wallets->pluck("currency_id")->toArray(); $currencies = Currency::active()->roleHasOne()->pluck("id")->toArray(); $new_currencies = array_diff($currencies,$user_wallets); $new_wallets = []; foreach($new_currencies as $item) { $new_wallets[] = [ 'merchant_id' => $user->id, 'currency_id' => $item, 'balance' => 0, 'status' => true, 'created_at' => now(), ]; } try{ MerchantWallet::insert($new_wallets); }catch(Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } } protected function createLoginLog($user) { $client_ip = request()->ip() ?? false; $location = geoip()->getLocation($client_ip); $agent = new Agent(); // $mac = exec('getmac'); // $mac = explode(" ",$mac); // $mac = array_shift($mac); $mac = ""; $data = [ 'merchant_id' => $user->id, 'ip' => $client_ip, 'mac' => $mac, 'city' => $location['city'] ?? "", 'country' => $location['country'] ?? "", 'longitude' => $location['lon'] ?? "", 'latitude' => $location['lat'] ?? "", 'timezone' => $location['timezone'] ?? "", 'browser' => $agent->browser() ?? "", 'os' => $agent->platform() ?? "", ]; try{ MerchantLoginLog::create($data); }catch(Exception $e) { // return false; } } protected function refreshSandboxWallets($user) { $user_wallets = $user->sandboxWallets->pluck("currency_id")->toArray(); $currencies = Currency::active()->roleHasOne()->pluck("id")->toArray(); $new_currencies = array_diff($currencies,$user_wallets); $new_wallets = []; foreach($new_currencies as $item) { $new_wallets[] = [ 'merchant_id' => $user->id, 'currency_id' => $item, 'balance' => 0, 'status' => true, 'created_at' => now(), ]; } try{ SandboxWallet::insert($new_wallets); }catch(Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } } protected function createDeveloperApi($user) { $developing_api = DeveloperApiCredential::where('merchant_id',$user->id)->first(); try{ if($developing_api){ $developing_api->merchant_id = $developing_api->merchant_id; $developing_api->client_id = $developing_api->client_id; $developing_api->client_secret = $developing_api->client_secret; $developing_api->mode = $developing_api->mode; $developing_api->save(); }else{ DeveloperApiCredential::create([ 'merchant_id' => $user->id, 'client_id' => generate_unique_string("developer_api_credentials", "client_id", 100), 'client_secret' => generate_unique_string("developer_api_credentials", "client_secret", 100), 'mode' => PaymentGatewayConst::ENV_SANDBOX, 'status' => true, 'created_at' => now(), ]); } }catch(Exception $e) { return throw new Exception("Failed to create developer API. Something went wrong!"); } } protected function createGatewaySetting($user) { $gateway_setting = GatewaySetting::where('merchant_id',$user->id)->first(); try{ if($gateway_setting){ $gateway_setting->merchant_id = $gateway_setting->merchant_id; $gateway_setting->wallet_status = $gateway_setting->wallet_status; $gateway_setting->virtual_card_status = $gateway_setting->virtual_card_status; $gateway_setting->master_visa_status = $gateway_setting->master_visa_status; $gateway_setting->save(); }else{ GatewaySetting::create([ 'merchant_id' => $user->id, 'wallet_status' => true, 'virtual_card_status' => true, 'master_visa_status' => false, 'credentials' => [ 'primary_key' => '', 'secret_key' => '' ], 'created_at' => now(), ]); } }catch(Exception $e) { return throw new Exception("Failed to create Gateway Settings. Something went wrong!"); } } }