiverCurrency\" 3 => \"editData\" 4 => \"currencyImage\" ] #casts: array:10 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"country\" => \"string\" \"name\" => \"string\" \"code\" => \"string\" \"flag\" => \"string\" \"rate\" => \"double\" \"sender\" => \"integer\" \"receiver\" => \"integer\" \"default\" => \"integer\" \"status\" => \"integer\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-09-25 15:23:05\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-25 15:23:05\" ] #original: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-09-25 15:23:05\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-25 15:23:05\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#1859 #items: array:4 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1865 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:6 [ …6] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:8 [ …8] #original: array:8 [ …8] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 1 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1866 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:6 [ …6] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:8 [ …8] #original: array:8 [ …8] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 2 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1867 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:6 [ …6] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:8 [ …8] #original: array:8 [ …8] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 3 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1868 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:6 [ …6] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:8 [ …8] #original: array:8 [ …8] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
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Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2107 #bags: [] }
\"Virtual Card\"
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#2217 #items: array:1 [ 0 => App\\Models\\SudoVirtualCard {#2232 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #table: \"sudo_virtual_cards\" #casts: array:19 [ …19] #connection: \"mysql\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:23 [ …23] #original: array:23 [ …23] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
App\\Models\\VirtualCardApi {#2099 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #casts: array:4 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"image\" => \"string\" \"config\" => \"object\" \"card_details\" => \"string\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"virtual_card_apis\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"image\" => \"seeder/virtual-card.png\" \"card_details\" => \"This card is property of QRPay, Wonderland. Misuse is criminal offence. If found, please return to QRPay or to the nearest bank.\" \"config\" => \"{"flutterwave_secret_key":"FLWSECK_TEST-SANDBOXDEMOKEY-X","flutterwave_secret_hash":"AYxcfvgbhnj@34","flutterwave_url":"https:\\/\\/\\/v3","sudo_api_key":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI2NGI2NWExZmZjM2I2NDM5ZjdkNTZjYzIiLCJlbWFpbEFkZHJlc3MiOiJ1c2VyQGFwcGRldnMubmV0IiwianRpIjoiNjRiNjYyNjdmYzNiNjQzOWY3ZDViZjI2IiwibWVtYmVyc2hpcCI6eyJfaWQiOiI2NGI2NWExZmZjM2I2NDM5ZjdkNTZjYzUiLCJidXNpbmVzcyI6eyJfaWQiOiI2NGI2NWExZmZjM2I2NDM5ZjdkNTZjYzAiLCJuYW1lIjoiQXBwZGV2c1giLCJpc0FwcHJvdmVkIjpmYWxzZX0sInVzZXIiOiI2NGI2NWExZmZjM2I2NDM5ZjdkNTZjYzIiLCJyb2xlIjoiQVBJS2V5In0sImlhdCI6MTY4OTY3NDM0MywiZXhwIjoxNzIxMjMxOTQzfQ.MTKO352CEfxG4SUhpfAWu3mkHilLL8Y-oufD6WWCiH4","sudo_vault_id":"tntbuyt0v9u","sudo_url":"https:\\/\\/","sudo_mode":"sandbox","name":"sudo"}\" \"created_at\" => \"2023-09-25 15:23:05\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-25 15:23:05\" ] #original: array:7 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"image\" => \"seeder/virtual-card.png\" \"card_details\" => \"This card is property of QRPay, Wonderland. Misuse is criminal offence. If found, please return to QRPay or to the nearest bank.\" \"config\" => \"{"flutterwave_secret_key":"FLWSECK_TEST-SANDBOXDEMOKEY-X","flutterwave_secret_hash":"AYxcfvgbhnj@34","flutterwave_url":"https:\\/\\/\\/v3","sudo_api_key":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI2NGI2NWExZmZjM2I2NDM5ZjdkNTZjYzIiLCJlbWFpbEFkZHJlc3MiOiJ1c2VyQGFwcGRldnMubmV0IiwianRpIjoiNjRiNjYyNjdmYzNiNjQzOWY3ZDViZjI2IiwibWVtYmVyc2hpcCI6eyJfaWQiOiI2NGI2NWExZmZjM2I2NDM5ZjdkNTZjYzUiLCJidXNpbmVzcyI6eyJfaWQiOiI2NGI2NWExZmZjM2I2NDM5ZjdkNTZjYzAiLCJuYW1lIjoiQXBwZGV2c1giLCJpc0FwcHJvdmVkIjpmYWxzZX0sInVzZXIiOiI2NGI2NWExZmZjM2I2NDM5ZjdkNTZjYzIiLCJyb2xlIjoiQVBJS2V5In0sImlhdCI6MTY4OTY3NDM0MywiZXhwIjoxNzIxMjMxOTQzfQ.MTKO352CEfxG4SUhpfAWu3mkHilLL8Y-oufD6WWCiH4","sudo_vault_id":"tntbuyt0v9u","sudo_url":"https:\\/\\/","sudo_mode":"sandbox","name":"sudo"}\" \"created_at\" => \"2023-09-25 15:23:05\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-25 15:23:05\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#2313 #items: array:1 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2255 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
