$array['id'], 'name' => $array['name'], 'mobile_code' => $array['phone_code'], 'currency_name' => $array['currency_name'], 'currency_code' => $array['currency'], 'currency_symbol' => $array['currency_symbol'], 'iso2' => $array['iso2'], ]; }, $countries); return json_decode(json_encode($countries)); } function all_countries($item = []) { $countries = json_decode(file_get_contents(resource_path('world/countries_modify.json')), true); $countries = array_map(function ($array) { return [ 'id' => $array['id'], 'name' => $array['name'], 'mobile_code' => $array['phone_code'], 'currency_name' => $array['currency_name'], 'currency_code' => $array['currency'], 'currency_symbol' => $array['currency_symbol'], ]; }, $countries); return json_decode(json_encode($countries)); } function get_country_phone_code($country) { $countries = json_decode(file_get_contents(resource_path('world/countries.json')), true); $phone_code = ""; foreach($countries as $item) { if($item['name'] == $country) { $phone_code = $item['phone_code']; } } if($phone_code == "") { throw new Exception("Sorry, country (" . $country . ") is not available in our list"); } $phone_code = str_replace("+","",$phone_code); return $phone_code; } function get_all_timezones() { $countries = json_decode(file_get_contents(resource_path('world/countries.json')), true); $timezones = array_map(function ($array) { return [ 'name' => $array['timezones'][0]['zoneName'], ]; }, $countries); return json_decode(json_encode($timezones)); } function get_country_states($country_id) { $all_states = json_decode(file_get_contents(resource_path('world/states.json')), true); $states = []; foreach ($all_states as $item_array) { if (array_key_exists($item_array['country_id'], $all_states)) { if ($item_array['country_id'] == $country_id) { $states[] = [ 'country_id' => $item_array['country_id'], 'name' => $item_array['name'], 'id' => $item_array['id'], 'state_code' => $item_array['state_code'], ]; } } } return $states; } function get_state_cities($state_id) { $all_cities = json_decode(file_get_contents(resource_path('world/cities.json')), true); $cities = []; foreach ($all_cities as $item_array) { if (array_key_exists($item_array['state_id'], $all_cities)) { if ($item_array['state_id'] == $state_id) { $cities[] = [ 'name' => $item_array['name'], 'id' => $item_array['id'], 'state_code' => $item_array['state_code'], 'state_name' => $item_array['state_name'], ]; } } } return $cities; } function get_files_from_fileholder($request, $file_input_name) { $keyword = "fileholder"; $fileholder_stored_file_path = public_path('fileholder/img'); $files_link = []; if ($request->hasFile($file_input_name)) { $input_name = $keyword . "-" . $file_input_name; $file_name_array = explode(',', $request->$input_name); foreach ($file_name_array as $item) { $file_link = $fileholder_stored_file_path . "/" . $item; if (File::isFile($file_link)) { array_push($files_link, $file_link); } else { throw ValidationException::withMessages([ $file_input_name => "Uploaded file is not a proper file. Please upload valid file.", ]); } } } else { throw ValidationException::withMessages([ $file_input_name => $file_input_name . " is required.", ]); } return $files_link; } function delete_files_from_fileholder(array $files_link) { foreach($files_link as $item) { delete_file($item); } return true; } function upload_files_from_path_dynamic($files_path, $destination_path, $old_files = null) { $output_files_name = []; foreach ($files_path as $path) { $file_name = File::name($path); $file_extension = File::extension($path); $file_base_name = $file_name . "." . $file_extension; $file_mime_type = File::mimeType($path); $file_size = File::size($path); $save_path = get_files_path($destination_path); $file_mime_type_array = explode('/', $file_mime_type); if (array_shift($file_mime_type_array) == "image" && $file_extension != "svg") { // If Image $file = Image::make($path)->orientate(); $width = $file->width(); $height = $file->height(); $resulation_break_point = [2048, 2340, 2730, 3276, 4096, 5460, 8192]; $reduce_percentage = [12.5, 25, 37.5, 50, 62.5, 75]; // Dynamically Image Resizing & Move to Targeted folder if ($width > 0 && $width < 2048) { $new_width = $width; try { $file->resize($new_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); })->save($path, 70); } catch (\Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Image Upload Faild!']]); } } if ($width > 5460 && $width <= 6140) { $new_width = 2048; try { $file->resize($new_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); })->save($path, 70); } catch (\Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Image Upload Faild!']]); } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($resulation_break_point); $i++) { if ($i != count($resulation_break_point) - 1) { if ($width >= $resulation_break_point[$i] && $width <= $resulation_break_point[$i + 1]) { $new_width = ceil($width - (($width * $reduce_percentage[$i]) / 100)); try { $file->resize($new_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); })->save($path, 70); } catch (\Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Image Upload Faild!']]); } } } } if ($width > 8192) { $new_width = 2048; try { $file->resize($new_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); })->save($path, 70); } catch (\Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Image Upload Faild!']]); } } } $file_instance = new UploadedFile( $path, $file_base_name, $file_mime_type, $file_size, ); $store_file_name = $file_name . ".webp"; try { // dd($save_path); if ($file_extension != "webp") { $webp = Webp::make($file_instance)->save($save_path . "/" . $store_file_name); array_push($output_files_name, $store_file_name); } else { File::move($file_instance, $save_path . "/" . $file_base_name); array_push($output_files_name, $file_base_name); } } catch (Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Something went worng! Faild to upload file.']]); } } else { // IF Other Files $file_instance = new UploadedFile( $path, $file_base_name, $file_mime_type, $file_size, ); try { File::move($file_instance, $save_path . "/" . $file_base_name); array_push($output_files_name, $file_base_name); } catch (Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Something went worng! Faild to upload file.']]); } } // Delete Old Files if exists try { if ($old_files) { if (is_array($old_files)) { // Delete Multiple File foreach ($old_files as $item) { $file_link = $save_path . "/" . $item; delete_file($item); } } else if (is_string($old_files)) { // Delete Single File $file_link = $save_path . "/" . $old_files; delete_file($file_link); } } } catch (Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Something went worng! Faild to delete old file.']]); } } if (count($output_files_name) == 1) { return $output_files_name[0]; } // delete_files_from_fileholder($output_files_name); return $output_files_name; } function get_files_path($slug) { $data = files_path($slug); $path = $data->path; create_asset_dir($path); return public_path($path); } function create_asset_dir($path) { $path = "public/" . $path; if (file_exists($path)) return true; return mkdir($path, 0755, true); } function get_image($image_name, $path_type = null, $image_type = null, $size = null) { if ($image_type == 'profile') { $image = asset('public/' . files_path('profile-default')->path); } else { $image = asset('public/' . files_path('default')->path); } if ($image_name != null) { if ($path_type != null) { $image_path = files_path($path_type)->path; $image_link = $image_path . "/" . $image_name; if (file_exists(public_path($image_link))) { $image = asset('public/' . $image_link); } } } return $image; } function get_storage_image($image_name, $path_type = null, $image_type = null, $size = null) { if ($image_type == 'profile') { $image = asset(files_path('profile-default')->path); } else { $image = asset(files_path('default')->path); } if ($image_name != null) { if ($path_type != null) { $image_path = files_path($path_type)->path; $image_link = $image_path . "/" . $image_name; if (file_exists(storage_path($image_link))) { // if(file_exists(public_path($image_link))) { $image = asset($image_link); } } } return $image; } function files_path($slug) { $data = [ 'admin-profile' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/admin/profile', 'width' => 800, 'height' => 800, ], 'default' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/default/default.webp', 'width' => 800, 'height' => 800, ], 'profile-default' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/default/profile-default.webp', 'width' => 800, 'height' => 800, ], 'currency-flag' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/currency-flag', 'width' => 400, 'height' => 400, ], 'country-flag' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/country-flag', 'width' => 400, 'height' => 400, ], 'image-assets' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/web-settings/image-assets', ], 'seo' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/seo', ], 'app-images' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/app', 'width' => 414, 'height' => 896, ], 'splash-images' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/app', 'width' => 414, 'height' => 896, ], 'payment-gateways' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/payment-gateways', ], 'extensions' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/extensions', ], 'user-profile' => [ 'path' => 'frontend/user', ], 'merchant-profile' => [ 'path' => 'frontend/merchant', ], 'agent-profile' => [ 'path' => 'frontend/agent', ], 'language-file' => [ 'path' => 'backend/files/language', ], 'site-section' => [ 'path' => 'frontend/images/site-section', ], 'support-attachment' => [ 'path' => 'frontend/images/support-ticket/attachment', ], 'kyc-files' => [ 'path' => 'backend/files/kyc-files' ], 'blog' => [ 'path' => 'backend/files/blog' ], 'junk-files' => [ 'path' => 'backend/files/junk-files', ], 'merchant-config' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/merchant-config', ], 'card-api' => [ 'path' => 'backend/images/card-settings', ], ]; return (object) $data[$slug]; } function files_asset_path($slug) { $files_path = files_path($slug)->path; return asset('public/' . $files_path); } function get_amount($amount, $currency = null, $precision = null) { if (!is_numeric($amount)) return "Not Number"; $amount = ($precision) ? number_format($amount, $precision, ".", ",") : number_format($amount, 2, ".", ","); if (!$currency) return $amount; $amount = $amount . " " . $currency; return $amount; } function get_logo($basic_settings, $type = null) { $logo = ""; if ($type == 'white') { if (!$basic_settings->site_logo) { $logo = files_asset_path('default'); } else { $logo = files_asset_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_logo; } } if ($type == 'dark') { if (!$basic_settings->site_logo_dark) { $logo = files_asset_path('default'); } else { $logo = files_asset_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_logo_dark; } } if ($type == null) { if (!$basic_settings->site_logo) { if (!$basic_settings->site_logo_dark) { $logo = files_asset_path('default'); } else { $logo = files_asset_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_logo_dark; } } else { $logo = files_asset_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_logo; } } return $logo; } function get_logo_public_path($basic_settings, $type = null) { $logo = ""; if ($type == 'white') { if (!$basic_settings->site_logo) { $logo = get_files_path('default'); } else { $logo = get_files_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_logo; } } if ($type == 'dark') { if (!$basic_settings->site_logo_dark) { $logo = get_files_path('default'); } else { $logo = get_files_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_logo_dark; } } if ($type == null) { if (!$basic_settings->site_logo) { if (!$basic_settings->site_logo_dark) { $logo = get_files_path('default'); } else { $logo = get_files_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_logo_dark; } } else { $logo = get_files_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_logo; } } return $logo; } function get_fav($basic_settings, $type = null) { $fav = ""; if ($type == 'white') { if (!