builder = $this->db->table('posts'); $this->builderPostImages = $this->db->table('post_images'); $this->builderPostFiles = $this->db->table('post_files'); $this->builderPostAudios = $this->db->table('post_audios'); } //input values public function inputValues() { return [ 'lang_id' => inputPost('lang_id'), 'title' => inputPost('title'), 'title_slug' => inputPost('title_slug'), 'summary' => inputPost('summary'), 'category_id' => inputPost('category_id'), 'content' => inputPost('content'), 'optional_url' => inputPost('optional_url'), 'need_auth' => inputPost('need_auth'), 'is_slider' => inputPost('is_slider'), 'is_featured' => inputPost('is_featured'), 'is_recommended' => inputPost('is_recommended'), 'is_breaking' => inputPost('is_breaking'), 'visibility' => inputPost('visibility'), 'show_right_column' => inputPost('show_right_column'), 'keywords' => inputPost('keywords'), 'image_description' => inputPost('image_description') ]; } //add post public function addPost($postType) { $data = $this->setPostData($postType); $isScheduled = inputPost('scheduled_post'); $datePublished = inputPost('date_published'); $data['is_scheduled'] = 0; if ($isScheduled) { $data['is_scheduled'] = 1; } if (!empty($datePublished)) { $data['created_at'] = $datePublished; } else { $data['created_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $data['show_post_url'] = 0; $data['post_type'] = $postType; $data['user_id'] = user()->id; $data['status'] = inputPost('status'); if (empty($data['status'])) { $data['status'] = 0; } if (empty($data['show_right_column'])) { $data['show_right_column'] = 0; } //add post image $data['image_big'] = ''; $data['image_default'] = ''; $data['image_slider'] = ''; $data['image_mid'] = ''; $data['image_small'] = ''; $data['image_mime'] = 'jpg'; $data['image_url'] = ''; $data['image_storage'] = 'local'; $postImageId = inputPost('post_image_id'); if (!empty($postImageId)) { $fileModel = new FileModel(); $image = $fileModel->getImage($postImageId); if (!empty($image)) { $data['image_big'] = $image->image_big; $data['image_default'] = $image->image_default; $data['image_slider'] = $image->image_slider; $data['image_mid'] = $image->image_mid; $data['image_small'] = $image->image_small; $data['image_mime'] = $image->image_mime; if ($image->storage == 'aws_s3') { $data['image_storage'] = 'aws_s3'; } } } if (!empty(inputPost('image_url'))) { $data['image_url'] = inputPost('image_url'); } if (empty($data['visibility'])) { $data['visibility'] = 0; } if ($this->builder->insert($data)) { return $this->db->insertID(); } return false; } //update post public function editPost($id, $postType) { $post = $this->getPost($id); if (!empty($post)) { $data = $this->setPostData($postType); $data['created_at'] = inputPost('date_published'); $data['user_id'] = inputPost('user_id'); $data['is_scheduled'] = inputPost('scheduled_post'); if (empty($data['is_scheduled'])) { $data['is_scheduled'] = 0; } $publish = inputPost('publish'); if (!empty($publish) && $publish == 1) { $data['status'] = 1; } //update post image $postImageId = inputPost('post_image_id'); if (!empty($postImageId)) { $fileModel = new FileModel(); $image = $fileModel->getImage($postImageId); if (!empty($image)) { $data['image_big'] = $image->image_big; $data['image_default'] = $image->image_default; $data['image_slider'] = $image->image_slider; $data['image_mid'] = $image->image_mid; $data['image_small'] = $image->image_small; $data['image_mime'] = $image->image_mime; $data['image_url'] = ''; $data['image_storage'] = 'local'; if ($image->storage == 'aws_s3') { $data['image_storage'] = 'aws_s3'; } } } if (!empty(inputPost('image_url'))) { $data['image_url'] = inputPost('image_url'); $data['image_big'] = ''; $data['image_default'] = ''; $data['image_slider'] = ''; $data['image_mid'] = ''; $data['image_small'] = ''; $data['image_mime'] = 'jpg'; $data['image_storage'] = ''; } if (empty($data['visibility'])) { $data['visibility'] = 0; } $data['updated_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update($data); } return false; } //set post data public function