* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities; use Closure; use CodeIgniter\CLI\BaseCommand; use CodeIgniter\CLI\CLI; use CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities\Routes\AutoRouteCollector; use CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities\Routes\AutoRouterImproved\AutoRouteCollector as AutoRouteCollectorImproved; use CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities\Routes\FilterCollector; use CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities\Routes\SampleURIGenerator; use Config\Services; /** * Lists all the routes. This will include any Routes files * that can be discovered, and will include routes that are not defined * in routes files, but are instead discovered through auto-routing. */ class Routes extends BaseCommand { /** * The group the command is lumped under * when listing commands. * * @var string */ protected $group = 'CodeIgniter'; /** * The Command's name * * @var string */ protected $name = 'routes'; /** * the Command's short description * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Displays all routes.'; /** * the Command's usage * * @var string */ protected $usage = 'routes'; /** * the Command's Arguments * * @var array */ protected $arguments = []; /** * the Command's Options * * @var array
*/ protected $options = [ '-h' => 'Sort by Handler.', ]; /** * Displays the help for the spark cli script itself. */ public function run(array $params) { $sortByHandler = array_key_exists('h', $params); $collection = Services::routes()->loadRoutes(); $methods = [ 'get', 'head', 'post', 'patch', 'put', 'delete', 'options', 'trace', 'connect', 'cli', ]; $tbody = []; $uriGenerator = new SampleURIGenerator(); $filterCollector = new FilterCollector(); foreach ($methods as $method) { $routes = $collection->getRoutes($method); foreach ($routes as $route => $handler) { if (is_string($handler) || $handler instanceof Closure) { $sampleUri = $uriGenerator->get($route); $filters = $filterCollector->get($method, $sampleUri); if ($handler instanceof Closure) { $handler = '(Closure)'; } $routeName = $collection->getRoutesOptions($route)['as'] ?? '»'; $tbody[] = [ strtoupper($method), $route, $routeName, $handler, implode(' ', array_map('class_basename', $filters['before'])), implode(' ', array_map('class_basename', $filters['after'])), ]; } } } if ($collection->shouldAutoRoute()) { $autoRoutesImproved = config('Feature')->autoRoutesImproved ?? false; if ($autoRoutesImproved) { $autoRouteCollector = new AutoRouteCollectorImproved( $collection->getDefaultNamespace(), $collection->getDefaultController(), $collection->getDefaultMethod(), $methods, $collection->getRegisteredControllers('*') ); $autoRoutes = $autoRouteCollector->get(); } else { $autoRouteCollector = new AutoRouteCollector( $collection->getDefaultNamespace(), $collection->getDefaultController(), $collection->getDefaultMethod() ); $autoRoutes = $autoRouteCollector->get(); foreach ($autoRoutes as &$routes) { // There is no `auto` method, but it is intentional not to get route filters. $filters = $filterCollector->get('auto', $uriGenerator->get($routes[1])); $routes[] = implode(' ', array_map('class_basename', $filters['before'])); $routes[] = implode(' ', array_map('class_basename', $filters['after'])); } } $tbody = [...$tbody, ...$autoRoutes]; } $thead = [ 'Method', 'Route', 'Name', $sortByHandler ? 'Handler ↓' : 'Handler', 'Before Filters', 'After Filters', ]; // Sort by Handler. if ($sortByHandler) { usort($tbody, static fn ($handler1, $handler2) => strcmp($handler1[3], $handler2[3])); } CLI::table($tbody, $thead); } }