* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Images\Handlers; use CodeIgniter\Images\Exceptions\ImageException; use Config\Images; /** * Image handler for GD package */ class GDHandler extends BaseHandler { /** * Constructor. * * @param Images|null $config * * @throws ImageException */ public function __construct($config = null) { parent::__construct($config); if (! extension_loaded('gd')) { throw ImageException::forMissingExtension('GD'); // @codeCoverageIgnore } } /** * Handles the rotation of an image resource. * Doesn't save the image, but replaces the current resource. */ protected function _rotate(int $angle): bool { // Create the image handle $srcImg = $this->createImage(); // Set the background color // This won't work with transparent PNG files so we are // going to have to figure out how to determine the color // of the alpha channel in a future release. $white = imagecolorallocate($srcImg, 255, 255, 255); // Rotate it! $destImg = imagerotate($srcImg, $angle, $white); // Kill the file handles imagedestroy($srcImg); $this->resource = $destImg; return true; } /** * Flattens transparencies * * @return $this */ protected function _flatten(int $red = 255, int $green = 255, int $blue = 255) { $srcImg = $this->createImage(); if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { $create = 'imagecreatetruecolor'; $copy = 'imagecopyresampled'; } else { $create = 'imagecreate'; $copy = 'imagecopyresized'; } $dest = $create($this->width, $this->height); $matte = imagecolorallocate($dest, $red, $green, $blue); imagefilledrectangle($dest, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $matte); imagecopy($dest, $srcImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height); // Kill the file handles imagedestroy($srcImg); $this->resource = $dest; return $this; } /** * Flips an image along it's vertical or horizontal axis. * * @return $this */ protected function _flip(string $direction) { $srcImg = $this->createImage(); $angle = $direction === 'horizontal' ? IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL : IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL; imageflip($srcImg, $angle); $this->resource = $srcImg; return $this; } /** * Get GD version * * @return mixed */ public function getVersion() { if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $gdVersion = @gd_info(); return preg_replace('/\D/', '', $gdVersion['GD Version']); } return false; } /** * Resizes the image. * * @return GDHandler */ public function _resize(bool $maintainRatio = false) { return $this->process('resize'); } /** * Crops the image. * * @return GDHandler */ public function _crop() { return $this->process('crop'); } /** * Handles all of the grunt work of resizing, etc. * * @return $this */ protected function process(string $action) { $origWidth = $this->image()->origWidth; $origHeight = $this->image()->origHeight; if ($action === 'crop') { // Reassign the source width/height if cropping $origWidth = $this->width; $origHeight = $this->height; // Modify the "original" width/height to the new // values so that methods that come after have the // correct size to work with. $this->image()->origHeight = $this->height; $this->image()->origWidth = $this->width; } // Create the image handle $src = $this->createImage(); if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { $create = 'imagecreatetruecolor'; $copy = 'imagecopyresampled'; } else { $create = 'imagecreate'; $copy = 'imagecopyresized'; } $dest = $create($this->width, $this->height); // for png and webp we can actually preserve transparency if (in_array($this->image()->imageType, $this->supportTransparency, true)) { imagealphablending($dest, false); imagesavealpha($dest, true); } $copy($dest, $src, 0, 0, (int) $this->xAxis, (int) $this->yAxis, $this->width, $this->height, $origWidth, $origHeight); imagedestroy($src); $this->resource = $dest; return $this; } /** * Saves any changes that have been made to file. If no new filename is * provided, the existing image is overwritten, otherwise a copy of the * file is made at $target. * * Example: * $image->resize(100, 200, true) * ->save(); */ public function save(?string $target = null, int $quality = 90): bool { $original = $target; $target = empty($target) ? $this->image()->getPathname() : $target; // If no new resource has been created, then we're // simply copy the existing one. if (empty($this->resource) && $quality === 100) { if ($original === null) { return true; } $name = basename($target); $path = pathinfo($target, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); return $this->image()->copy($path, $name); } $this->ensureResource(); // for png and webp we can actually preserve transparency if (in_array($this->image()->imageType, $this->supportTransparency, true)) { imagealphablending($this->resource, false); imagesavealpha($this->resource, true); } switch ($this->image()->imageType) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: if (! function_exists('imagegif')) { throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(lang('Images.gifNotSupported')); } if (! @imagegif($this->resource, $target)) { throw ImageException::forSaveFailed(); } break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: if (! function_exists('imagejpeg')) { throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(lang('Images.jpgNotSupported')); } if (! @imagejpeg($this->resource, $target, $quality)) { throw ImageException::forSaveFailed(); } break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: if (! function_exists('imagepng')) { throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(lang('Images.pngNotSupported')); } if (! @imagepng($this->resource, $target)) { throw ImageException::forSaveFailed(); } break; case IMAGETYPE_WEBP: if (! function_exists('imagewebp')) { throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(lang('Images.webpNotSupported')); } if (! @imagewebp($this->resource, $target)) { throw ImageException::forSaveFailed(); } break; default: throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(); } imagedestroy($this->resource); chmod($target, $this->filePermissions); return true; } /** * Create Image Resource * * This simply creates an image resource handle * based on the type of image being processed * * @return bool|resource */ protected function createImage(string $path = '', string $imageType = '') { if ($this->resource !