setPostData($postType) { $data = $this->inputValues(); if (!isset($data['is_featured'])) { $data['is_featured'] = 0; } if (!isset($data['is_breaking'])) { $data['is_breaking'] = 0; } if (!isset($data['is_slider'])) { $data['is_slider'] = 0; } if (!isset($data['is_recommended'])) { $data['is_recommended'] = 0; } if (!isset($data['need_auth'])) { $data['need_auth'] = 0; } $subCategoryId = inputPost('subcategory_id'); if (!empty($subCategoryId)) { $data['category_id'] = $subCategoryId; } $data['show_item_numbers'] = 0; if (!empty(inputPost('show_item_numbers'))) { $data['show_item_numbers'] = 1; } if (empty($data['title_slug'])) { $data['title_slug'] = strSlug($data['title']); } else { $data['title_slug'] = removeSpecialCharacters($data['title_slug'], true); if (!empty($data['title_slug'])) { $data['title_slug'] = str_replace(' ', '-', $data['title_slug']); } } if ($postType == 'video') { $data['video_url'] = inputPost('video_url'); $data['video_embed_code'] = inputPost('video_embed_code'); $data['video_path'] = inputPost('video_path'); $data['video_storage'] = inputPost('video_storage'); } $votePermission = inputPost('vote_permission'); if ($votePermission == 'registered') { $data['is_poll_public'] = 0; } else { $data['is_poll_public'] = 1; } return $data; } //update slug public function updateSlug($id) { $post = $this->getPost($id); if (!empty($post)) { if (empty($post->title_slug) || $post->title_slug == '-') { $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['title_slug' => $post->id]); } else { if ($this->generalSettings->post_url_structure == 'id') { $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['title_slug' => $post->id]); } else { $row = $this->builder->where('title_slug', cleanStr($post->title_slug))->where('id != ', $post->id)->get()->getRow(); if (!empty($row)) { $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['title_slug' => $post->title_slug . '-' . $post->id]); } } } } } //get post public function getPost($id) { return $this->builder->where('id', cleanNumber($id))->get()->getRow(); } //get posts count public function getPostsCount($list = null) { $this->filterPosts($list); return $this->builder->where('is_scheduled', 0)->where('status', 1)->where('visibility', 1)->countAllResults(); } //get paginated posts public function getPostsPaginated($list, $perPage, $offset) { $this->filterPosts($list); return $this->builder->where('posts.visibility', 1)->where('posts.status', 1)->where('posts.is_scheduled', 0)->orderBy('created_at DESC')->limit($perPage, $offset)->get()->getResult(); } //get pending posts count public function getPendingPostsCount() { $this->filterPosts(); return $this->builder->where('is_scheduled', 0)->where('status', 1)->where('visibility', 0)->countAllResults(); } //get paginated pending posts public function getPendingPostsPaginated($perPage, $offset) { $this->filterPosts(); return $this->builder->where('posts.visibility', 0)->where('posts.status', 1)->where('posts.is_scheduled', 0)->orderBy('created_at DESC')->limit($perPage, $offset)->get()->getResult(); } //get scheduled posts count public function getScheduledPostsCount() { $this->filterPosts(); return $this->builder->where('is_scheduled', 1)->where('status', 1)->countAllResults(); } //get paginated scheduled posts public function getScheduledPostsPaginated($perPage, $offset) { $this->filterPosts(); return $this->builder->where('is_scheduled', 1)->where('status', 1)->orderBy('created_at DESC')->limit($perPage, $offset)->get()->getResult(); } //get drafts count public function getDraftsCount() { $this->filterPosts(); return $this->builder->where('status', 0)->countAllResults(); } //get paginated scheduled posts public function getDraftsPaginated($perPage, $offset) { $this->filterPosts(); return $this->builder->where('status', 0)->orderBy('created_at DESC')->limit($perPage, $offset)->get()->getResult(); } //filter by values public function filterPosts($list = null) { $langId = cleanNumber(inputGet('lang_id')); $postType = cleanStr(inputGet('post_type')); $user = cleanNumber(inputGet('user')); $category = cleanNumber(inputGet('category')); $subCategory = cleanNumber(inputGet('subcategory')); $q = inputGet('q'); if (!empty($subCategory)) { $category = $subCategory; } $userId = null; if (checkUserPermission('manage_all_posts')) { if (!empty($user)) { $userId = $user; } } else { $userId = user()->id; } if (!empty($userId)) { $this->builder->where('posts.user_id', cleanNumber($userId)); } if (!empty($langId)) { $this->builder->where('posts.lang_id', cleanNumber($langId)); } if (!empty($postType)) { $this->builder->where('posts.post_type', cleanStr($postType)); } if (!empty($category)) { $categoryModel = new CategoryModel(); $categories = $categoryModel->getCategories(); $categoryIds = getCategoryTree($category, $categories); if (!empty($categoryIds) && countItems($categoryIds) > 0) { $this->builder->whereIn('posts.category_id', $categoryIds, false); } } if (!empty($q)) { $this->builder->like('posts.title', cleanStr($q)); } if (!empty($list)) { if ($list == 'slider_posts') { $this->builder->where('posts.is_slider', 1); } if ($list == 'featured_posts') { $this->builder->where('posts.is_featured', 1); } if ($list == 'breaking_news') { $this->builder->where('posts.is_breaking', 1); } if ($list == 'recommended_posts') { $this->builder->where('posts.is_recommended', 1); } } } //add or remove post from slider public function addRemoveSlider($post) { if (!empty($post)) { if ($post->is_slider == 1) { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_slider' => 0]); } else { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_slider' => 1]); } } return false; } //add or remove post from featured public function addRemoveFeatured($post) { if (!empty($post)) { if ($post->is_featured == 1) { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_featured' => 0]); } else { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_featured' => 1]); } } return false; } //add or remove post from breaking public function addRemoveBreaking($post) { if (!empty($post)) { if ($post->is_breaking == 1) { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_breaking' => 0]); } else { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_breaking' => 1]); } } return false; } //add or remove post from recommended public function addRemoveRecommended($post) { if (!empty($post)) { if ($post->is_recommended == 1) { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_recommended' => 0]); } else { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_recommended' => 1]); } } return false; } //approve post public function approvePost($post) { if (!empty($post)) { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['visibility' => 1]); } return false; } //publish post public function publishPost($post) { if (!empty($post)) { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_scheduled' => 0, 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); } return false; } //publish draft public function publishDraft($post) { if (!empty($post)) { return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['status' => 1, 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); } return false; } //check scheduled posts public function checkScheduledPosts() { $posts = $this->builder->where('is_scheduled', 1)->get()->getResult(); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $isUpdated = false; if (!empty($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->created_at <= $date) { $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['is_scheduled' => 0]); $isUpdated = true; } } } if ($isUpdated) { resetCacheDataOnChange(); } echo "All scheduled posts have been checked."; } //save home slider post order public function setHomeSliderPostOrder($id, $order) { $post = $this->getPost($id); if (!empty($post)) { $order = cleanNumber($order); if ($order > 999999) { $order = 999999; } $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['slider_order' => $order]); } } //save feaured post order public function setFeauredPostOrder($id, $order) { $post = $this->getPost($id); if (!empty($post)) { $order = cleanNumber($order); if ($order > 999999) { $order = 