/', '', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/<\/div>$/', '', $data);
} else {
$data = preg_replace('/^
/', '
', $data);
$data = str_replace('', '', $data);
if ($type & \SimplePie\SimplePie::CONSTRUCT_IRI) {
$absolute = $this->registry->call('Misc', 'absolutize_url', [$data, $base]);
if ($absolute !== false) {
$data = $absolute;
if ($type & (\SimplePie\SimplePie::CONSTRUCT_TEXT | \SimplePie\SimplePie::CONSTRUCT_IRI)) {
$data = htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
if ($this->output_encoding !== 'UTF-8') {
$data = $this->registry->call('Misc', 'change_encoding', [$data, 'UTF-8', $this->output_encoding]);
return $data;
protected function preprocess($html, $type)
$ret = '';
$html = preg_replace('%?(?:html|body)[^>]*?'.'>%is', '', $html);
if ($type & ~\SimplePie\SimplePie::CONSTRUCT_XHTML) {
// Atom XHTML constructs are wrapped with a div by default
// Note: No protection if $html contains a stray
$html = '
' . $html . '
$ret .= '';
$content_type = 'text/html';
} else {
$ret .= '';
$content_type = 'application/xhtml+xml';
$ret .= '';
$ret .= '
$ret .= '' . $html . '';
return $ret;
public function replace_urls($document, $tag, $attributes)
if (!is_array($attributes)) {
$attributes = [$attributes];
if (!is_array($this->strip_htmltags) || !in_array($tag, $this->strip_htmltags)) {
$elements = $document->getElementsByTagName($tag);
foreach ($elements as $element) {
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
if ($element->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
$value = $this->registry->call('Misc', 'absolutize_url', [$element->getAttribute($attribute), $this->base]);
if ($value !== false) {
$value = $this->https_url($value);
$element->setAttribute($attribute, $value);
public function do_strip_htmltags($match)
if ($this->encode_instead_of_strip) {
if (isset($match[4]) && !in_array(strtolower($match[1]), ['script', 'style'])) {
$match[1] = htmlspecialchars($match[1], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$match[2] = htmlspecialchars($match[2], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
return "<$match[1]$match[2]>$match[3]</$match[1]>";
} else {
return htmlspecialchars($match[0], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
} elseif (isset($match[4]) && !in_array(strtolower($match[1]), ['script', 'style'])) {
return $match[4];
} else {
return '';
protected function strip_tag($tag, $document, $xpath, $type)
$elements = $xpath->query('body//' . $tag);
if ($this->encode_instead_of_strip) {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$fragment = $document->createDocumentFragment();
// For elements which aren't script or style, include the tag itself
if (!in_array($tag, ['script', 'style'])) {
$text = '<' . $tag;
if ($element->hasAttributes()) {
$attrs = [];
foreach ($element->attributes as $name => $attr) {
$value = $attr->value;
// In XHTML, empty values should never exist, so we repeat the value
if (empty($value) && ($type & \SimplePie\SimplePie::CONSTRUCT_XHTML)) {
$value = $name;
// For HTML, empty is fine
elseif (empty($value) && ($type & \SimplePie\SimplePie::CONSTRUCT_HTML)) {
$attrs[] = $name;
// Standard attribute text
$attrs[] = $name . '="' . $attr->value . '"';
$text .= ' ' . implode(' ', $attrs);
$text .= '>';
$fragment->appendChild(new \DOMText($text));
$number = $element->childNodes->length;
for ($i = $number; $i > 0; $i--) {
$child = $element->childNodes->item(0);
if (!in_array($tag, ['script', 'style'])) {
$fragment->appendChild(new \DOMText('' . $tag . '>'));
$element->parentNode->replaceChild($fragment, $element);
} elseif (in_array($tag, ['script', 'style'])) {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
} else {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$fragment = $document->createDocumentFragment();
$number = $element->childNodes->length;
for ($i = $number; $i > 0; $i--) {
$child = $element->childNodes->item(0);
$element->parentNode->replaceChild($fragment, $element);
protected function strip_attr($attrib, $xpath)
$elements = $xpath->query('//*[@' . $attrib . ']');
foreach ($elements as $element) {
protected function rename_attr($attrib, $xpath)
$elements = $xpath->query('//*[@' . $attrib . ']');
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$element->setAttribute('data-sanitized-' . $attrib, $element->getAttribute($attrib));
protected function add_attr($tag, $valuePairs, $document)
$elements = $document->getElementsByTagName($tag);
foreach ($elements as $element) {
foreach ($valuePairs as $attrib => $value) {
$element->setAttribute($attrib, $value);
class_alias('SimplePie\Sanitize', 'SimplePie_Sanitize');