* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Commands\Database; use CodeIgniter\CLI\BaseCommand; use CodeIgniter\CLI\CLI; use CodeIgniter\Config\Factories; use CodeIgniter\Database\SQLite3\Connection; use Config\Database; use Throwable; /** * Creates a new database. */ class CreateDatabase extends BaseCommand { /** * The group the command is lumped under * when listing commands. * * @var string */ protected $group = 'Database'; /** * The Command's name * * @var string */ protected $name = 'db:create'; /** * the Command's short description * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Create a new database schema.'; /** * the Command's usage * * @var string */ protected $usage = 'db:create
[options]'; /** * The Command's arguments * * @var array
*/ protected $arguments = [ 'db_name' => 'The database name to use', ]; /** * The Command's options * * @var array
*/ protected $options = [ '--ext' => 'File extension of the database file for SQLite3. Can be `db` or `sqlite`. Defaults to `db`.', ]; /** * Creates a new database. */ public function run(array $params) { $name = array_shift($params); if (empty($name)) { $name = CLI::prompt('Database name', null, 'required'); // @codeCoverageIgnore } try { /** * @var Database $config */ $config = config('Database'); // Set to an empty database to prevent connection errors. $group = ENVIRONMENT === 'testing' ? 'tests' : $config->defaultGroup; $config->{$group}['database'] = ''; $db = Database::connect(); // Special SQLite3 handling if ($db instanceof Connection) { $ext = $params['ext'] ?? CLI::getOption('ext') ?? 'db'; if (! in_array($ext, ['db', 'sqlite'], true)) { $ext = CLI::prompt('Please choose a valid file extension', ['db', 'sqlite']); // @codeCoverageIgnore } if ($name !== ':memory:') { $name = str_replace(['.db', '.sqlite'], '', $name) . ".{$ext}"; } $config->{$group}['DBDriver'] = 'SQLite3'; $config->{$group}['database'] = $name; if ($name !== ':memory:') { $dbName = strpos($name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false ? WRITEPATH . $name : $name; if (is_file($dbName)) { CLI::error("Database \"{$dbName}\" already exists.", 'light_gray', 'red'); CLI::newLine(); return; } unset($dbName); } // Connect to new SQLite3 to create new database $db = Database::connect(null, false); $db->connect(); if (! is_file($db->getDatabase()) && $name !== ':memory:') { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart CLI::error('Database creation failed.', 'light_gray', 'red'); CLI::newLine(); return; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } elseif (! Database::forge()->createDatabase($name)) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart CLI::error('Database creation failed.', 'light_gray', 'red'); CLI::newLine(); return; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } CLI::write("Database \"{$name}\" successfully created.", 'green'); CLI::newLine(); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->showError($e); } finally { Factories::reset('config'); Database::connect(null, false); } } }