999999; } $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['featured_order' => $order]); } } //post bulk options public function postBulkOptions($operation, $postIds) { $data = array(); if ($operation == 'add_slider') { $data['is_slider'] = 1; } elseif ($operation == 'remove_slider') { $data['is_slider'] = 0; } elseif ($operation == 'add_featured') { $data['is_featured'] = 1; } elseif ($operation == 'remove_featured') { $data['is_featured'] = 0; } elseif ($operation == 'add_breaking') { $data['is_breaking'] = 1; } elseif ($operation == 'remove_breaking') { $data['is_breaking'] = 0; } elseif ($operation == 'add_recommended') { $data['is_recommended'] = 1; } elseif ($operation == 'remove_recommended') { $data['is_recommended'] = 0; } elseif ($operation == 'publish_scheduled') { $data['is_scheduled'] = 0; $data['created_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } elseif ($operation == 'approve') { $data['visibility'] = 1; } elseif ($operation == 'publish_draft') { $data['status'] = 1; $data['created_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } if (!empty($postIds)) { foreach ($postIds as $id) { $post = $this->getPost($id); if (!empty($post)) { $this->builder->where('id', $id)->update($data); } } } } //delete post public function deletePost($id) { $post = $this->getPost($id); if (!empty($post)) { if (!checkPostOwnership($post->user_id)) { return false; } //delete additional images $this->deleteAdditionalImages($post->id); //delete audios $this->deletePostAudios($post->id); //delete list items $postItemModel = new PostItemModel(); $postItemModel->deletePostListItems($post->id, 'gallery'); $postItemModel->deletePostListItems($post->id, 'sorted_list'); //delete quiz questions $quizModel = new QuizModel(); $quizModel->deleteQuizQuestions($post->id); $quizModel->deleteQuizResults($post->id); //delete post tags $tagModel = new TagModel(); $tagModel->deletePostTags($post->id); //delete comments $this->db->table('comments')->where('post_id', $post->id)->delete(); //delete post return $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->delete(); } return false; } //delete multi post public function deleteMultiPosts($postIds) { if (!empty($postIds)) { foreach ($postIds as $id) { $this->deletePost($id); } } } //delete old posts public function deleteOldPosts() { if ($this->generalSettings->auto_post_deletion == 1) { $days = $this->generalSettings->auto_post_deletion_days; if ($this->generalSettings->auto_post_deletion_delete_all != 1) { $this->builder->where("feed_id != ''"); } $posts = $this->builder->where('created_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . cleanNumber($days) . ' DAY)')->get()->getResult(); if (!empty($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $this->deletePost($post->id); } } } } /* *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * POST FILES *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ //delete post main image public function deletePostMainImage($postId) { $post = $this->getPost($postId); if (!empty($post)) { if (!checkPostOwnership($post->user_id)) { return false; } $data = [ 'image_big' => '', 'image_default' => '', 'image_slider' => '', 'image_mid' => '', 'image_small' => '', 'image_url' => '' ]; $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update($data); } } //add post additional images public function addPostAdditionalImages($postId) { $imageIds = inputPost('additional_post_image_id'); if (!empty($imageIds)) { foreach ($imageIds as $imageId) { $fileModel = new FileModel(); $image = $fileModel->getImage($imageId); if (!empty($image)) { $item = [ 'post_id' => $postId, 'image_big' => $image->image_big, 'image_default' => $image->image_default, 'storage' => $image->storage ]; if (!empty($item['image_default'])) { $this->builderPostImages->insert($item); } } } } } //delete additional image public function deletePostAdditionalImage($fileId) { $image = $this->getAdditionalImage($fileId); if (!empty($image)) { $this->builderPostImages->where('id', $image->id)->delete(); } } //get additional images public function