App\\Models\\Admin\\TransactionSetting {#2252 #guarded: array:2 [ 0 => \"id\" 1 => \"slug\" ] #with: array:1 [ 0 => \"admin\" ] #casts: array:10 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"slug\" => \"string\" \"title\" => \"string\" \"fixed_charge\" => \"double\" \"percent_charge\" => \"double\" \"min_limit\" => \"double\" \"max_limit\" => \"double\" \"monthly_limit\" => \"double\" \"daily_limit\" => \"double\" \"status\" => \"integer\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transaction_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:13 [ \"id\" => 4 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"slug\" => \"virtual_card\" \"title\" => \"Virtual Card Charges\" \"fixed_charge\" => \"2.00\" \"percent_charge\" => \"1.00\" \"min_limit\" => \"100.00\" \"max_limit\" => \"10000.00\" \"monthly_limit\" => \"0.00\" \"daily_limit\" => \"0.00\" \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-03-30 14:48:54\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-06-03 16:26:40\" ] #original: array:13 [ \"id\" => 4 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"slug\" => \"virtual_card\" \"title\" => \"Virtual Card Charges\" \"fixed_charge\" => \"2.00\" \"percent_charge\" => \"1.00\" \"min_limit\" => \"100.00\" \"max_limit\" => \"10000.00\" \"monthly_limit\" => \"0.00\" \"daily_limit\" => \"0.00\" \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-03-30 14:48:54\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-06-03 16:26:40\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: array:1 [ \"admin\" => App\\Models\\Admin\\Admin {#2268 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #hidden: array:2 [ …2] #casts: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:3 [ …3] #with: array:1 [ …1] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"admins\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:27 [ …27] #original: array:27 [ …27] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: array:1 [ …1] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #visible: [] #fillable: [] #rememberTokenName: \"remember_token\" #accessToken: null } ] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
App\\Models\\Admin\\BasicSettings {#1609 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #casts: array:7 [ \"mail_config\" => \"object\" \"firebase_config\" => \"object\" \"push_notification_config\" => \"object\" \"broadcast_config\" => \"object\" \"email_verification\" => \"boolean\" \"email_notification\" => \"boolean\" \"kyc_verification\" => \"boolean\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"basic_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:32 [ \"id\" => 1 \"site_name\" => \"QRPAY\" \"site_title\" => \"Money Transfer with QR Code\" \"base_color\" => \"#0C56DB\" \"secondary_color\" => \"#000400\" \"otp_exp_seconds\" => 600 \"timezone\" => \"Asia/Dhaka\" \"user_registration\" => 1 \"secure_password\" => 0 \"agree_policy\" => 1 \"force_ssl\" => 0 \"email_verification\" => 1 \"sms_verification\" => 0 \"email_notification\" => 1 \"push_notification\" => 1 \"kyc_verification\" => 1 \"site_logo_dark\" => \"seeder/logo-white.png\" \"site_logo\" => \"seeder/logo-dark.png\" \"site_fav_dark\" => \"seeder/favicon-dark.png\" \"site_fav\" => \"seeder/favicon-white.png\" \"mail_config\" => \"{"method":"smtp","host":"","port":"465","encryption":"ssl","username":"","password":"QP2fsLk?80Ac","from":"","app_name":"QRPAY"}\" \"firebase_config\" => null \"mail_activity\" => null \"push_notification_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","instance_id":"809313fc-1f5c-4d0b-90bc-1c6751b83bbd","primary_key":"58C901DC107584D2F1B78E6077889F1C591E2BC39E9F5C00B4362EC9C642F03F"}\" \"push_notification_activity\" => null \"broadcast_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","app_id":"1539602","primary_key":"39079c30de823f783dbe","secret_key":"78b81e5e7e0357aee3df","cluster":"ap2"}\" \"broadcast_activity\" => null \"sms_config\" => null \"sms_activity\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-09-30 10:47:18\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-30 15:53:53\" \"web_version\" => \"2.5.0\" ] #original: array:32 [ \"id\" => 1 \"site_name\" => \"QRPAY\" \"site_title\" => \"Money Transfer with QR Code\" \"base_color\" => \"#0C56DB\" \"secondary_color\" => \"#000400\" \"otp_exp_seconds\" => 600 \"timezone\" => \"Asia/Dhaka\" \"user_registration\" => 1 \"secure_password\" => 0 \"agree_policy\" => 1 \"force_ssl\" => 0 \"email_verification\" => 1 \"sms_verification\" => 0 \"email_notification\" => 1 \"push_notification\" => 1 \"kyc_verification\" => 1 \"site_logo_dark\" => \"seeder/logo-white.png\" \"site_logo\" => \"seeder/logo-dark.png\" \"site_fav_dark\" => \"seeder/favicon-dark.png\" \"site_fav\" => \"seeder/favicon-white.png\" \"mail_config\" => \"{"method":"smtp","host":"","port":"465","encryption":"ssl","username":"","password":"QP2fsLk?80Ac","from":"","app_name":"QRPAY"}\" \"firebase_config\" => null \"mail_activity\" => null \"push_notification_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","instance_id":"809313fc-1f5c-4d0b-90bc-1c6751b83bbd","primary_key":"58C901DC107584D2F1B78E6077889F1C591E2BC39E9F5C00B4362EC9C642F03F"}\" \"push_notification_activity\" => null \"broadcast_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","app_id":"1539602","primary_key":"39079c30de823f783dbe","secret_key":"78b81e5e7e0357aee3df","cluster":"ap2"}\" \"broadcast_activity\" => null \"sms_config\" => null \"sms_activity\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-09-30 10:47:18\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-30 15:53:53\" \"web_version\" => \"2.5.0\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
App\\Models\\Admin\\Currency {#1879 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #appends: array:5 [ 0 => \"both\" 1 => \"senderCurrency\" 2 => \"receiverCurrency\" 3 => \"editData\" 4 => \"currencyImage\" ] #casts: array:10 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"country\" => \"string\" \"name\" => \"string\" \"code\" => \"string\" \"flag\" => \"string\" \"rate\" => \"double\" \"sender\" => \"integer\" \"receiver\" => \"integer\" \"default\" => \"integer\" \"status\" => \"integer\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-09-30 10:47:18\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-30 10:47:18\" ] #original: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-09-30 10:47:18\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-09-30 10:47:18\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#1865 #items: array:4 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1871 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:6 [ …6] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:8 [ …8] #original: array:8 [ …8] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 1 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1872 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:6 [ …6] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:8 [ …8] #original: array:8 [ …8] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 2 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1873 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:6 [ …6] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:8 [ …8] #original: array:8 [ …8] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 3 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Language {#1874 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:6 [ …6] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"languages\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:8 [ …8] #original: array:8 [ …8] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#1880 #items: array:1 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Extension {#262 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:1 [ …1] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"extensions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:11 [ …11] #original: array:11 [ …11] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#1910 #items: array:13 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1912 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 1 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1913 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false 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#casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 4 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1916 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 5 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1917 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 6 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1918 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] 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#visible: [] #fillable: [] } 8 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1920 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 9 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1921 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 10 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1922 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 11 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1923 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 12 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1924 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2141 #bags: [] }
\"Setup Currency\"
Illuminate\\Pagination\\LengthAwarePaginator {#2306 #total: 1 #lastPage: 1 #items: Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#2293 #items: array:1 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\Currency {#2297 …30} ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false } #perPage: 10 #currentPage: 1 #path: \"http://localhost/qrpay/v-2.5.0/full_project/admin/currency/index\" #query: [] #fragment: null #pageName: \"page\" +onEachSide: 2 #options: array:2 [ \"path\" => \"http://localhost/qrpay/v-2.5.0/full_project/admin/currency/index\" \"pageName\" => \"page\" ] }
App\\Models\\Admin\\BasicSettings {#1609 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #casts: array:7 [ \"mail_config\" => \"object\" \"firebase_config\" => \"object\" \"push_notification_config\" => \"object\" \"broadcast_config\" => \"object\" \"email_verification\" => \"boolean\" \"email_notification\" => \"boolean\" \"kyc_verification\" => \"boolean\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"basic_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:32 [ \"id\" => 1 \"site_name\" => \"QRPAY\" \"site_title\" => \"Money Transfer with QR Code\" \"base_color\" => \"#0C56DB\" \"secondary_color\" => \"#000400\" \"otp_exp_seconds\" => 600 \"timezone\" => \"Asia/Dhaka\" \"user_registration\" => 1 \"secure_password\" => 0 \"agree_policy\" => 1 \"force_ssl\" => 0 \"email_verification\" => 1 \"sms_verification\" => 0 \"email_notification\" => 1 \"push_notification\" => 0 \"kyc_verification\" => 1 \"site_logo_dark\" => \"seeder/logo-white.png\" \"site_logo\" => \"seeder/logo-dark.png\" \"site_fav_dark\" => \"seeder/favicon-dark.png\" \"site_fav\" => \"seeder/favicon-white.png\" \"mail_config\" => \"{"method":"smtp","host":"","port":"465","encryption":"ssl","username":"","password":"QP2fsLk?80Ac","from":"","app_name":"QRPAY"}\" \"firebase_config\" => null \"mail_activity\" => null \"push_notification_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","instance_id":"809313fc-1f5c-4d0b-90bc-1c6751b83bbd","primary_key":"58C901DC107584D2F1B78E6077889F1C591E2BC39E9F5C00B4362EC9C642F03F"}\" \"push_notification_activity\" => null \"broadcast_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","app_id":"1539602","primary_key":"39079c30de823f783dbe","secret_key":"78b81e5e7e0357aee3df","cluster":"ap2"}\" \"broadcast_activity\" => null \"sms_config\" => null \"sms_activity\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:29:46\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:29:46\" \"web_version\" => \"2.5.0\" ] #original: array:32 [ \"id\" => 1 \"site_name\" => \"QRPAY\" \"site_title\" => \"Money Transfer with QR Code\" \"base_color\" => \"#0C56DB\" \"secondary_color\" => \"#000400\" \"otp_exp_seconds\" => 600 \"timezone\" => \"Asia/Dhaka\" \"user_registration\" => 1 \"secure_password\" => 0 \"agree_policy\" => 1 \"force_ssl\" => 0 \"email_verification\" => 1 \"sms_verification\" => 0 \"email_notification\" => 1 \"push_notification\" => 0 \"kyc_verification\" => 1 \"site_logo_dark\" => \"seeder/logo-white.png\" \"site_logo\" => \"seeder/logo-dark.png\" \"site_fav_dark\" => \"seeder/favicon-dark.png\" \"site_fav\" => \"seeder/favicon-white.png\" \"mail_config\" => \"{"method":"smtp","host":"","port":"465","encryption":"ssl","username":"","password":"QP2fsLk?80Ac","from":"","app_name":"QRPAY"}\" \"firebase_config\" => null \"mail_activity\" => null \"push_notification_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","instance_id":"809313fc-1f5c-4d0b-90bc-1c6751b83bbd","primary_key":"58C901DC107584D2F1B78E6077889F1C591E2BC39E9F5C00B4362EC9C642F03F"}\" \"push_notification_activity\" => null \"broadcast_config\" => \"{"method":"pusher","app_id":"1539602","primary_key":"39079c30de823f783dbe","secret_key":"78b81e5e7e0357aee3df","cluster":"ap2"}\" \"broadcast_activity\" => null \"sms_config\" => null \"sms_activity\" => null \"created_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:29:46\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:29:46\" \"web_version\" => \"2.5.0\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
App\\Models\\Admin\\Currency {#1879 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #appends: array:5 [ 0 => \"both\" 1 => \"senderCurrency\" 2 => \"receiverCurrency\" 3 => \"editData\" 4 => \"currencyImage\" ] #casts: array:10 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"country\" => \"string\" \"name\" => \"string\" \"code\" => \"string\" \"flag\" => \"string\" \"rate\" => \"double\" \"sender\" => \"integer\" \"receiver\" => \"integer\" \"default\" => \"integer\" \"status\" => \"integer\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:29:46\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:29:46\" ] #original: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:29:46\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:29:46\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2109 #bags: [] }
\"Add Money\"
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#2180 #items: array:7 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2177 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: array:2 [ …2] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 1 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2265 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: array:2 [ …2] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 2 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2264 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 3 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2263 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 4 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2262 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 5 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2261 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 6 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2260 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#2148 #items: array:14 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2149 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 1 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2251 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 2 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2250 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 3 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2249 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 4 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2248 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 5 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2247 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 6 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2246 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 7 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2245 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 8 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2244 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 9 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2243 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 10 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2242 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 11 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2241 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 12 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2240 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 13 => App\\Models\\Admin\\PaymentGatewayCurrency {#2239 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:11 [ …11] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"payment_gateway_currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:14 [ …14] #original: array:14 [ …14] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
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App\\Models\\Admin\\Currency {#1879 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #appends: array:5 [ 0 => \"both\" 1 => \"senderCurrency\" 2 => \"receiverCurrency\" 3 => \"editData\" 4 => \"currencyImage\" ] #casts: array:10 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"country\" => \"string\" \"name\" => \"string\" \"code\" => \"string\" \"flag\" => \"string\" \"rate\" => \"double\" \"sender\" => \"integer\" \"receiver\" => \"integer\" \"default\" => \"integer\" \"status\" => \"integer\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:57:54\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:57:54\" ] #original: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:57:54\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-10-02 10:57:54\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2116 #bags: [] }
Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#2162 #items: array:3 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2160 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: array:2 [ …2] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 1 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2268 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: array:2 [ …2] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 2 => App\\Models\\Transaction {#2267 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #appends: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:14 [ …14] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"transactions\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:20 [ …20] #original: array:20 [ …20] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
