$limit) { return mb_strimwidth($str, 0, $limit + 3, $endChar); } return $str; } } //get themes if (!function_exists('getThemes')) { function getThemes() { return Globals::$themes; } } //get active theme if (!function_exists('getActiveTheme')) { function getActiveTheme() { $theme = null; if (!empty(getThemes())) { foreach (getThemes() as $item) { if ($item->is_active == 1) { $theme = $item; } } if (empty($theme)) { if (!empty(getThemes()[0])) { $theme = getThemes()[0]; } } } return $theme; } } //get theme path if (!function_exists('getThemePath')) { function getThemePath() { $themePath = 'themes/classic'; if (!empty(getActiveTheme())) { $themePath = 'themes/' . getActiveTheme()->theme_folder; } return $themePath; } } //load view if (!function_exists('loadView')) { function loadView($view, $data = null) { if (!empty($data)) { return view(getThemePath() . '/' . $view, $data); } else { return view(getThemePath() . '/' . $view); } } } //language base URL if (!function_exists('langBaseUrl')) { function langBaseUrl($route = null) { if (!empty($route)) { return Globals::$langBaseUrl . '/' . $route; } return Globals::$langBaseUrl; } } //generate base URL by language id if (!function_exists('generateBaseURLByLangId')) { function generateBaseURLByLangId($langId) { if ($langId == Globals::$generalSettings->site_lang) { return base_url() . '/'; } else { $languages = Globals::$languages; $shortForm = ''; if (!empty($languages)) { foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($langId == $language->id) { $shortForm = $language->short_form; } } } if ($shortForm != '') { return base_url($shortForm) . '/'; } } return base_url() . '/'; } } //generate base URL by language if (!function_exists('generateBaseURLByLang')) { function generateBaseURLByLang($lang) { if (!empty($lang)) { if ($lang->id == Globals::$generalSettings->site_lang) { return base_url() . '/'; } else { return base_url($lang->short_form) . '/'; } } return base_url() . '/'; } } //current full url if (!function_exists('currentFullURL')) { function currentFullURL() { $currentURL = current_url(); if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $currentURL = $currentURL . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } return $currentURL; } } //admin url if (!function_exists('adminUrl')) { function adminUrl($route = null) { if (!empty($route)) { return base_url(Globals::$customRoutes->admin . '/' . $route); } return base_url(Globals::$customRoutes->admin); } } //force redirect to URL if (!function_exists('redirectToUrl')) { function redirectToUrl($url) { header('Location: ' . $url); exit(); } } //redirect to back URL if (!function_exists('redirectToBackURL')) { function redirectToBackURL() { $backURL = inputPost('back_url'); if (!empty($backURL) && strpos($backURL, base_url()) !== false) { redirectToUrl($backURL); exit(); } redirectToUrl(langBaseUrl()); exit(); } } //get request if (!function_exists('inputGet')) { function inputGet($input_name, $removeForbidden = false) { $input = \Config\Services::request()->getGet($input_name); if (!is_array($input)) { $input = strTrim($input); } if ($removeForbidden) { $input = removeForbiddenCharacters($input); } return $input; } } //post request if (!function_exists('inputPost')) { function inputPost($input_name, $removeForbidden = false) { $input = \Config\Services::request()->getPost($input_name); if (!is_array($input)) { $input = strTrim($input); } if ($removeForbidden) { $input = removeForbiddenCharacters($input); } return $input; } } //auth check if (!function_exists('authCheck')) { function authCheck() { return Globals::$authCheck; } } //get active user if (!function_exists('user')) { function user() { return Globals::$authUser; } } //get user by id if (!function_exists('getUserById')) { function getUserById($id) { $model = new \App\Models\AuthModel(); return $model->getUser($id); } } //is admin if (!function_exists('isAdmin')) { function isAdmin() { if (authCheck()) { if (user()->role == 'admin') { return true; } } return false; } } //check admin if (!function_exists('checkAdmin')) { function checkAdmin() { if (!isAdmin()) { redirectToUrl(langBaseUrl()); } } } //get language if (!function_exists('getLanguage')) { function getLanguage($id) { $model = new \App\Models\LanguageModel(); return $model->getLanguage($id); } } //get favicon if (!function_exists('getFavicon')) { function