getAdditionalImages($postId) { return $this->builderPostImages->where('post_id', cleanNumber($postId))->get()->getResult(); } //get additional image public function getAdditionalImage($id) { return $this->builderPostImages->where('id', cleanStr($id))->get()->getRow(); } //delete additional images public function deleteAdditionalImages($postId) { $images = $this->getAdditionalImages($postId); if (!empty($images)) { foreach ($images as $image) { $this->builderPostImages->where('id', $image->id)->delete(); } } } //get post audio public function getPostAudio($audioId) { return $this->builderPostAudios->where('id', cleanNumber($audioId))->get()->getRow(); } //add post audios public function addPostAudios($postId) { $audioIds = inputPost('post_audio_id'); if (!empty($audioIds)) { foreach ($audioIds as $audioId) { $fileModel = new FileModel(); $audio = $fileModel->getAudio($audioId); if (!empty($audio)) { $item = [ 'post_id' => $postId, 'audio_id' => $audio->id, ]; $this->builderPostAudios->insert($item); } } } } //get post audios public function getPostAudios($postId) { return $this->db->table('audios')->join('post_audios', 'audios.id = post_audios.audio_id')->select('audios.*, post_audios.id AS post_audio_id') ->where('post_audios.post_id', cleanNumber($postId))->orderBy('post_audios.id')->get()->getResult(); } //delete post audio public function deletePostAudio($id) { $row = $this->getPostAudio($id); if (!empty($row)) { $post = $this->getPost($row->post_id); if (!empty($post)) { if (!checkPostOwnership($post->user_id)) { return false; } $this->builderPostAudios->where('id', cleanNumber($id))->delete(); } } } //delete post audios public function deletePostAudios($postId) { $audios = $this->builderPostAudios->where('post_id', cleanNumber($postId))->get()->getResult(); if (!empty($audios)) { foreach ($audios as $audio) { $this->builderPostAudios->where('id', $audio->id)->delete(); } } } //delete post video public function deletePostVideo($postId) { $post = $this->getPost($postId); if (!empty($post)) { if (!checkPostOwnership($post->user_id)) { return false; } $this->builder->where('id', $post->id)->update(['video_path' => '']); } } //add post files public function addPostFiles($postId) { $fileIds = inputPost('post_selected_file_id'); if (!empty($fileIds)) { foreach ($fileIds as $fileId) { $fileModel = new FileModel(); $file = $fileModel->getFile($fileId); if (!empty($file)) { $item = [ 'post_id' => $postId, 'file_id' => $file->id ]; $this->builderPostFiles->insert($item); } } } } //get post file public function getPostFile($id) { return $this->builderPostFiles->where('id', cleanStr($id))->get()->getRow(); } //get post files public function getPostFiles($postId) { return $this->builderPostFiles->join('files', 'files.id = post_files.file_id')->select('files.*, post_files.id AS post_file_id') ->where('post_files.post_id', cleanNumber($postId))->orderBy('post_files.id')->get()->getResult(); } //delete post file public function deletePostFile($id) { $file = $this->getPostFile($id); if (!empty($file)) { $post = $this->getPost($file->post_id); if (!checkPostOwnership($post->user_id)) { return false; } if (!empty($post)) { $this->builderPostFiles->where('id', $file->id)->delete(); } } } //generate CSV object public function generateCSVObject($filePath) { $array = array(); $fields = array(); $txtName = uniqid() . '.txt'; $i = 0; $handle = fopen($filePath, 'r'); if ($handle) { while (($row = fgetcsv($handle)) !== false) { if (empty($fields)) { $fields = $row; continue; } foreach ($row as $k => $value) { $array[$i][$fields[$k]] = $value; } $i++; } if (!feof($handle)) { return false; } fclose($handle); if (!empty($array)) { $txtFile = fopen(FCPATH . 'uploads/tmp/' . $txtName, 'w'); fwrite($txtFile, serialize($array)); fclose($txtFile); $obj = new \stdClass(); $obj->numberOfItems = countItems($array); $obj->txtFileName = $txtName; @unlink($filePath); return $obj; } } return false; } //import csv item public function importCSVItem($txtFileName, $index) { $filePath = FCPATH . 