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App\\Models\\Admin\\Currency {#1880 #guarded: array:1 [ 0 => \"id\" ] #appends: array:5 [ 0 => \"both\" 1 => \"senderCurrency\" 2 => \"receiverCurrency\" 3 => \"editData\" 4 => \"currencyImage\" ] #casts: array:10 [ \"admin_id\" => \"integer\" \"country\" => \"string\" \"name\" => \"string\" \"code\" => \"string\" \"flag\" => \"string\" \"rate\" => \"double\" \"sender\" => \"integer\" \"receiver\" => \"integer\" \"default\" => \"integer\" \"status\" => \"integer\" ] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"currencies\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-10-02 12:42:07\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-10-02 12:42:07\" ] #original: array:15 [ \"id\" => 1 \"admin_id\" => 1 \"country\" => \"United States\" \"name\" => \"United States dollar\" \"code\" => \"USD\" \"symbol\" => \"$\" \"type\" => \"FIAT\" \"flag\" => \"seeder/currency-flug.webp\" \"rate\" => \"1.00000000\" \"sender\" => 1 \"receiver\" => 1 \"default\" => 1 \"status\" => 1 \"created_at\" => \"2023-10-02 12:42:07\" \"updated_at\" => \"2023-10-02 12:42:07\" ] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] }
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Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#1911 #items: array:13 [ 0 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1913 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 1 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1914 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 2 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1915 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 3 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1916 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 4 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1917 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 5 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1918 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 6 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1919 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 7 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1920 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 8 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1921 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 9 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1922 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 10 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1923 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 11 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1924 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } 12 => App\\Models\\Admin\\ModuleSetting {#1925 #guarded: array:1 [ …1] #casts: array:3 [ …3] #connection: \"mysql\" #table: \"module_settings\" #primaryKey: \"id\" #keyType: \"int\" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:7 [ …7] #original: array:7 [ …7] #changes: [] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dates: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] } ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false }
Illuminate\\Support\\ViewErrorBag {#2175 #bags: [] }
\"All Profits Logs\"
Illuminate\\Pagination\\LengthAwarePaginator {#2345 #total: 13 #lastPage: 1 #items: Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#2338 #items: array:13 [ 0 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2333 …30} 1 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2358 …30} 2 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2357 …30} 3 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2356 …30} 4 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2355 …30} 5 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2354 …30} 6 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2353 …30} 7 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2352 …30} 8 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2351 …30} 9 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2350 …30} 10 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2349 …30} 11 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2348 …30} 12 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2347 …30} ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false } #perPage: 20 #currentPage: 1 #path: \"http://localhost/qrpay/v-2.5.0/full_project/admin/profit-logs/index\" #query: [] #fragment: null #pageName: \"page\" +onEachSide: 3 #options: array:2 [ \"path\" => \"http://localhost/qrpay/v-2.5.0/full_project/admin/profit-logs/index\" \"pageName\" => \"page\" ] }
Illuminate\\Pagination\\LengthAwarePaginator {#2344 #total: 7 #lastPage: 1 #items: Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection {#2294 #items: array:7 [ 0 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2339 …30} 1 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2353 …30} 2 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2352 …30} 3 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2351 …30} 4 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2350 …30} 5 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2349 …30} 6 => App\\Models\\TransactionCharge {#2348 …30} ] #escapeWhenCastingToString: false } #perPage: 20 #currentPage: 1 #path: \"http://localhost/qrpay/v-2.5.0/full_project/admin/profit-logs/index\" #query: [] #fragment: null #pageName: \"page\" +onEachSide: 3 #options: array:2 [ \"path\" => \"http://localhost/qrpay/v-2.5.0/full_project/admin/profit-logs/index\" \"pageName\" => \"page\" ] }