$basic_settings->site_fav) { $fav = files_asset_path('default'); } else { $fav = files_asset_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_fav; } } if ($type == 'dark') { if (!$basic_settings->site_fav_dark) { $fav = files_asset_path('default'); } else { $fav = files_asset_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_fav_dark; } } if ($type == null) { if (!$basic_settings->site_fav) { if (!$basic_settings->site_fav_dark) { $fav = files_asset_path('default'); } else { $fav = files_asset_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_fav_dark; } } else { $fav = files_asset_path('image-assets') . "/" . $basic_settings->site_fav; } } return $fav; } function upload_files_from_path_static($files_path, $destination_path, $old_files = null, $crop = true, $compress = false, $crop_position = "center") { $output_files_name = []; foreach ($files_path as $path) { $file_name = File::name($path); $file_extension = File::extension($path); $file_base_name = $file_name . "." . $file_extension; $file_mime_type = File::mimeType($path); $file_size = File::size($path); $save_path = get_files_path($destination_path); $file_mime_type_array = explode('/', $file_mime_type); if (array_shift($file_mime_type_array) == "image" && $file_extension != "svg") { // If Image $file = Image::make($path)->orientate(); $width = $file->width(); $height = $file->height(); $resulation_break_point = [2048, 2340, 2730, 3276, 4096, 5460, 8192]; $reduce_percentage = [12.5, 25, 37.5, 50, 62.5, 75]; // Dynamically Image Resizing if ($compress === true) { if ($width > 0 && $width < 2048) { $new_width = $width; try { $file->resize($new_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Image Upload Faild!']]); } } if ($width > 5460 && $width <= 6140) { $new_width = 2048; try { $file->resize($new_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Image Upload Faild!']]); } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($resulation_break_point); $i++) { if ($i != count($resulation_break_point) - 1) { if ($width >= $resulation_break_point[$i] && $width <= $resulation_break_point[$i + 1]) { $new_width = ceil($width - (($width * $reduce_percentage[$i]) / 100)); try { $file->resize($new_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Image Upload Faild!']]); } } } } if ($width > 8192) { $new_width = 2048; try { $file->resize($new_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Image Upload Faild!']]); } } } } // Crop Image if($destination_path === 'app-images'){ if ($crop === true) { $image_settings = files_path('app-images'); $crop_width = $image_settings->width ?? false; $crop_height = $image_settings->height ?? false; if ($crop_width != false && $crop_height != false) { $file->fit($crop_width, $crop_height, null, $crop_position); } if ($crop_width != false && $crop_height == false) { $file->resize($crop_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } } }else{ if ($crop === true) { $image_settings = files_path('splash-images'); $crop_width = $image_settings->width ?? false; $crop_height = $image_settings->height ?? false; if ($crop_width != false && $crop_height != false) { $file->fit($crop_width, $crop_height, null, $crop_position); } if ($crop_width != false && $crop_height == false) { $file->resize($crop_width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); } } } // Save File try { $file->save($path, 70); } catch (Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Something went worng! Faild to save file.']]); } $file_instance = new UploadedFile( $path, $file_base_name, $file_mime_type, $file_size, ); $store_file_name = $file_name . ".webp"; try { if ($file_extension != "webp") { // dd($save_path); $webp = Webp::make($file_instance)->save($save_path . "/" . $store_file_name); array_push($output_files_name, $store_file_name); } else { File::move($file_instance, $save_path . "/" . $file_base_name); array_push($output_files_name, $file_base_name); } } catch (Exception $e) { // dd($e); return back()->with(['error' => ['Something went worng! Faild to upload file.']]); } } else { // IF Other Files $file_instance = new UploadedFile( $path, $file_base_name, $file_mime_type, $file_size, ); try { File::move($file_instance, $save_path . "/" . $file_base_name); array_push($output_files_name, $file_base_name); } catch (Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Something went worng! Faild to upload file.']]); } } // Delete Old Files if exists try { if ($old_files) { if (is_array($old_files)) { // Delete Multiple File foreach ($old_files as $item) { $file_link = $save_path . "/" . $item; delete_file($item); } } else if (is_string($old_files)) { // Delete Single File $file_link = $save_path . "/" . $old_files; delete_file($file_link); } } } catch (Exception $e) { return back()->with(['error' => ['Something went worng! Faild to delete old file.']]); } } if (count($output_files_name) == 1) { return $output_files_name[0]; } // delete_files_from_fileholder($output_files_name); return $output_files_name; } function delete_file($file_link) { if (File::exists($file_link)) { try { File::delete($file_link); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } return true; } function get_default_currency_code($default_currency = null) { if($default_currency == null) $default_currency = CurrencyProvider::default(); if ($default_currency != false) { return $default_currency->code; } return ""; } function get_default_currency_rate($default_currency_rate = null) { if($default_currency_rate == null) $default_currency_rate = CurrencyProvider::default(); if ($default_currency_rate != false) { return $default_currency_rate->rate; } return 0.00; } function get_default_currency_name($default_currency_name = null) { if($default_currency_name == null) $default_currency_name = CurrencyProvider::default(); if ($default_currency_name != false) { return $default_currency_name->country; } return ''; } function replace_array_key($array, $remove_keyword, $replace_keyword = "") { $filter = []; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $update_key = preg_replace('/' . $remove_keyword . '/i', $replace_keyword, $key); $filter[$update_key] = $value; } return $filter; } function get_paginate($data) { try { return $data->onEachSide(2)->links(); } catch (Exception $e) { return ""; } } function set_payment_gateway_code($last_record_of_code) { return intval($last_record_of_code + 5); } function make_input_name($string) { $string = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', ' ', $string); $string = preg_replace("/ /i", "_", $string); $string = Str::lower($string); return $string; } /** * Function for Making Input field array with all information that comes from Frontend Form * @param array $validated * @return array $input_fields */ function decorate_input_fields($validated) { $input_fields = []; $field_necessity_list = [ '1' => true, '0' => false, ]; $file_array_key = 0; $select_array_key = 0; $global_array_key = 0; foreach ($validated['input_type'] ?? [] as $key => $item) { $field_necessity = $validated['field_necessity'][$key] ?? ""; $validation_rules = ['min' => 0, 'mimes' => []]; if ($item == "file") { $extensions = $validated['file_extensions'][$file_array_key] ?? ""; $extensions = explode(",", $extensions); $validation_rules = [ 'max' => $validated['file_max_size'][$file_array_key] ?? 0, 'mimes' => $extensions, 'min' => 0, 'options' => [], ]; $file_array_key++; } else if ($item == "select") { $options = $validated['select_options'][$select_array_key] ?? ""; $options = explode(",", $options); $validation_rules = [ 'max' => 0, 'min' => 0, 'mimes' => [], 'options' => $options, ]; $select_array_key++; } else { $validation_rules = [ 'max' => $validated['max_char'][$global_array_key] ?? 0, 'mimes' => [], 'min' => $validated['min_char'][$global_array_key] ?? 0, 'options' => [], ]; $global_array_key++; } $validation_rules['required'] = $field_necessity_list[$field_necessity] ?? false; $input_fields[] = [ 'type' => $item, 'label' => $validated['label'][$key] ?? "", 'name' => make_input_name($validated['label'][$key] ?? ""), 'required' => $field_necessity_list[$field_necessity] ?? false, 'validation' => $validation_rules, ]; } return $input_fields; } /** * Function for replace ENV Value based on key * @param array $replace_array */ function modifyEnv($replace_array = []) { $array_going_to_modify = $replace_array; if (count($array_going_to_modify) == 0) { return false; } $env_file = App::environmentFilePath(); $env_content = $_ENV; $update_array = ["APP_ENV" => App::environment()]; foreach ($env_content as $key => $value) { foreach ($array_going_to_modify as $modify_key => $modify_value) { if ($key == $modify_key) { $update_array[$key] = '"'.$modify_value.'"'; break; } else { $update_array[$key] = '"'.$value.'"'; } } } $string_content = ""; foreach ($update_array as $key => $item) { $line = $key . "=" . $item; $string_content .= $line . "\n\r"; } sleep(2); file_put_contents($env_file, $string_content); } // Role Permission START function permission_skip() { return [ 'admin.logout', 'admin.languages.switch', 'admin.currency.search', 'admin.notifications.clear', 'admin.users.search', 'admin.admins.search', 'admin.users.sms.unverified' ]; } function get_role_permission_routes() { $routes_info = Route::getRoutes()->get(); $routes_name = []; foreach ($routes_info as $key => $item) { if (isset($item->action['as'])) { if (Str::is("admin.*", $item->action['as'])) { if (Str::is("admin.login*", $item->action['as'])) { continue; } else if (Str::is("admin.profile*", $item->action['as'])) { continue; } else if (Str::is("admin.password*", $item->action['as'])) { continue; } else if (in_array($item->action['as'], permission_skip())) { continue; } $routes_name[] = $item->action['as']; } } } $readable_route_text = []; foreach ($routes_name as $item) { $make_title = str_replace('admin.', "", $item); $make_title = str_replace('.', " ", $make_title); $make_title = ucwords($make_title); $readable_route_text[] = [ 'route' => $item, 'text' => $make_title, ]; } return $readable_route_text; } function get_route_info($route_name) { $route_info = Route::getRoutes()->getByName($route_name); return $route_info; } function system_super_admin() { if (AdminHasRole::whereHas('role', function ($query) { $query->where("name", AdminRoleConst::SUPER_ADMIN); })->exists()) return true; return false; } function admin_role_const() { return AdminRoleConst::class; } function auth_admin_roles() { return auth()->guard("admin")->user()->getRolesCollection(); } function auth_admin_permissions() { $auth_admin_roles = Auth::user()->roles; $permissions = []; foreach ($auth_admin_roles as $item) { if ($item->permission != null && $item->permission->hasPermissions != null) { foreach ($item->permission->hasPermissions as $innerItem) { array_push($permissions, $innerItem->route); } } } return array_unique($permissions); } function auth_is_super_admin() { $auth_admin_roles = auth_admin_roles(); if (in_array(AdminRoleConst::SUPER_ADMIN, $auth_admin_roles)) return true; return false; } function permission_protected() { $permissions = get_role_permission_routes(); $permissions = Arr::pluck($permissions, ["route"]); return $permissions; } function auth_admin_incomming_permission() { $incomming_access = Route::currentRouteName(); $auth_admin_permissions = auth_admin_permissions(); // dd($auth_admin_permissions); // dd(permission_protected()); if (auth_is_super_admin() == true) return true; if (!in_array($incomming_access, permission_protected())) return true; if (in_array($incomming_access, $auth_admin_permissions)) return true; return false; } function admin_permission_by_name($name) { if (auth_is_super_admin()) return true; if (in_array($name, auth_admin_permissions())) return true; return false; } function auth_has_no_role() { if (count(auth_admin_roles()) == 0) { return true; } return false; } function auth_has_role() { if (count(auth_admin_roles()) > 0) { return true; } return false; } function admin_permission_by_name_array($names) { $auth_admin_permissions = auth_admin_permissions(); if (auth_is_super_admin()) return true; $match = array_intersect($auth_admin_permissions, $names); if (count($match) > 0) { return true; } return false; } // Role Permission END function remove_spaces($string) { return str_replace(' ', "", $string); } function get_admin_notifications() { $notifications = AdminNotification::auth()->where('clear_at',null)->latest()->get(); return $notifications; } function language_const() { return LanguageConst::class; } function addMoneyChargeCalc($amount, $charges) { $rate = $charges->rate ?? 