'uploads/tmp/' . $txtFileName; $file = fopen($filePath, 'r'); $content = fread($file, filesize($filePath)); $array = @unserialize($content); if (!empty($array)) { $uploadModel = new UploadModel(); $i = 1; foreach ($array as $item) { if ($i == $index) { $data = array(); $data['lang_id'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'lang_id', 'int'); $data['title'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'title'); $data['title_slug'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'title_slug') ? getCSVInputValue($item, 'title_slug') : strSlug($data['title']); $data['title_hash'] = ''; $data['keywords'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'keywords'); $data['summary'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'summary'); $data['content'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'content'); $data['category_id'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'category_id', 'int'); $data['image_big'] = ''; $data['image_default'] = ''; $data['image_slider'] = ''; $data['image_mid'] = ''; $data['image_small'] = ''; $data['image_mime'] = 'jpg'; $data['optional_url'] = ''; $data['pageviews'] = 0; $data['need_auth'] = 0; $data['is_slider'] = 0; $data['slider_order'] = 0; $data['is_featured'] = 0; $data['featured_order'] = 0; $data['is_recommended'] = 0; $data['is_breaking'] = 0; $data['is_scheduled'] = 0; $data['visibility'] = 0; $data['post_type'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'post_type') ? getCSVInputValue($item, 'post_type') : 'article'; $data['video_path'] = ''; $data['image_url'] = ''; $data['video_url'] = ''; $data['video_embed_code'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'video_embed_code'); $data['user_id'] = user()->id; $data['status'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'status', 'int'); $data['feed_id'] = 0; $data['post_url'] = ''; $data['show_post_url'] = 0; $data['image_description'] = getCSVInputValue($item, 'image_description'); $data['show_item_numbers'] = 0; $data['created_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //download image $imgURL = getCSVInputValue($item, 'image_url'); if (!empty($imgURL)) { $ext = pathinfo($imgURL, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($ext == 'gif') { try { $tempPath = $uploadModel->downloadTempImage($imgURL, 'gif'); if (!empty($tempPath) && file_exists($tempPath)) { $gifPath = $uploadModel->uploadGIF('temp.gif', 'images'); $dataImage = [ 'image_big' => $gifPath, 'image_default' => $gifPath, 'image_slider' => $gifPath, 'image_mid' => $gifPath, 'image_small' => $gifPath, 'image_mime' => 'gif', 'file_name' => $data['title_slug'], 'user_id' => user()->id ]; } } catch (\Exception $e) { } } else { try { $tempPath = $uploadModel->downloadTempImage($imgURL, 'jpg'); if (!empty($tempPath) && file_exists($tempPath)) { $dataImage = [ 'image_big' => $uploadModel->uploadPostImage($tempPath, 'big'), 'image_default' => $uploadModel->uploadPostImage($tempPath, 'default'), 'image_slider' => $uploadModel->uploadPostImage($tempPath, 'slider'), 'image_mid' => $uploadModel->uploadPostImage($tempPath, 'mid'), 'image_small' => $uploadModel->uploadPostImage($tempPath, 'small'), 'image_mime' => 'jpg', 'file_name' => $data['title_slug'], 'user_id' => user()->id ]; } } catch (\Exception $e) { } } //add image to database if (!empty($dataImage)) { if ($this->db->table('images')->insert($dataImage)) { $data['image_big'] = $dataImage['image_big']; $data['image_default'] = $dataImage['image_default']; $data['image_slider'] = $dataImage['image_slider']; $data['image_mid'] = $dataImage['image_mid']; $data['image_small'] = $dataImage['image_small']; $data['image_mime'] = $dataImage['image_mime']; } } } //check visibility if (checkUserPermission('manage_all_posts') || $this->generalSettings->approve_updated_user_posts != 1) { $data['visibility'] = 1; } if ($this->builder->insert($data)) { $lastId = $this->db->insertID(); //update slug $this->updateSlug($lastId); //add tags $tags = getCSVInputValue($item, 'tags'); if (!empty($tags)) { $tagModel = new TagModel(); $tagModel->addPostTags($lastId, $tags); } } return $data['title']; } $i++; } } } }