array = $array; return $this; } public function columnData() { if(!is_array($this->array)) throw new Exception('Pelase Call toArray() Function Before Calling columnData()'); $array = $this->array; $languages = []; if(count($array) > 0) { $header = $array[0][0]; if(strtolower($header[0]) != self::KEY_STRING) { throw new Exception('File upload with wrong format. Make sure the file have language key and key title is "Key"'); } foreach($header as $key => $item) { if($item == null) break; foreach($array as $sheet) { array_shift($sheet); foreach($sheet as $row) { $value = $row[$key] ?? ""; $languages[$item][] = trim($value); } } } } $this->array = $languages; $this->column_data = true; return $this; } public function keyValue() { if($this->column_data == false) throw new Exception('Pelase Call columnData() Function Before Calling keyValue()'); $data = $this->array; $languages_keys = array_shift($data); $language_key_value = []; foreach($languages_keys as $key => $item) { foreach($data as $language_code => $values) { $language_key_value[$language_code][$item] = $values[$key]; } } return $language_key_value; } public function getArray() { if(is_array($this->array)) return $this->array; throw new Exception('Pelase Call columnData() Function Before Calling getArray()'); } public static function getKeys() { $file_name = "predefined_keys.json"; $file_dir_location = base_path('lang'); $file_path = $file_dir_location . "/" . $file_name; $get_keys = file_get_contents($file_path); try{ $keys_array = json_decode($get_keys,true); }catch(Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } return $keys_array; } }