0; if ($charges != null) { $fixed_charges = $charges->fixed_charge; $percent_charges = $charges->percent_charge; } else { $fixed_charges = 0; $percent_charges = 0; } $fixed_charge_calc = ($rate * $fixed_charges); $percent_charge_calc = ($amount / 100) * $percent_charges; $total_charge = $fixed_charge_calc + $percent_charge_calc; $total_amount = $amount + $total_charge; $data = [ 'requested_amount' => $amount, 'total_amount' => $total_amount, 'total_charges' => $total_charge, 'fixed_charge' => $fixed_charge_calc, 'percent_charges' => $percent_charge_calc, ]; return (object) $data; } function create_file($path, $mode = "w") { return fopen($path, $mode); } function get_first_file_from_dir($dir) { $files = scandir($dir); if(is_array($files) && count($files) > 2) return $files[2]; return false; } function language_file_exists() { $file_path = get_files_path('language-file'); $files = scandir($file_path); if(is_array($files) && count($files) > 2) return true; return false; } function get_default_language_code() { return App::currentLocale(); } function get_admin($username) { $admin = Admin::where("username",$username)->first(); return $admin; } function setPageTitle(string $title) { $basic_settings = BasicSettingsProvider::get(); return $basic_settings->site_name . " | " . $title; } function make_username($first_name,$last_name,$table = "users") { // Make username Dynamically $generate_name_with_count = ""; do{ // Generate username $firstName = $first_name; $lastName = $last_name; if($generate_name_with_count == "") { if(strlen($firstName) >= 6) { $generate_name = filter_string_lower($firstName); }else { $modfy_last_name = explode(' ',$lastName); $lastName = filter_string_lower($modfy_last_name[0]); $firstName = filter_string_lower($firstName); $generate_name = $firstName . $lastName; if(strlen($generate_name) < 6) { $firstName = filter_string_lower($firstName); $lastName = filter_string_lower($lastName); $generate_name = $firstName . $lastName; if(strlen($generate_name) < 6) { $getCurrentLen = strlen($generate_name); $dueChar = 6 - $getCurrentLen; $generate_due_char = strtolower(generate_random_string($dueChar)); $generate_name = $generate_name . $generate_due_char; } } } }else { $generate_name = $generate_name_with_count; } // Find User is already exists or not $chekUser = DB::table($table)->where('username',$generate_name)->first(); if($chekUser == null) { $loop = false; }else { $generate_name_with_count = $generate_name; $split_string = array_reverse(str_split($generate_name_with_count)); $username_string_part = ""; $last_numeric_values = ""; $numeric_close = false; foreach($split_string as $character) { if($numeric_close == false) { if(is_numeric($character)) { $last_numeric_values .= $character; }else { $numeric_close = true; } } if($numeric_close == true) { $username_string_part .= $character; } } if($last_numeric_values == "") { // If has no number in username string; $last_numeric_values = 1; } $username_string_part = strrev($username_string_part); // usernaem back to reverse; $last_numeric_values = strrev($last_numeric_values); // last number back to reverse; $generate_name_with_count = $username_string_part . ($last_numeric_values + 1); $loop = true; } }while($loop); return $generate_name; } function filter_string_lower($string) { $username = preg_replace('/ /i','',$string); $username = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $username); $username = strtolower($username); return $username; } function generate_random_string($length = 12) { $characters = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $randomString; } function generate_random_string_number($length = 12) { $characters = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $randomString; } function generate_unique_string($table,$column,$length = 10) { do{ $generate_rand_string = generate_random_string_number($length); $unique = DB::table($table)->where($column,$generate_rand_string)->exists(); $loop = false; if($unique) { $loop = true; } $unique_string = $generate_rand_string; }while($loop); return $unique_string; } function upload_file($file,$destination_path,$old_file = null) { if(File::isFile($file)) { $save_path = get_files_path($destination_path); $file_extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file_type = File::mimeType($file); $file_size = File::size($file); $file_original_name = $file->getClientOriginalName(); $file_base_name = explode(".",$file_original_name); array_pop($file_base_name); $file_base_name = implode("-",$file_base_name); $file_name = Str::uuid() . "." . $file_extension; $file_public_link = $save_path . "/" . $file_name; $file_asset_link = files_asset_path($destination_path) . "/" . $file_name; $file_info = [ 'name' => $file_name, 'type' => $file_type, 'extension' => $file_extension, 'size' => $file_size, 'file_link' => $file_asset_link, 'dev_path' => $file_public_link, 'original_name' => $file_original_name, 'original_base_name' => $file_base_name, ]; try{ if($old_file) { $old_file_link = $save_path . "/" . $old_file; delete_file($old_file_link); } File::move($file,$file_public_link); }catch(Exception $e) { return false; } return $file_info; } return false; } function delete_files($files_link) { if(is_array($files_link)) { foreach($files_link as $item) { if (File::exists($item)) { try { File::delete($item); } catch (Exception $e) { // return false; } } } } } function support_ticket_const() { return SupportTicketConst::class; } function get_percentage_from_two_number($total,$available,$result_type = "int") { if(is_numeric($total) && is_numeric($available)) { $one_percent = $total / 100; $result = 0; if($one_percent > 0) $result = $available / $one_percent; if($result_type == "int") return (int) ceil($result); return number_format($result, 2, ".", ","); } } function remove_speacial_char($string) { return preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/"," ",$string); } function check_email($string) { if(filter_var($string,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return true; } return false; } function generate_random_code($length = 6) { $numbers = '123456789'; $numbersLength = strlen($numbers); $randNumber = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randNumber .