builder = $this->db->table('settings'); $this->builderGeneral = $this->db->table('general_settings'); $this->builderWidgets = $this->db->table('widgets'); $this->builderFonts = $this->db->table('fonts'); } //input values public function inputValues() { return [ 'application_name' => inputPost('application_name'), 'about_footer' => inputPost('about_footer'), 'optional_url_button_name' => inputPost('optional_url_button_name'), 'copyright' => inputPost('copyright'), 'contact_address' => inputPost('contact_address'), 'contact_email' => inputPost('contact_email'), 'contact_phone' => inputPost('contact_phone'), 'contact_text' => inputPost('contact_text'), 'facebook_url' => inputPost('facebook_url'), 'twitter_url' => inputPost('twitter_url'), 'instagram_url' => inputPost('instagram_url'), 'pinterest_url' => inputPost('pinterest_url'), 'linkedin_url' => inputPost('linkedin_url'), 'vk_url' => inputPost('vk_url'), 'telegram_url' => inputPost('telegram_url'), 'youtube_url' => inputPost('youtube_url'), 'tiktok_url' => inputPost('tiktok_url'), 'cookies_warning' => inputPost('cookies_warning'), 'cookies_warning_text' => inputPost('cookies_warning_text') ]; } //update settings public function updateSettings($langId) { $general = [ 'timezone' => inputPost('timezone'), 'facebook_comment_active' => inputPost('facebook_comment_active'), 'facebook_comment' => inputPost('facebook_comment'), 'custom_header_codes' => inputPost('custom_header_codes'), 'custom_footer_codes' => inputPost('custom_footer_codes') ]; $uploadModel = new UploadModel(); $logoPath = $uploadModel->uploadLogo('logo'); $logoFooterPath = $uploadModel->uploadLogo('logo_footer'); $logoEmailPath = $uploadModel->uploadLogo('logo_email'); $faviconPath = $uploadModel->uploadFavicon('favicon'); if (!empty($logoPath) && !empty($logoPath['path'])) { $general['logo'] = $logoPath['path']; } if (!empty($logoFooterPath) && !empty($logoFooterPath['path'])) { $general['logo_footer'] = $logoFooterPath['path']; } if (!empty($logoEmailPath) && !empty($logoEmailPath['path'])) { $general['logo_email'] = $logoEmailPath['path']; } if (!empty($faviconPath) && !empty($faviconPath['path'])) { $general['favicon'] = $faviconPath['path']; } $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($general); $data = $this->inputValues(); return $this->builder->where('lang_id', cleanNumber($langId))->update($data); } //update recaptcha settings public function updateRecaptchaSettings() { $data = [ 'recaptcha_site_key' => inputPost('recaptcha_site_key'), 'recaptcha_secret_key' => inputPost('recaptcha_secret_key') ]; return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update maintenance mode settings public function updateMaintenanceModeSettings() { $data = [ 'maintenance_mode_title' => inputPost('maintenance_mode_title'), 'maintenance_mode_description' => inputPost('maintenance_mode_description'), 'maintenance_mode_status' => inputPost('maintenance_mode_status') ]; if (empty($data["maintenance_mode_status"])) { $data["maintenance_mode_status"] = 0; } return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update preferences public function updatePreferences($form) { if ($form == 'general') { $data = [ 'multilingual_system' => inputPost('multilingual_system'), 'registration_system' => inputPost('registration_system'), 'show_rss' => inputPost('show_rss'), 'rss_content_type' => inputPost('rss_content_type'), 'file_manager_show_files' => inputPost('file_manager_show_files'), 'audio_download_button' => inputPost('audio_download_button'), 'show_user_email_on_profile' => inputPost('show_user_email_on_profile'), 'pwa_status' => inputPost('pwa_status') ]; } elseif ($form == 'homepage') { $data = [ 'show_featured_section' => inputPost('show_featured_section'), 'show_latest_posts' => inputPost('show_latest_posts'), 'show_newsticker' => inputPost('show_newsticker'), 'show_latest_posts_on_slider' => inputPost('show_latest_posts_on_slider'), 'show_latest_posts_on_featured' => inputPost('show_latest_posts_on_featured'), 'sort_slider_posts' => inputPost('sort_slider_posts'), 'sort_featured_posts' => inputPost('sort_featured_posts') ]; } elseif ($form == 'posts') { $data = [ 'post_url_structure' => inputPost('post_url_structure'), 'comment_system' => inputPost('comment_system'), 'comment_approval_system' => inputPost('comment_approval_system'), 'emoji_reactions' => inputPost('emoji_reactions'), 'show_post_author' => inputPost('show_post_author'), 'show_post_date' => inputPost('show_post_date'), 'show_hits' => inputPost('show_hits'), 'approve_added_user_posts' => inputPost('approve_added_user_posts'), 'approve_updated_user_posts' => inputPost('approve_updated_user_posts'), 'redirect_rss_posts_to_original' => inputPost('redirect_rss_posts_to_original'), 'pagination_per_page' => inputPost('pagination_per_page') ]; } elseif ($form == 'post_formats') { $data = [ 'post_format_article' => inputPost('post_format_article'), 'post_format_gallery' => inputPost('post_format_gallery'), 'post_format_sorted_list' => inputPost('post_format_sorted_list'), 