* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Images; /** * Expected behavior of an Image handler */ interface ImageHandlerInterface { /** * Resize the image * * @param bool $maintainRatio If true, will get the closest match possible while keeping aspect ratio true. * * @return $this */ public function resize(int $width, int $height, bool $maintainRatio = false, string $masterDim = 'auto'); /** * Crops the image to the desired height and width. If one of the height/width values * is not provided, that value will be set the appropriate value based on offsets and * image dimensions. * * @param int|null $x X-axis coord to start cropping from the left of image * @param int|null $y Y-axis coord to start cropping from the top of image * * @return $this */ public function crop(?int $width = null, ?int $height = null, ?int $x = null, ?int $y = null, bool $maintainRatio = false, string $masterDim = 'auto'); /** * Changes the stored image type to indicate the new file format to use when saving. * Does not touch the actual resource. * * @param int $imageType A PHP imagetype constant, e.g. https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.image-type-to-mime-type.php * * @return $this */ public function convert(int $imageType); /** * Rotates the image on the current canvas. * * @return $this */ public function rotate(float $angle); /** * Flattens transparencies, default white background * * @return $this */ public function flatten(int $red = 255, int $green = 255, int $blue = 255); /** * Reads the EXIF information from the image and modifies the orientation * so that displays correctly in the browser. * * @return ImageHandlerInterface */ public function reorient(); /** * Retrieve the EXIF information from the image, if possible. Returns * an array of the information, or null if nothing can be found. * * @param string|null $key If specified, will only return this piece of EXIF data. * * @return mixed */ public function getEXIF(?string $key = null); /** * Flip an image horizontally or vertically * * @param string $dir Direction to flip, either 'vertical' or 'horizontal' * * @return $this */ public function flip(string $dir = 'vertical'); /** * Combine cropping and resizing into a single command. * * Supported positions: * - top-left * - top * - top-right * - left * - center * - right * - bottom-left * - bottom * - bottom-right * * @return $this */ public function fit(int $width, int $height, string $position); /** * Overlays a string of text over the image. * * Valid options: * * - color Text Color (hex number) * - shadowColor Color of the shadow (hex number) * - hAlign Horizontal alignment: left, center, right * - vAlign Vertical alignment: top, middle, bottom * - hOffset * - vOffset * - fontPath * - fontSize * - shadowOffset * * @return $this */ public function text(string $text, array $options = []); /** * Saves any changes that have been made to file. * * Example: * $image->resize(100, 200, true) * ->save($target); * * @param string $target * * @return bool */ public function save(?string $target = null, int $quality = 90); }