* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities; use CodeIgniter\CLI\BaseCommand; use CodeIgniter\CLI\CLI; use CodeIgniter\Config\DotEnv; /** * Command to display the current environment, * or set a new one in the `.env` file. */ final class Environment extends BaseCommand { /** * The group the command is lumped under * when listing commands. * * @var string */ protected $group = 'CodeIgniter'; /** * The Command's name * * @var string */ protected $name = 'env'; /** * The Command's short description * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Retrieves the current environment, or set a new one.'; /** * The Command's usage * * @var string */ protected $usage = 'env [
]'; /** * The Command's arguments * * @var array
*/ protected $arguments = [ 'environment' => '[Optional] The new environment to set. If none is provided, this will print the current environment.', ]; /** * The Command's options * * @var array */ protected $options = []; /** * Allowed values for environment. `testing` is excluded * since spark won't work on it. * * @var array
*/ private static array $knownTypes = [ 'production', 'development', ]; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function run(array $params) { if ($params === []) { CLI::write(sprintf('Your environment is currently set as %s.', CLI::color($_SERVER['CI_ENVIRONMENT'] ?? ENVIRONMENT, 'green'))); CLI::newLine(); return; } $env = strtolower(array_shift($params)); if ($env === 'testing') { CLI::error('The "testing" environment is reserved for PHPUnit testing.', 'light_gray', 'red'); CLI::error('You will not be able to run spark under a "testing" environment.', 'light_gray', 'red'); CLI::newLine(); return; } if (! in_array($env, self::$knownTypes, true)) { CLI::error(sprintf('Invalid environment type "%s". Expected one of "%s".', $env, implode('" and "', self::$knownTypes)), 'light_gray', 'red'); CLI::newLine(); return; } if (! $this->writeNewEnvironmentToEnvFile($env)) { CLI::error('Error in writing new environment to .env file.', 'light_gray', 'red'); CLI::newLine(); return; } // force DotEnv to reload the new environment // however we cannot redefine the ENVIRONMENT constant putenv('CI_ENVIRONMENT'); unset($_ENV['CI_ENVIRONMENT'], $_SERVER['CI_ENVIRONMENT']); (new DotEnv(ROOTPATH))->load(); CLI::write(sprintf('Environment is successfully changed to "%s".', $env), 'green'); CLI::write('The ENVIRONMENT constant will be changed in the next script execution.'); CLI::newLine(); } /** * @see https://regex101.com/r/4sSORp/1 for the regex in action */ private function writeNewEnvironmentToEnvFile(string $newEnv): bool { $baseEnv = ROOTPATH . 'env'; $envFile = ROOTPATH . '.env'; if (! is_file($envFile)) { if (! is_file($baseEnv)) { CLI::write('Both default shipped `env` file and custom `.env` are missing.', 'yellow'); CLI::write('It is impossible to write the new environment type.', 'yellow'); CLI::newLine(); return false; } copy($baseEnv, $envFile); } $pattern = preg_quote($_SERVER['CI_ENVIRONMENT'] ?? ENVIRONMENT, '/'); $pattern = sprintf('/^[#\s]*CI_ENVIRONMENT[=\s]+%s$/m', $pattern); return file_put_contents( $envFile, preg_replace($pattern, "\nCI_ENVIRONMENT = {$newEnv}", file_get_contents($envFile), -1, $count) ) !== false && $count > 0; } }