* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors; use CodeIgniter\View\RendererInterface; use Config\Services; /** * Views collector */ class Views extends BaseCollector { /** * Whether this collector has data that can * be displayed in the Timeline. * * @var bool */ protected $hasTimeline = true; /** * Whether this collector needs to display * content in a tab or not. * * @var bool */ protected $hasTabContent = false; /** * Whether this collector needs to display * a label or not. * * @var bool */ protected $hasLabel = true; /** * Whether this collector has data that * should be shown in the Vars tab. * * @var bool */ protected $hasVarData = true; /** * The 'title' of this Collector. * Used to name things in the toolbar HTML. * * @var string */ protected $title = 'Views'; /** * Instance of the shared Renderer service * * @var RendererInterface|null */ protected $viewer; /** * Views counter * * @var array */ protected $views = []; private function initViewer(): void { $this->viewer ??= Services::renderer(); } /** * Child classes should implement this to return the timeline data * formatted for correct usage. */ protected function formatTimelineData(): array { $this->initViewer(); $data = []; $rows = $this->viewer->getPerformanceData(); foreach ($rows as $info) { $data[] = [ 'name' => 'View: ' . $info['view'], 'component' => 'Views', 'start' => $info['start'], 'duration' => $info['end'] - $info['start'], ]; } return $data; } /** * Gets a collection of data that should be shown in the 'Vars' tab. * The format is an array of sections, each with their own array * of key/value pairs: * * $data = [ * 'section 1' => [ * 'foo' => 'bar, * 'bar' => 'baz' * ], * 'section 2' => [ * 'foo' => 'bar, * 'bar' => 'baz' * ], * ]; */ public function getVarData(): array { $this->initViewer(); return [ 'View Data' => $this->viewer->getData(), ]; } /** * Returns a count of all views. */ public function getBadgeValue(): int { $this->initViewer(); return count($this->viewer->getPerformanceData()); } /** * Display the icon. * * Icon from https://icons8.com - 1em package */ public function icon(): string { return ''; } }