getFavicon() { $generalSettings = Globals::$generalSettings; if (!empty($generalSettings)) { if (!empty($generalSettings->favicon) && file_exists(FCPATH . $generalSettings->favicon)) { return base_url($generalSettings->favicon); } return base_url("assets/img/favicon.png"); } return base_url("assets/img/favicon.png"); } } //get logo if (!function_exists('getLogo')) { function getLogo() { $generalSettings = Globals::$generalSettings; if (!empty($generalSettings)) { if (!empty($generalSettings->logo) && file_exists(FCPATH . $generalSettings->logo)) { return base_url($generalSettings->logo); } return base_url("assets/img/logo.svg"); } return base_url("assets/img/logo.svg"); } } //get logo footer if (!function_exists('getLogoFooter')) { function getLogoFooter() { $generalSettings = Globals::$generalSettings; if (!empty($generalSettings)) { if (!empty($generalSettings->logo_footer) && file_exists(FCPATH . $generalSettings->logo_footer)) { return base_url($generalSettings->logo_footer); } return base_url("assets/img/logo-footer.svg"); } return base_url("assets/img/logo-footer.svg"); } } //get logo email if (!function_exists('getLogoEmail')) { function getLogoEmail() { $generalSettings = Globals::$generalSettings; if (!empty($generalSettings)) { if (!empty($generalSettings->logo_email) && file_exists(FCPATH . $generalSettings->logo_email)) { return base_url($generalSettings->logo_email); } return base_url("assets/img/logo.png"); } return base_url("assets/img/logo.png"); } } //get user avatar if (!function_exists('getUserAvatar')) { function getUserAvatar($avatarPath) { if (!empty($avatarPath)) { if (file_exists(FCPATH . $avatarPath)) { return base_url($avatarPath); } return $avatarPath; } return base_url("assets/img/user.png"); } } //translation if (!function_exists('trans')) { function trans($string) { if (isset(Globals::$languageTranslations[$string])) { return Globals::$languageTranslations[$string]; } return ""; } } //translation by label if (!function_exists('getTransByLabel')) { function getTransByLabel($label, $langId) { $model = new \App\Models\LanguageModel(); return $model->getTransByLabel($label, $langId); } } //check user permission if (!function_exists('checkUserPermission')) { function checkUserPermission($permission) { if (authCheck()) { $userRole = user()->role; if ($userRole == 'admin') { return true; } $rolePermission = array_filter(Globals::$rolesPermissions, function ($item) use ($userRole) { return $item->role == $userRole; }); foreach ($rolePermission as $key => $value) { $rolePermission = $value; break; } if (!empty($rolePermission) && $rolePermission->$permission == 1) { return true; } } return false; } } //check permission if (!function_exists('checkPermission')) { function checkPermission($permission) { if (!checkUserPermission($permission)) { redirectToUrl(langBaseUrl()); exit(); } } } //get route if (!function_exists('getRoute')) { function getRoute($key, $slash = false) { $route = $key; if (!empty(Globals::$customRoutes->$key)) { $route = Globals::$customRoutes->$key; if ($slash == true) { $route .= '/'; } } return $route; } } //generate static url if (!function_exists('generateURL')) { function generateURL($route1, $route2 = null) { if (!empty($route2)) { return langBaseUrl(getRoute($route1, true) . getRoute($route2)); } else { return langBaseUrl(getRoute($route1)); } } } //generate post url if (!function_exists('generatePostURL')) { function generatePostURL($post, $baseURL = null) { if ($baseURL == null) { $baseURL = langBaseUrl() . '/'; } if (!empty($post)) { if (!empty($post->post_url) && Globals::$generalSettings->redirect_rss_posts_to_original == 1) { return $post->post_url; } return $baseURL . $post->title_slug; } return "#"; } } //generate tag url if (!function_exists('generateTagURL')) { function generateTagURL($tagSlug) { if (!empty($tagSlug)) { return langBaseUrl(getRoute('tag', true) . $tagSlug); } return "#"; } } //add new tab for post url if (!function_exists('postURLNewTab')) { function postURLNewTab($post) { if (!empty($post)) { if (!empty($post->post_url) && Globals::$generalSettings->redirect_rss_posts_to_original == 1) { echo ' target="_blank"'; } } } } //generate menu item url if (!function_exists('generateMenuItemURL')) { function generateMenuItemURL($item, $baseCategories) { if (empty($item)) { return langBaseUrl('#'); } if ($item->item_type == 'page') { if (!empty($item->item_link)) { return $item->item_link; } else { return langBaseUrl($item->item_slug); } } elseif ($item->item_type == 'category') { $category = getCategory($item->item_id, $baseCategories); if (!empty($category)) { if (!empty($category->parent_slug)) { return langBaseUrl($category->parent_slug . "/" . $category->name_slug); } else { return langBaseUrl($category->name_slug); } } } else { return langBaseUrl("#"); } } } //generate category url if (!function_exists('generateCategoryURL')) { function generateCategoryURL($category) { if (!empty($category)) { if (!empty($category->parent_slug)) { return langBaseUrl($category->parent_slug . "/" . $category->name_slug); } return langBaseUrl($category->name_slug); } return "#"; } } //generate category url by id if (!function_exists('generateCategoryURLById')) { function generateCategoryURLById($categoryId, $baseCategories) { $category = getCategory(cleanNumber($categoryId), $baseCategories); if (!empty($category)) { if (!empty($category->parent_slug)) { return langBaseUrl($category->parent_slug . "/" . $category->name_slug); } return langBaseUrl($category->name_slug); } return "#"; } } //generate tag url if (!function_exists('generateTagURL')) { function generateTagURL($slug) { if (!empty($slug)) { return langBaseUrl(getRoute('tag', true) . $slug); } return "#"; } } //generate profile url if (!function_exists('generateProfileURL')) { function generateProfileURL($userSlug) { if (!empty($userSlug)) { return langBaseUrl(getRoute('profile', true) . $userSlug); } return "#"; } } //get sub menu links if (!function_exists('getSubMenuLinks')) { function getSubMenuLinks($menuLinks, $parentId, $type) { $subLinks = array(); if (!empty($menuLinks)) { $subLinks = array_filter($menuLinks, function ($item) use ($parentId, $type) { return $item->item_type == $type && $item->item_parent_id == $parentId; }); } return $subLinks; } } //get gallery album if (!function_exists('getGalleryAlbum')) { function getGalleryAlbum($id) { $model = new \App\Models\GalleryModel(); return $model->getAlbum($id); } } //get gallery category if (!function_exists('getGalleryCategory')) { function getGalleryCategory($id) { $model = new \App\Models\GalleryModel(); return $model->getCategory($id); } } //get gallery cover image if (!function_exists('getGalleryCoverImage')) { function getGalleryCoverImage($albumId) { $model = new \App\Models\GalleryModel(); return $model->getCoverImage($albumId); } } //get page by default name if (!function_exists('getPageByDefaultName')) { function getPageByDefaultName($defaultName, $langId) { $model = new \App\Models\PageModel(); return $model->getPageByDefaultName($defaultName, $langId); } } //get page link by default name if (!function_exists('getPageLinkByDefaultName')) { function getPageLinkByDefaultName($defaultName, $lang_id) { $page = getPageByDefaultName($defaultName, $lang_id); if (!empty($page)) { return langBaseUrl($page->slug); } return "#"; } } //check if user online if (!function_exists('isUserOnline')) { function isUserOnline($timestamp) { if (!empty($timestamp)) { $timeAgo = strtotime($timestamp); $currentTime = time(); $timeDifference = $currentTime - $timeAgo; $seconds = $timeDifference; $minutes = round($seconds / 60); if ($minutes <= 3) { return true; } } return false; } } //check user follows if (!function_exists('isUserFollows')) { function isUserFollows($followingId, $followerId) { $model = new \App\Models\ProfileModel(); return $model->isUserFollows($followingId, $followerId); } } //esc & addslashes if (!function_exists('escSls')) { function escSls($str) { if (!empty($str)) { return addslashes(esc($str)); } } } //generate slug if (!function_exists('strSlug')) { function strSlug($str) { $str = strTrim($str); if (!empty($str)) { $str = @convert_accented_characters($str); return url_title($str, '-', TRUE); } } } //clean slug if (!function_exists('cleanSlug')) { function cleanSlug($slug) { $slug = strTrim($slug); if (!empty($slug)) { $slug = urldecode($slug); } if (!empty($slug)) { $slug = strip_tags($slug); } return removeSpecialCharacters($slug); } } //clean string if (!function_exists('cleanStr')) { function cleanStr($str) { $str = strTrim($str); $str = removeSpecialCharacters($str); return esc($str); } } //clean number if (!function_exists('cleanNumber')) { function cleanNumber($num) { $num = strTrim($num); $num = esc($num); if (empty($num)) { return 0; } return intval($num); } } //clean number if (!function_exists('clrQuotes')) { function clrQuotes($str) { $str = strReplace('"', '', $str); $str = strReplace("'", '', $str); return $str; } } //remove forbidden characters if (!function_exists('removeForbiddenCharacters')) { function removeForbiddenCharacters($str) { $str = strTrim($str); $str = strReplace(';', '', $str); $str = strReplace('"', '', $str); $str = strReplace('$', '', $str); $str = strReplace('%', '', $str); $str = strReplace('*', '', $str); $str = strReplace('/', '', $str); $str = strReplace('\'', '', $str); $str = strReplace('<', '', $str); $str = strReplace('>', '', $str); $str = strReplace('=', '', $str); $str = strReplace('?', '', $str); $str = strReplace('[', '', $str); $str = strReplace(']', '', $str); $str = strReplace('\\', '', $str); $str = strReplace('^', '', $str); $str = strReplace('`', '', $str); $str = strReplace('{', '', $str); $str = strReplace('}', '', $str); $str = strReplace('|', '', $str); $str = strReplace('~', '', $str); $str = strReplace('+', '', $str); return $str; } } //remove special characters if (!function_exists('removeSpecialCharacters')) { function removeSpecialCharacters($str, $removeQuotes = false) { $str = removeForbiddenCharacters($str); $str = strReplace('#', '', $str); $str = strReplace('!', '', $str); $str = strReplace('(', '', $str); $str = strReplace(')', '', $str); if ($removeQuotes) { $str = clrQuotes($str); } return $str; } } //price formatted if (!function_exists('priceFormatted')) { function priceFormatted($price, $decimalPoint = 2) { $thousandSep = ','; $decPoint = '.'; if (getThousandSeparator() != ',') { $thousandSep = '.'; $decPoint = ','; } if (!empty($price)) { if (is_int($price)) { $price = @number_format($price, 0, $decPoint, $thousandSep); } else { $price = @number_format($price, $decimalPoint, $decPoint, $thousandSep); } } if (Globals::$generalSettings->currency_symbol_format == "left") { $price = "
" . Globals::$generalSettings->currency_symbol . "
" . $price; } else { $price = $price . "
" . Globals::$generalSettings->currency_symbol . "
"; } return $price; } } //get reward price decimal if (!function_exists('getRewardPriceDecimal')) { function getRewardPriceDecimal() { if (Globals::$generalSettings->reward_amount >= 0.1) { return 5; } return 6; } } //get thousands separator if (!function_exists('getThousandSeparator')) { function getThousandSeparator() { $thousandSeparator = ','; if (Globals::$generalSettings->currency_format == 'european') { $thousandSeparator = '.'; } return $thousandSeparator; } } //check admin nav if (!function_exists('getEarningObjectByDay')) { function getEarningObjectByDay($day, $pageViewsCounts) { if ($day < 10 && strpos($day, '0') == false) { $day = str_pad($day, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $date = date('Y') . '-' . date('m') . '-' . $day; $objects = array_filter($pageViewsCounts, function ($item) use ($date) { return $item->date == $date; }); $object = null; if (!empty($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $key => $value) { $object = $value; break; } } return $object; } } //set cookie if (!function_exists('helperSetCookie')) { function helperSetCookie($name, $value, $time = null) { if ($time == null) { $time = time() + (86400 * 30); } $config = config('App'); $params = [ 'expires' => $time, 'path' => $config->cookiePath, 'domain' => $config->cookieDomain, 'secure' => $config->cookieSecure, 'httponly' => $config->cookieHTTPOnly, 'samesite' => $config->cookieSameSite, ]; if (!empty(getenv('cookie.prefix'))) { $name = getenv('cookie.prefix') . $name; } setcookie($name, $value, $params); } } //get cookie if (!function_exists('helperGetCookie')) { function helperGetCookie($name) { if (!empty(getenv('cookie.prefix'))) { $name = getenv('cookie.prefix') . $name; } if (isset($_COOKIE[$name])) { return $_COOKIE[$name]; } return false; } } //delete cookie if (!function_exists('helperDeleteCookie')) { function helperDeleteCookie($name) { if (!empty(getenv('cookie.prefix'))) { $name = getenv('cookie.prefix') . $name; } if (!empty(helperGetCookie($name))) { helperSetCookie($name, '', time() - 3600); } } } //set session if (!function_exists('setSession')) { function setSession($name, $value) { $session = \Config\Services::session(); $session->set($name, $value); } } //get session if (!function_exists('getSession')) { function getSession($name) { $session = \Config\Services::session(); if ($session->get($name) !