== null) { return $this->resource; } if ($path === '') { $path = $this->image()->getPathname(); } if ($imageType === '') { $imageType = $this->image()->imageType; } return $this->getImageResource($path, $imageType); } /** * Make the image resource object if needed */ protected function ensureResource() { if ($this->resource === null) { // if valid image type, make corresponding image resource $this->resource = $this->getImageResource( $this->image()->getPathname(), $this->image()->imageType ); } } /** * Check if image type is supported and return image resource * * @param string $path Image path * @param int $imageType Image type * * @return bool|resource * * @throws ImageException */ protected function getImageResource(string $path, int $imageType) { switch ($imageType) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: if (! function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) { throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(lang('Images.gifNotSupported')); } return imagecreatefromgif($path); case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: if (! function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) { throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(lang('Images.jpgNotSupported')); } return imagecreatefromjpeg($path); case IMAGETYPE_PNG: if (! function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) { throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(lang('Images.pngNotSupported')); } return @imagecreatefrompng($path); case IMAGETYPE_WEBP: if (! function_exists('imagecreatefromwebp')) { throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate(lang('Images.webpNotSupported')); } return imagecreatefromwebp($path); default: throw ImageException::forInvalidImageCreate('Ima'); } } /** * Add text overlay to an image. */ protected function _text(string $text, array $options = []) { // Reverse the vertical offset // When the image is positioned at the bottom // we don't want the vertical offset to push it // further down. We want the reverse, so we'll // invert the offset. Note: The horizontal // offset flips itself automatically if ($options['vAlign'] === 'bottom') { $options['vOffset'] = $options['vOffset'] * -1; } if ($options['hAlign'] === 'right') { $options['hOffset'] = $options['hOffset'] * -1; } // Set font width and height // These are calculated differently depending on // whether we are using the true type font or not if (! empty($options['fontPath'])) { if (function_exists('imagettfbbox')) { $temp = imagettfbbox($options['fontSize'], 0, $options['fontPath'], $text); $temp = $temp[2] - $temp[0]; $fontwidth = $temp / strlen($text); } else { $fontwidth = $options['fontSize'] - ($options['fontSize'] / 4); } $fontheight = $options['fontSize']; } else { $fontwidth = imagefontwidth($options['fontSize']); $fontheight = imagefontheight($options['fontSize']); } $options['fontheight'] = $fontheight; $options['fontwidth'] = $fontwidth; // Set base X and Y axis values $xAxis = $options['hOffset'] + $options['padding']; $yAxis = $options['vOffset'] + $options['padding']; // Set vertical alignment if ($options['vAlign'] === 'middle') { // Don't apply padding when you're in the middle of the image. $yAxis += ($this->image()->origHeight / 2) + ($fontheight / 2) - $options['padding'] - $fontheight - $options['shadowOffset']; } elseif ($options['vAlign'] === 'bottom') { $yAxis = ($this->image()->origHeight - $fontheight - $options['shadowOffset'] - ($fontheight / 2)) - $yAxis; } // Set horizontal alignment if ($options['hAlign'] === 'right') { $xAxis += ($this->image()->origWidth - ($fontwidth * strlen($text)) - $options['shadowOffset']) - (2 * $options['padding']); } elseif ($options['hAlign'] === 'center') { $xAxis += floor(($this->image()->origWidth - ($fontwidth * strlen($text))) / 2); } $options['xAxis'] = $xAxis; $options['yAxis'] = $yAxis; if ($options['withShadow']) { // Offset from text $options['xShadow'] = $xAxis + $options['shadowOffset']; $options['yShadow'] = $yAxis + $options['shadowOffset']; $this->textOverlay($text, $options, true); } $this->textOverlay($text, $options); } /** * Handler-specific method for overlaying text on an image. * * @param bool $isShadow Whether we are drawing the dropshadow or actual text */ protected function textOverlay(string $text, array $options = [], bool $isShadow = false) { $src = $this->createImage(); /* Set RGB values for shadow * * Get the rest of the string and split it into 2-length * hex values: */ $opacity = (int) ($options['opacity'] * 127); // Allow opacity to be applied to the text imagealphablending($src, true); $color = $isShadow ? $options['shadowColor'] : $options['color']; // shorthand hex, #f00 if (strlen($color) === 3) { $color = implode('', array_map('str_repeat', str_split($color), [2, 2, 2])); } $color = str_split(substr($color, 0, 6), 2); $color = imagecolorclosestalpha($src, hexdec($color[0]), hexdec($color[1]), hexdec($color[2]), $opacity); $xAxis = $isShadow ? $options['xShadow'] : $options['xAxis']; $yAxis = $isShadow ? $options['yShadow'] : $options['yAxis']; // Add the shadow to the source image if (! empty($options['fontPath'])) { // We have to add fontheight because imagettftext locates the bottom left corner, not top-left corner. imagettftext($src, $options['fontSize'], 0, (int) $xAxis, (int) ($yAxis + $options['fontheight']), $color, $options['fontPath'], $text); } else { imagestring($src, (int) $options['fontSize'], (int) $xAxis, (int) $yAxis, $text, $color); } $this->resource = $src; } /** * Return image width. * * @return int */ public function _getWidth() { return imagesx($this->resource); } /** * Return image height. * * @return int */ public function _getHeight() { return imagesy($this->resource); } }