= $numbers[rand(0, $numbersLength - 1)]; } return $randNumber; } function mailVerificationTemplate($user) { $basic_settings = BasicSettingsProvider::get(); $data = [ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'code' => generate_random_code(), 'token' => generate_unique_string("user_authorizations","token",200), 'created_at' => now(), ]; DB::beginTransaction(); try{ if( $basic_settings->email_notification == true){ $user->notify(new SendAuthorizationCode((object) $data)); } UserAuthorization::where("user_id",$user->id)->delete(); DB::table("user_authorizations")->insert($data); DB::commit(); }catch(Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); return back()->with(['error' => ['Something went worng! Please try again']]); } return redirect()->route('user.authorize.mail',$data['token'])->with(['warning' => ['Please verify your mail address. Check your mail inbox to get verification code']]); } function mailVerificationTemplateMerchant($merchant) { $basic_settings = BasicSettingsProvider::get(); $data = [ 'merchant_id' => $merchant->id, 'code' => generate_random_code(), 'token' => generate_unique_string("merchant_authorizations","token",200), 'created_at' => now(), ]; DB::beginTransaction(); try{ if( $basic_settings->email_notification == true){ $merchant->notify(new AuthSendAuthorizationCode((object) $data)); } MerchantAuthorization::where("merchant_id",$merchant->id)->delete(); DB::table("merchant_authorizations")->insert($data); DB::commit(); }catch(Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); return back()->with(['error' => ['Something went worng! Please try again']]); } return redirect()->route('merchant.authorize.mail',$data['token'])->with(['warning' => ['Please verify your mail address. Check your mail inbox to get verification code']]); } function mailVerificationTemplateApi($user) { $basic_settings = BasicSettingsProvider::get(); $data = [ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'code' => generate_random_code(), 'token' => generate_unique_string("user_authorizations","token",200), 'created_at' => now(), ]; DB::beginTransaction(); try{ if( $basic_settings->email_notification == true){ $user->notify(new SendAuthorizationCode((object) $data)); } UserAuthorization::where("user_id",$user->id)->delete(); DB::table("user_authorizations")->insert($data); DB::commit(); }catch(Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); $error = ['error'=>['Something went worng! Please try again']]; return Helpers::error($error); } $error = ['errors'=>['Email verification is required']]; return Helpers::error($error); } function merchantMailVerificationTemplateApi($user) { $basic_settings = BasicSettingsProvider::get(); $data = [ 'merchant_id' => $user->id, 'code' => generate_random_code(), 'token' => generate_unique_string("merchant_authorizations","token",200), 'created_at' => now(), ]; DB::beginTransaction(); try{ if( $basic_settings->email_notification == true){ $user->notify(new AuthSendAuthorizationCode((object) $data)); } MerchantAuthorization::where("merchant_id",$user->id)->delete(); DB::table("merchant_authorizations")->insert($data); DB::commit(); }catch(Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); $error = ['error'=>['Something went worng! Please try again']]; return Helpers::error($error); } $error = ['errors'=>['Email verification is required']]; return Helpers::error($error); } function extension_const() { return ExtensionConst::class; } function global_const() { return GlobalConst::class; } function imageExtenstions() { return ['png','jpg','jpeg','svg','webp','gif']; } function its_image(string $string) { if(!is_string($string)) return false; $extension = explode(".",$string); $extension = strtolower(end($extension)); if(in_array($extension,imageExtenstions())) return true; return false; } function get_file_link($path_source, $name = null) { if($name == null) return false; $path = files_asset_path($path_source); $link = $path . "/" . $name; $dev_link = get_files_path($path_source) . "/" . $name; if(is_file($dev_link)) return $link; return false; } function get_file_basename_ext_from_link(string $link) { $link = $link; $file_name = explode("/",$link); $file_name = end($file_name); $file_base = explode(".",$file_name); $extension = end($file_base); array_pop($file_base); $file_base = implode(".",$file_base); return (object) ['base_name' => $file_base, 'extension' => $extension]; } function makeActive($routeName, $type = null) { $class = 'active'; if (is_array($routeName)) { foreach ($routeName as $key => $value) { if (request()->routeIs($value)) { return $class; } } } elseif (request()->routeIs($routeName)) { return $class; } } function slug($string) { return Illuminate\Support\Str::slug($string); } // function getSectionData($slug){ // $data = SiteSections::where('key', $slug)->first(); // return $data; // } //moveable function getDialCode() { $client_ip = request()->ip() ?? false; $location = geoip()->getLocation($client_ip); $agent = new Agent(); $mac = ""; $data = [ // 'user_id' => $user->id, 'ip' => $client_ip, 'mac' => $mac, 'city' => $location['city'] ?? "", 'country' => $location['country'] ?? "", 