'post_format_video' => inputPost('post_format_video'), 'post_format_audio' => inputPost('post_format_audio'), 'post_format_trivia_quiz' => inputPost('post_format_trivia_quiz'), 'post_format_personality_quiz' => inputPost('post_format_personality_quiz'), 'post_format_poll' => inputPost('post_format_poll') ]; } elseif ($form == 'post_deletion') { $data = [ 'auto_post_deletion' => inputPost('auto_post_deletion'), 'auto_post_deletion_days' => inputPost('auto_post_deletion_days'), 'auto_post_deletion_delete_all' => inputPost('auto_post_deletion_delete_all') ]; } if (!empty($data)) { return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } return false; } //update file upload settings public function updateFileUploadSettings() { $data['image_file_format'] = inputPost('image_file_format'); if ($data['image_file_format'] != 'JPG' && $data['image_file_format'] != 'PNG' && $data['image_file_format'] != 'WEBP') { $data['image_file_format'] = 'JPG'; } $input = inputPost('allowed_file_extensions'); $extArray = @explode(',', $input); if (!empty($extArray)) { $exts = json_encode($extArray); $exts = strReplace('[', '', $exts); $exts = strReplace(']', '', $exts); $exts = strReplace('.', '', $exts); if (!empty($exts)) { $exts = strtolower($exts); } $data['allowed_file_extensions'] = $exts; } return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update seo settings public function updateSeoSettings() { $submit = inputPost('submit'); if ($submit == 'google_analytics') { $data = [ 'google_analytics' => inputPost('google_analytics'), ]; return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } elseif ($submit == 'settings') { $langId = inputPost('lang_id'); $data = [ 'site_title' => inputPost('site_title'), 'home_title' => inputPost('home_title'), 'site_description' => inputPost('site_description'), 'keywords' => inputPost('keywords') ]; return $this->builder->where('lang_id', cleanNumber($langId))->update($data); } return true; } //update route settings public function updateRouteSettings() { $data = [ 'admin' => inputPost('admin'), 'profile' => inputPost('profile'), 'tag' => inputPost('tag'), 'reading_list' => inputPost('reading_list'), 'settings' => inputPost('settings'), 'social_accounts' => inputPost('social_accounts'), 'preferences' => inputPost('preferences'), 'change_password' => inputPost('change_password'), 'forgot_password' => inputPost('forgot_password'), 'reset_password' => inputPost('reset_password'), 'delete_account' => inputPost('delete_account'), 'register' => inputPost('register'), 'posts' => inputPost('posts'), 'search' => inputPost('search'), 'rss_feeds' => inputPost('rss_feeds'), 'gallery_album' => inputPost('gallery_album'), 'earnings' => inputPost('earnings'), 'payouts' => inputPost('payouts'), 'set_payout_account' => inputPost('set_payout_account'), 'logout' => inputPost('logout') ]; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = strSlug($data[$key]); if (empty($data[$key])) { $data[$key] = uniqid(); } } return $this->db->table('routes')->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update email settings public function updateEmailSettings() { $data = [ 'mail_protocol' => inputPost('mail_protocol'), 'mail_service' => inputPost('mail_service'), 'mail_title' => inputPost('mail_title'), 'mail_encryption' => inputPost('mail_encryption'), 'mail_host' => inputPost('mail_host'), 'mail_port' => inputPost('mail_port'), 'mail_username' => inputPost('mail_username'), 'mail_password' => inputPost('mail_password'), 'mail_reply_to' => inputPost('mail_reply_to'), 'mailjet_api_key' => inputPost('mailjet_api_key'), 'mailjet_secret_key' => inputPost('mailjet_secret_key'), 'mailjet_email_address' => inputPost('mailjet_email_address') ]; return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update contact email settings public function updateContactEmailSettings() { $data = [ 'mail_contact' => inputPost('mail_contact'), 'mail_contact_status' => inputPost('mail_contact_status') ]; return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update email verification settings public function emailVerificationSettings() { $data = [ 'email_verification' => inputPost('email_verification') ]; return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update storage settings public function updateStorageSettings() { $data = [ 'storage' => inputPost('storage') ]; return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update aws s3 public function updateAwsS3() { $data = [ 'aws_key' => inputPost('aws_key'), 'aws_secret' => inputPost('aws_secret'), 'aws_bucket' => inputPost('aws_bucket'), 'aws_region' => inputPost('aws_region') ]; return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update cache system public function updateCacheSystem() { $data = [ 'cache_system' => inputPost('cache_system'), 'refresh_cache_database_changes' => inputPost('refresh_cache_database_changes'), 'cache_refresh_time' => inputPost('cache_refresh_time') * 60 ]; return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update google news