* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Database; use ArgumentCountError; use BadMethodCallException; use CodeIgniter\Database\Exceptions\DatabaseException; use CodeIgniter\Events\Events; use ErrorException; /** * @template TConnection * @template TStatement * @template TResult * * @implements PreparedQueryInterface
*/ abstract class BasePreparedQuery implements PreparedQueryInterface { /** * The prepared statement itself. * * @var object|resource|null * @phpstan-var TStatement|null */ protected $statement; /** * The error code, if any. * * @var int */ protected $errorCode; /** * The error message, if any. * * @var string */ protected $errorString; /** * Holds the prepared query object * that is cloned during execute. * * @var Query */ protected $query; /** * A reference to the db connection to use. * * @var BaseConnection * @phpstan-var BaseConnection
*/ protected $db; public function __construct(BaseConnection $db) { $this->db = $db; } /** * Prepares the query against the database, and saves the connection * info necessary to execute the query later. * * NOTE: This version is based on SQL code. Child classes should * override this method. * * @return $this */ public function prepare(string $sql, array $options = [], string $queryClass = Query::class) { // We only supports positional placeholders (?) // in order to work with the execute method below, so we // need to replace our named placeholders (:name) $sql = preg_replace('/:[^\s,)]+/', '?', $sql); /** @var Query $query */ $query = new $queryClass($this->db); $query->setQuery($sql); if (! empty($this->db->swapPre) && ! empty($this->db->DBPrefix)) { $query->swapPrefix($this->db->DBPrefix, $this->db->swapPre); } $this->query = $query; return $this->_prepare($query->getOriginalQuery(), $options); } /** * The database-dependent portion of the prepare statement. * * @return $this */ abstract public function _prepare(string $sql, array $options = []); /** * Takes a new set of data and runs it against the currently * prepared query. Upon success, will return a Results object. * * @return bool|ResultInterface * @phpstan-return bool|ResultInterface
* * @throws DatabaseException */ public function execute(...$data) { // Execute the Query. $startTime = microtime(true); try { $exception = null; $result = $this->_execute($data); } catch (ArgumentCountError|ErrorException $exception) { $result = false; } // Update our query object $query = clone $this->query; $query->setBinds($data); if ($result === false) { $query->setDuration($startTime, $startTime); // This will trigger a rollback if transactions are being used if ($this->db->transDepth !== 0) { $this->db->transStatus = false; } if ($this->db->DBDebug) { // We call this function in order to roll-back queries // if transactions are enabled. If we don't call this here // the error message will trigger an exit, causing the // transactions to remain in limbo. while ($this->db->transDepth !== 0) { $transDepth = $this->db->transDepth; $this->db->transComplete(); if ($transDepth === $this->db->transDepth) { log_message('error', 'Database: Failure during an automated transaction commit/rollback!'); break; } } // Let others do something with this query. Events::trigger('DBQuery', $query); if ($exception !== null) { throw new DatabaseException($exception->getMessage(), $exception->getCode(), $exception); } return false; } // Let others do something with this query. Events::trigger('DBQuery', $query); return false; } $query->setDuration($startTime); // Let others do something with this query Events::trigger('DBQuery', $query); if ($this->db->isWriteType($query)) { return true; } // Return a result object $resultClass = str_replace('PreparedQuery', 'Result', static::class); $resultID = $this->_getResult(); return new $resultClass($this->db->connID, $resultID); } /** * The database dependant version of the execute method. */ abstract public function _execute(array $data): bool; /** * Returns the result object for the prepared query. * * @return object|resource|null */ abstract public function _getResult(); /** * Explicitly closes the prepared statement. * * @throws BadMethodCallException */ public function close(): bool { if (! isset($this->statement)) { throw new BadMethodCallException('Cannot call close on a non-existing prepared statement.'); } try { return $this->_close(); } finally { $this->statement = null; } } /** * The database-dependent version of the close method. */ abstract protected function _close(): bool; /** * Returns the SQL that has been prepared. */ public function getQueryString(): string { if (! $this->query instanceof QueryInterface) { throw new BadMethodCallException('Cannot call getQueryString on a prepared query until after the query has been prepared.'); } return $this->query->getQuery(); } /** * A helper to determine if any error exists. */ public function hasError(): bool { return ! empty($this->errorString); } /** * Returns the error code created while executing this statement. */ public function getErrorCode(): int { return $this->errorCode; } /** * Returns the error message created while executing this statement. */ public function getErrorMessage(): string { return $this->errorString; } }