'longitude' => $location['lon'] ?? "", 'latitude' => $location['lat'] ?? "", 'timezone' => $location['timezone'] ?? "", 'browser' => $agent->browser() ?? "", 'os' => $agent->platform() ?? "", ]; $dial_code = get_country_phone_code($data['country']); // return $dial_code; return 880; } function payment_gateway_const() { return PaymentGatewayConst::class; } function get_user_notifications() { if(auth()->guard('web')->check()){ $user = auth()->user(); $notifications = UserNotification::auth()->latest()->take(5)->get(); return $notifications; } else if(auth()->guard('merchant')->check()){ $user = auth()->user(); $notifications = MerchantNotification::auth()->latest()->take(5)->get(); return $notifications; } } function selectedLang(){ $default_language = Language::where('status',GlobalConst::ACTIVE)->first(); $default_language_code = $default_language->code ?? LanguageConst::NOT_REMOVABLE; return session()->get('local')?? $default_language_code; } function selectedLangDir(){ if(session()->get('local')){ $default_language = Language::where('code',session()->get('local'))->first(); $default_language_dir = $default_language->dir ?? LanguageConst::NOT_REMOVABLE; }else{ $default_language = Language::where('status',GlobalConst::ACTIVE)->first(); $default_language_dir = $default_language->dir ?? LanguageConst::NOT_REMOVABLE; } return $default_language_dir; } function textLength($string, $length = 120) { return Illuminate\Support\Str::limit($string, $length); } function showDate($date, $format = 'd-m-Y') { $lang = session()->get('lang'); Carbon::setlocale($lang); return Carbon::parse($date)->translatedFormat($format); } function authWalletBalance(){ if(auth()->guard('web')->check()){ $wallet = UserWallet::where('user_id',auth()->user()->id)->first(); return number_format($wallet->balance,2); }else if(auth()->guard('merchant')->check()){ $wallet = MerchantWallet::where('merchant_id',auth()->user()->id)->first(); return number_format($wallet->balance,2); } } function getAmount($amount, $length = 8) { $amount = round($amount, $length); return $amount + 0; } function get_gateway_image($gateway_id){ $gateway = PaymentGateway::where('id',$gateway_id)->first(); $image = get_image($gateway->image,"payment-gateways"); return $image; } function get_gateway_name($gateway_id){ $gateway = PaymentGateway::where('id',$gateway_id)->first(); return $gateway->name; } function generateQr($val) { return "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=300x300&cht=qr&chl=$val&choe=UTF-8&chf=bg,s,FFFFFF00"; } function userGuard() { if(auth()->guard('web')->check()){ $user = auth()->guard('web')->user(); $userType = 'USER'; $guard = "1"; } else if(auth()->guard('api')->check()){ $user = auth()->guard('api')->user(); $userType = 'USER'; $guard = "2"; } else if(auth()->guard('merchant')->check()){ $user = auth()->guard('merchant')->user(); $userType = 'MERCHANT'; $guard = "4"; }else if(auth()->guard('merchant_api')->check()){ $user = auth()->guard('merchant_api')->user(); $userType = 'MERCHANT'; $guard = "4"; } return [ 'user'=>$user, 'type'=> $userType, 'guard'=>$guard ]; } function generate_google_2fa_auth_qr() { $google2FA = new \PragmaRX\Google2FA\Google2FA(); $secret_key = $google2FA->generateSecretKey(); $user = auth()->user(); if($user->two_factor_secret) { $site_url = App::make('url')->to('/'); $generate_text = $google2FA->getQRCodeUrl($site_url,$user->username,$user->two_factor_secret); }else { $site_url = App::make('url')->to('/'); $generate_text = $google2FA->getQRCodeUrl($site_url,$user->username,$secret_key); $user->update([ 'two_factor_secret' => $secret_key, ]); } $qr_image = 'https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=350x350&chl='.$generate_text; return $qr_image; } function googleTwoFactorVerificationTemplate($user) { return redirect()->route('user.authorize.google.2fa')->with(['error' => ['Please verify two factor authentication']]); } function merchantGoogleTwoFactorVerificationTemplate($user) { return redirect()->route('merchant.authorize.google.2fa')->with(['error' => ['Please verify two factor authentication']]); } function google_2fa_verify($secret_key,$code) { $google2FA = new \PragmaRX\Google2FA\Google2FA(); if($google2FA->verifyKey($secret_key, $code,0) == false) { throw ValidationException::withMessages([ 'code' => "Invalid authentication code", ]); return false; } return true; } function google_2fa_verify_api($secret_key,$code) { $google2FA = new \PragmaRX\Google2FA\Google2FA(); if($google2FA->verifyKey($secret_key, $code,0) == false) { // throw ValidationException::withMessages([ // 'code' => "Invalid authentication code", // ]); return false; } return true; } function getTrxNum($length = 8) { $characters = '123456789'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $randomString; } function get_auth_guard() { if(auth()->guard("web")->check()) { return "web"; }else if(auth()->guard("admin")->check()) { return "admin"; }else if(auth()->guard("api")->check()) { return "api"; }else if(auth()->guard("merchant")->check()) { return "merchant"; }else if(auth()->guard("merchant_api")->check()) { return "merchant_api"; } return ""; } function ticketType(){ $active = UserSupportTicket::active()->count(); $pending = UserSupportTicket::pending()->count(); $solved = UserSupportTicket::solved()->count(); $all = UserSupportTicket::count(); return [ 'active' => $active, 'pending' => $pending, 'solved' => $solved, 'all' => $all, ]; } function get_default_currency_symbol($default_currency = null) { if($default_currency == null) $default_currency = CurrencyProvider::default(); if ($default_currency != false) { return $default_currency->symbol; } return ""; } if (!function_exists('formatNumberInKNotation')) { function formatNumberInKNotation (Int $number, Int $decimals = 1) : String { $unitSize = 1000; $units = ["", "K", "M", "B", "T"]; $unitsCount = ($number === 0) ? 