settings public function updateGoogleNews() { $data = [ 'google_news' => inputPost('google_news') ]; return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } //update social settings public function updateSocialSettings() { $submit = inputPost('submit'); if ($submit == 'facebook') { $data = [ 'facebook_app_id' => inputPost('facebook_app_id'), 'facebook_app_secret' => inputPost('facebook_app_secret') ]; } elseif ($submit == 'google') { $data = [ 'google_client_id' => inputPost('google_client_id'), 'google_client_secret' => inputPost('google_client_secret') ]; } elseif ($submit == 'vk') { $data = [ 'vk_app_id' => inputPost('vk_app_id'), 'vk_secure_key' => inputPost('vk_secure_key') ]; } if (!empty($data)) { return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update($data); } return true; } //get settings public function getSettings($langId) { return $this->builder->where('lang_id', cleanNumber($langId))->get()->getRow(); } //get general settings public function getGeneralSettings() { return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->get()->getRow(); } //get routes public function getRoutes() { return $this->db->table('routes')->where('id', 1)->get()->getRow(); } //set theme mode public function setThemeMode() { $mode = inputPost('theme_mode'); if ($mode == 'light' || $mode == 'dark') { helperSetCookie('theme_mode', $mode); $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update(['theme_mode' => $mode]); } } //set theme public function setTheme() { $id = inputPost('theme_id'); $theme = $this->getTheme($id); if (!empty($theme)) { $this->db->table('themes')->update(['is_active' => 0]); $this->db->table('themes')->where('id', $theme->id)->update(['is_active' => 1]); } } //set theme settings public function setThemeSettings() { $id = inputPost('id'); $theme = $this->getTheme($id); if (!empty($theme)) { $data = [ 'theme_color' => inputPost('theme_color'), 'block_color' => inputPost('block_color'), 'mega_menu_color' => inputPost('mega_menu_color') ]; $this->db->table('themes')->where('id', $theme->id)->update($data); } } //get theme public function getTheme($id) { return $this->db->table('themes')->where('id', cleanNumber($id))->get()->getRow(); } //get themes public function getThemes() { return $this->db->table('themes')->get()->getResult(); } //set last cron update public function setLastCronUpdate() { return $this->builderGeneral->where('id', 1)->update(['last_cron_update' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); } //delete old sessions function deleteOldSessions() { $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->db->table('ci_sessions')->where("timestamp < DATE_SUB('" . $now . "', INTERVAL 30 DAY)")->delete(); } //download database backup public function downloadBackup() { $prefs = array( 'tables' => array(), 'ignore' => array(), 'filename' => '', 'format' => 'gzip', // gzip, zip, txt 'add_drop' => TRUE, 'add_insert' => TRUE, 'newline' => "\n", 'foreign_key_checks' => TRUE ); if (count($prefs['tables']) === 0) { $prefs['tables'] = $this->db->listTables(); } // Extract the prefs for simplicity extract($prefs); $output = ''; // Do we need to include a statement to disable foreign key checks? if ($foreign_key_checks === FALSE) { $output .= 'SET foreign_key_checks = 0;' . $newline; } foreach ((array)$tables as $table) { // Is the table in the "ignore" list? if (in_array($table, (array)$ignore, TRUE)) { continue; } // Get the table schema $query = $this->db->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $this->db->escapeIdentifiers($this->db->database . '.' . $table)); // No result means the table name was invalid if ($query === FALSE) { continue; } // Write out the table schema $output .= '#' . $newline . '# TABLE STRUCTURE FOR: ' . $table . $newline . '#' . $newline . $newline; if ($add_drop === TRUE) { $output .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->db->protectIdentifiers($table) . ';' . $newline . $newline; } $i = 0; $result = $query->getResultArray(); foreach ($result[0] as $val) { if ($i++ % 2) { $output .= $val . ';' . $newline . $newline; } } // If inserts are not needed we're done... if ($add_insert === FALSE) { continue; } // Grab all the data from the current table $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->db->protectIdentifiers($table)); if ($query->getFieldCount() === 0) { continue; } // Fetch the field names and determine if the field is an // integer type. We use this info to decide whether to // surround the data with quotes or not $i = 0; $field_str = ''; $isInt = array(); while ($field = $query->resultID->fetch_field()) { // Most versions of MySQL store timestamp as a string $isInt[$i] = in_array($field->type, array(MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY, MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT, MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24, MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG), TRUE); // Create a string of field names $field_str .