roleHasOne()->pluck("id")->toArray(); $wallets = []; foreach($currencies as $currency_id) { $wallets[] = [ 'merchant_id' => $user->id, 'currency_id' => $currency_id, 'balance' => 0, 'status' => true, 'created_at' => now(), ]; } try{ MerchantWallet::insert($wallets); }catch(Exception $e) { // handle error $this->guard()->logout(); $user->delete(); return $this->breakAuthentication("Faild to create wallet! Please try again"); } } protected function breakAuthentication($error) { return back()->with(['error' => [$error]]); } protected function createDeveloperApiReg($user) { try{ DeveloperApiCredential::create([ 'merchant_id' => $user->id, 'client_id' => generate_unique_string("developer_api_credentials","client_id",100), 'client_secret' => generate_unique_string("developer_api_credentials","client_secret",100), 'mode' => PaymentGatewayConst::ENV_SANDBOX, 'status' => true, 'created_at' => now(), ]); // create developer sandbox wallets $this->createSandboxWallets($user); }catch(Exception $e) { return throw new Exception("Failed to create developer API. Something went wrong!"); } } protected function createSandboxWallets($user) { if(!$user->developerApi) return false; $currencies =Currency::active()->roleHasOne()->pluck("id")->toArray(); $wallets = []; foreach($currencies as $currency_id) { $wallets[] = [ 'merchant_id' => $user->id, 'currency_id' => $currency_id, 'balance' => 0, 'status' => true, 'created_at' => now(), ]; } try{ SandboxWallet::insert($wallets); }catch(Exception $e) { dd($e->getMessage()); // handle error } } }