* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors; use CodeIgniter\Database\Query; use CodeIgniter\I18n\Time; /** * Collector for the Database tab of the Debug Toolbar. */ class Database extends BaseCollector { /** * Whether this collector has timeline data. * * @var bool */ protected $hasTimeline = true; /** * Whether this collector should display its own tab. * * @var bool */ protected $hasTabContent = true; /** * Whether this collector has data for the Vars tab. * * @var bool */ protected $hasVarData = false; /** * The name used to reference this collector in the toolbar. * * @var string */ protected $title = 'Database'; /** * Array of database connections. * * @var array */ protected $connections; /** * The query instances that have been collected * through the DBQuery Event. * * @var array */ protected static $queries = []; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->getConnections(); } /** * The static method used during Events to collect * data. * * @internal param $ array \CodeIgniter\Database\Query */ public static function collect(Query $query) { $config = config('Toolbar'); // Provide default in case it's not set $max = $config->maxQueries ?: 100; if (count(static::$queries) < $max) { $queryString = $query->getQuery(); $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); if (! is_cli()) { // when called in the browser, the first two trace arrays // are from the DB event trigger, which are unneeded $backtrace = array_slice($backtrace, 2); } static::$queries[] = [ 'query' => $query, 'string' => $queryString, 'duplicate' => in_array($queryString, array_column(static::$queries, 'string', null), true), 'trace' => $backtrace, ]; } } /** * Returns timeline data formatted for the toolbar. * * @return array The formatted data or an empty array. */ protected function formatTimelineData(): array { $data = []; foreach ($this->connections as $alias => $connection) { // Connection Time $data[] = [ 'name' => 'Connecting to Database: "' . $alias . '"', 'component' => 'Database', 'start' => $connection->getConnectStart(), 'duration' => $connection->getConnectDuration(), ]; } foreach (static::$queries as $query) { $data[] = [ 'name' => 'Query', 'component' => 'Database', 'start' => $query['query']->getStartTime(true), 'duration' => $query['query']->getDuration(), 'query' => $query['query']->debugToolbarDisplay(), ]; } return $data; } /** * Returns the data of this collector to be formatted in the toolbar */ public function display(): array { $data = []; $data['queries'] = array_map(static function (array $query) { $isDuplicate = $query['duplicate'] === true; $firstNonSystemLine = ''; foreach ($query['trace'] as $index => &$line) { // simplify file and line if (isset($line['file'])) { $line['file'] = clean_path($line['file']) . ':' . $line['line']; unset($line['line']); } else { $line['file'] = '[internal function]'; } // find the first trace line that does not originate from `system/` if ($firstNonSystemLine === '' && strpos($line['file'], 'SYSTEMPATH') === false) { $firstNonSystemLine = $line['file']; } // simplify function call if (isset($line['class'])) { $line['function'] = $line['class'] . $line['type'] . $line['function']; unset($line['class'], $line['type']); } if (strrpos($line['function'], '{closure}') === false) { $line['function'] .= '()'; } $line['function'] = str_repeat(chr(0xC2) . chr(0xA0), 8) . $line['function']; // add index numbering padded with nonbreaking space $indexPadded = str_pad(sprintf('%d', $index + 1), 3, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); $indexPadded = preg_replace('/\s/', chr(0xC2) . chr(0xA0), $indexPadded); $line['index'] = $indexPadded . str_repeat(chr(0xC2) . chr(0xA0), 4); } return [ 'hover' => $isDuplicate ? 'This query was called more than once.' : '', 'class' => $isDuplicate ? 'duplicate' : '', 'duration' => ((float) $query['query']->getDuration(5) * 1000) . ' ms', 'sql' => $query['query']->debugToolbarDisplay(), 'trace' => $query['trace'], 'trace-file' => $firstNonSystemLine, 'qid' => md5($query['query'] . Time::now()->format('0.u00 U')), ]; }, static::$queries); return $data; } /** * Gets the "badge" value for the button. */ public function getBadgeValue(): int { return count(static::$queries); } /** * Information to be displayed next to the title. * * @return string The number of queries (in parentheses) or an empty string. */ public function getTitleDetails(): string { $this->getConnections(); $queryCount = count(static::$queries); $uniqueCount = count(array_filter(static::$queries, static fn ($query) => $query['duplicate'] === false)); $connectionCount = count($this->connections); return sprintf( '(%d total Quer%s, %d %s unique across %d Connection%s)', $queryCount, $queryCount > 1 ? 'ies' : 'y', $uniqueCount, $uniqueCount > 1 ? 'of them' : '', $connectionCount, $connectionCount > 1 ? 's' : '' ); } /** * Does this collector have any data collected? */ public function isEmpty(): bool { return empty(static::$queries); } /** * Display the icon. * * Icon from https://icons8.com - 1em package */ public function icon(): string { return ''; } /** * Gets the connections from the database config */ private function getConnections() { $this->connections = \Config\Database::getConnections(); } }