0 : floor(log(abs($number), $unitSize)); $unit = $units[min($unitsCount, count($units) - 1)]; $value = round($number / pow($unitSize, $unitsCount), $decimals); return $value . $unit; } } if(!function_exists('dateFormat')){ function dateFormat($format, $date){ return date($format, strtotime($date)); } } function generateTransactionReference() { return 'TXREF_' . time(); } function module_access($key,$module = null) { if (!$module) { $module = ModuleSetting::query(); } return $module->where('user_type',userGuard()['type'])->where('slug',$key)->first(); } function module_access_api($key) { $module = ModuleSetting::where('slug',$key)->where('user_type',userGuard()['type'])->first(); return $module->status; } function module_access_merchant_api($key) { $module = ModuleSetting::where('slug',$key)->first(); return $module->status; } //flutterwave automatic withdrawal helper functions function getFlutterwaveBanks($iso2){ $cardApi = PaymentGateway::where('type',"AUTOMATIC")->where('alias','flutterwave-money-out')->first(); $secretKey = getPaymentCredentials($cardApi->credentials,'Secret key'); $base_url =getPaymentCredentials($cardApi->credentials,'Base Url'); $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $base_url.'/banks'.'/'.$iso2, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( "Authorization: Bearer ". $secretKey ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $banks = json_decode($response,true); return $banks['data']; } function checkBankAccount($account_number,$bank_code){ $cardApi = PaymentGateway::where('type',"AUTOMATIC")->where('alias','flutterwave-money-out')->first(); $secretKey = getPaymentCredentials($cardApi->credentials,'Secret key'); $base_url =getPaymentCredentials($cardApi->credentials,'Base Url'); $ch = curl_init(); $url = $base_url.'/accounts/resolve'; $data = [ "account_number" => $account_number, "account_bank" => $bank_code ]; $headers = [ "Authorization: Bearer ". $secretKey, 'Content-Type: application/json' ]; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); $response = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { return curl_errno($ch); } else { $data = json_decode($response,true); return $data; } curl_close($ch); } function getPaymentCredentials($credentials,$label){ $data = null; foreach ($credentials as $object) { $object = (object)$object; if ($object->label === $label) { $data = $object; break; } } return $data->value; } function flutterwaveBalance($secret_key = null){ $cardApi = VirtualCardApi::first(); $secretKey = $secret_key??$cardApi->config->flutterwave_secret_key; $base_url = $cardApi->config->flutterwave_url; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $base_url.'/balances', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "GET", CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( "Content-Type: application/json", "Authorization: Bearer ". $secretKey ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $result = json_decode($response); $currency = get_default_currency_code(); if ($result->status == 'success'){ $key = array_search( $currency, array_column($result->data, 'currency')); $balance = (array) $result; $base_curr = $balance['data'][$key]; $balance = $base_curr->available_balance; $data =[ 'status' => true, 'message' => $result->message, 'balance' => $balance, ]; }else{ $data =[ 'status' => false, 'message' => $result->message, 'balance' => 0.0, ]; } return $data; } function menuActive($routeName) { $class = "active"; if (is_array($routeName)) { foreach ($routeName as $key => $value) { if (request()->routeIs($value)) { return $class; } } } elseif (request()->routeIs($routeName)) { return $class; } } function get_api_languages(){ $lang = Language::get()->map(function($data,$index){ if(file_exists(base_path('lang/') . $data->code . '.json') == false) return false; $json = json_decode(file_get_contents(base_path('lang/') . $data->code . '.json'),true); $lan_key_values = []; if($json != null) { foreach($json as $lan_key=>$item) { $lan_key_original = $lan_key; $lan_key = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z]/i',' ',strtolower($lan_key)); if(strlen($lan_key) > 30) { // $lan_key = substr($lan_key,0,20); $word_array = explode(" ",$lan_key); $count_char = 0; foreach($word_array as $word_key => $word) { $count_char += strlen($word); if($count_char > 30) { $get_limit_val = array_splice($word_array,0,$word_key); $lan_key = implode(" ",$get_limit_val); $count_char = 0; break; } } } // Make Key Readable $var_array = explode(" ",$lan_key); foreach($var_array as $key=>$var) { if($key > 0) { $var_array[$key] = ucwords($var); } } $lan_key = implode("",$var_array); if(array_key_exists($lan_key,$lan_key_values) && $lan_key_values[$lan_key] != $item) { throw new Exception("Duplicate Key Found! Please check/update this key [$lan_key_original]"); } ($lan_key != "") ? $lan_key_values[$lan_key] = $item : ""; } } return [ 'name' => $data->name, 'code' => $data->code, 'status' => $data->status, 'dir' => $data->dir, 'translate_key_values' =>$lan_key_values, ]; })->reject(function($value) { return $value == false; }); return $lang; } function send_push_notification(array $users,array $data) { $basic_settings = BasicSettingsProvider::get(); if(!$basic_settings) { return false; } $notification_config = $basic_settings->push_notification_config; if(!$notification_config) { return false; } $instance_id = $notification_config->instance_id ?? null; $primary_key = $notification_config->primary_key ?? null; if($instance_id == null || $primary_key == null) { return false; } $notification = new PushNotifications( array( "instanceId" => $notification_config->instance_id, "secretKey" => $notification_config->primary_key, ) ); $notification_data = $data; $response = $notification->publishToUsers( $users, [ "web" => [ "notification" => $notification_data, ], ], ); return $response; } function totalAdminProfits(){ $total_profits = TransactionCharge::with('transactions') ->whereHas('transactions', function ($query) { $query->whereNotIn('type', [PaymentGatewayConst::TYPEADDMONEY, PaymentGatewayConst::TYPEMONEYOUT,PaymentGatewayConst::TYPEADDSUBTRACTBALANCE]); }) ->sum('total_charge'); return $total_profits??0; }