= $this->db->escapeIdentifiers($field->name) . ', '; $i++; } // Trim off the end comma $field_str = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $field_str); // Build the insert string foreach ($query->getResultArray() as $row) { $valStr = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($row as $v) { if ($v === NULL) { $valStr .= 'NULL'; } else { // Escape the data if it's not an integer $valStr .= ($isInt[$i] === FALSE) ? $this->db->escape($v) : $v; } // Append a comma $valStr .= ', '; $i++; } // Remove the comma at the end of the string $valStr = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $valStr); // Build the INSERT string $output .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->protectIdentifiers($table) . ' (' . $field_str . ') VALUES (' . $valStr . ');' . $newline; } $output .= $newline . $newline; } // Do we need to include a statement to re-enable foreign key checks? if ($foreign_key_checks === FALSE) { $output .= 'SET foreign_key_checks = 1;' . $newline; } return $output; } /* *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * WIDGETS *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ //input values public function inputValuesWidget() { return [ 'lang_id' => inputPost('lang_id'), 'title' => inputPost('title'), 'content' => inputPost('content'), 'widget_order' => inputPost('widget_order'), 'visibility' => inputPost('visibility'), 'is_custom' => inputPost('is_custom'), 'display_category_id' => inputPost('display_category_id') ]; } //add widget public function addWidget() { $data = $this->inputValuesWidget(); $data['is_custom'] = 1; $data['type'] = 'custom'; if (empty($data['display_category_id']) || $data['display_category_id'] == 'latest_posts') { $data['display_category_id'] = ''; } $data['created_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); return $this->builderWidgets->insert($data); } //update widget public function editWidget($id) { $widget = $this->getWidget($id); if (!empty($widget)) { $data = $this->inputValuesWidget(); $data['is_custom'] = $widget->is_custom; if (empty($data['display_category_id']) || $data['display_category_id'] == 'latest_posts') { $data['display_category_id'] = ''; } return $this->builderWidgets->where('id', $widget->id)->update($data); } return true; } //get widgets public function getWidgets() { return $this->builderWidgets->orderBy('widget_order')->get()->getResult(); } //get widgets by lang public function getWidgetsByLang($langId) { return $this->builderWidgets->where('lang_id', cleanNumber($langId))->orderBy('widget_order')->get()->getResult(); } //get widget public function getWidget($id) { return $this->builderWidgets->where('id', cleanNumber($id))->get()->getRow(); } //delete widget public function deleteWidget($id) { $widget = $this->getWidget($id); if (!empty($widget)) { return $this->builderWidgets->where('id', $widget->id)->delete(); } return false; } /* *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * FONTS *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ //get selected fonts public function getSelectedFonts($settings) { $arrayFonts = array(); $fonts = $this->builderFonts->whereIn('id', [cleanNumber($settings->primary_font), cleanNumber($settings->secondary_font), cleanNumber($settings->tertiary_font)], false)->get()->getResult(); if (!empty($fonts)) { foreach ($fonts as $font) { if ($font->id == $settings->primary_font) { $arrayFonts['primary'] = $font; } if ($font->id == $settings->secondary_font) { $arrayFonts['secondary'] = $font; } if ($font->id == $settings->tertiary_font) { $arrayFonts['tertiary'] = $font; } } } return $arrayFonts; } //get fonts public function getFonts() { return $this->builderFonts->get()->getResult(); } //get font public function getFont($id) { return $this->builderFonts->where('id', cleanNumber($id))->get()->getRow(); } //add font public function addFont() { $data = [ 'font_name' => inputPost('font_name'), 'font_url' => inputPost('font_url'), 'font_family' => inputPost('font_family'), 'font_source' => 'google', 'has_local_file' => 0, 'is_default' => 0 ]; $data['font_key'] = strSlug($data['font_name']); return $this->builderFonts->insert($data); } //edit font public function editFont($id) { $font = $this->getFont($id); if (!empty($font)) { $data = [ 'font_name' => inputPost('font_name'), 'font_url' => inputPost('font_url'), 'font_family' => inputPost('font_family') ]; if ($font->has_local_file) { $data['font_source'] = inputPost('font_source'); } return $this->builderFonts->where('id', cleanNumber($id))->update($data); } return false; } //update font settings public function setDefaultFonts() { $langId = inputPost('lang_id'); $data = [ 'primary_font' => inputPost('primary_font'), 'secondary_font' => inputPost('secondary_font'), 'tertiary_font' => inputPost('tertiary_font'), ]; return $this->db->table('settings')->where('lang_id', cleanNumber($langId))->update($data); } //delete font public function deleteFont($id) { $font = $this->getFont($id); if (!empty($font)) { return $this->builderFonts->where('id', $font->id)->delete(); } return false; } }