* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors; use Config\Services; use ReflectionException; use ReflectionFunction; use ReflectionMethod; /** * Routes collector */ class Routes extends BaseCollector { /** * Whether this collector has data that can * be displayed in the Timeline. * * @var bool */ protected $hasTimeline = false; /** * Whether this collector needs to display * content in a tab or not. * * @var bool */ protected $hasTabContent = true; /** * The 'title' of this Collector. * Used to name things in the toolbar HTML. * * @var string */ protected $title = 'Routes'; /** * Returns the data of this collector to be formatted in the toolbar * * @throws ReflectionException */ public function display(): array { $rawRoutes = Services::routes(true); $router = Services::router(null, null, true); // Matched Route $route = $router->getMatchedRoute(); // Get our parameters // Closure routes if (is_callable($router->controllerName())) { $method = new ReflectionFunction($router->controllerName()); } else { try { $method = new ReflectionMethod($router->controllerName(), $router->methodName()); } catch (ReflectionException $e) { // If we're here, the method doesn't exist // and is likely calculated in _remap. $method = new ReflectionMethod($router->controllerName(), '_remap'); } } $rawParams = $method->getParameters(); $params = []; foreach ($rawParams as $key => $param) { $params[] = [ 'name' => '$' . $param->getName() . ' = ', 'value' => $router->params()[$key] ?? '
| default: ' . var_export( $param->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? $param->getDefaultValue() : null, true ), ]; } $matchedRoute = [ [ 'directory' => $router->directory(), 'controller' => $router->controllerName(), 'method' => $router->methodName(), 'paramCount' => count($router->params()), 'truePCount' => count($params), 'params' => $params, ], ]; // Defined Routes $routes = []; $methods = [ 'get', 'head', 'post', 'patch', 'put', 'delete', 'options', 'trace', 'connect', 'cli', ]; foreach ($methods as $method) { $raw = $rawRoutes->getRoutes($method); foreach ($raw as $route => $handler) { // filter for strings, as callbacks aren't displayable if (is_string($handler)) { $routes[] = [ 'method' => strtoupper($method), 'route' => $route, 'handler' => $handler, ]; } } } return [ 'matchedRoute' => $matchedRoute, 'routes' => $routes, ]; } /** * Returns a count of all the routes in the system. */ public function getBadgeValue(): int { $rawRoutes = Services::routes(true); return count($rawRoutes->getRoutes()); } /** * Display the icon. * * Icon from https://icons8.com - 1em package */ public function icon(): string { return ''; } }