== null) { return $session->get($name); } return null; } } //delete session if (!function_exists('deleteSession')) { function deleteSession($name) { $session = \Config\Services::session(); if ($session->get($name) !== null) { $session->remove($name); } } } //generate unique id if (!function_exists('generateToken')) { function generateToken($short = false) { $token = uniqid('', TRUE); $token = strReplace('.', '-', $token); if ($short == false) { $token = $token . '-' . rand(10000000, 99999999); } return $token; } } //get validation rules if (!function_exists('getValRules')) { function getValRules($val) { $rules = $val->getRules(); $newRules = array(); if (!empty($rules)) { foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) { $newRules[$key] = [ 'label' => $rule['label'], 'rules' => $rule['rules'], 'errors' => [ 'required' => trans("form_validation_required"), 'min_length' => trans("form_validation_min_length"), 'max_length' => trans("form_validation_max_length"), 'matches' => trans("form_validation_matches"), 'is_unique' => trans("form_validation_is_unique") ] ]; } } return $newRules; } } //get segment value if (!function_exists('getSegmentValue')) { function getSegmentValue($segmentNumber) { try { $uri = service('uri'); if ($uri->getSegment($segmentNumber) !== null) { return $uri->getSegment($segmentNumber); } } catch (Exception $e) { } return null; } } //check admin nav if (!function_exists('isAdminNavActive')) { function isAdminNavActive($arrayNavItems) { $segment = getSegmentValue(2); if (!empty($segment) && !empty($arrayNavItems)) { if (in_array($segment, $arrayNavItems)) { echo ' ' . 'active'; } } } } //get navigation item edit link if (!function_exists('getAdminNavItemEditLink')) { function getAdminNavItemEditLink($menuItem) { if (!empty($menuItem)) { if ($menuItem->item_type == "category") { return adminUrl('edit-category/' . $menuItem->item_id . '?redirect_url=' . current_url() . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } else { if (!empty($menuItem->item_link)) { return adminUrl('edit-menu-link/' . $menuItem->item_id); } else { return adminUrl('edit-page/' . $menuItem->item_id . '?redirect_url=' . current_url() . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } } } } } //get navigation item delete function if (!function_exists('getAdminNavItemDeleteFunction')) { function getAdminNavItemDeleteFunction($menuItem) { if (!empty($menuItem)) { if ($menuItem->item_type == "category") { return "deleteItem('CategoryController/deleteCategoryPost','" . $menuItem->item_id . "','" . trans("confirm_category") . "');"; } else { if (!empty($menuItem->item_link)) { return "deleteItem('AdminController/deleteNavigationPost','" . $menuItem->item_id . "','" . trans("confirm_link") . "');"; } else { return "deleteItem('AdminController/deletePagePost','" . $menuItem->item_id . "','" . trans("confirm_page") . "');"; } } } } } //get navigation item type if (!function_exists('getAdminNavItemType')) { function getAdminNavItemType($menuItem) { if (!empty($menuItem)) { if ($menuItem->item_type == "category") { return trans("category"); } else { if (!empty($menuItem->item_link)) { return trans("link"); } else { return trans("page"); } } } } } //count items if (!function_exists('countItems')) { function countItems($items) { if (!empty($items) && is_array($items)) { return count($items); } return 0; } } //is recaptcha enabled if (!function_exists('isRecaptchaEnabled')) { function isRecaptchaEnabled($generalSettings) { if (!empty($generalSettings->recaptcha_site_key) && !empty($generalSettings->recaptcha_secret_key)) { return true; } return false; } } //get recaptcha if (!function_exists('reCaptcha')) { function reCaptcha($action, $generalSettings) { if (isRecaptchaEnabled($generalSettings)) { loadLibrary('reCAPTCHA'); $reCAPTCHA = new reCAPTCHA($generalSettings->recaptcha_site_key, $generalSettings->recaptcha_secret_key); $reCAPTCHA->setLanguage(Globals::$activeLang->short_form); if (Globals::$darkMode) { $reCAPTCHA->setTheme('dark'); } if ($action == "generate") { echo $reCAPTCHA->getScript(); echo $reCAPTCHA->getHtml(); } elseif ($action == "validate") { if (!$reCAPTCHA->isValid($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) { return 'invalid'; } } } } } //date format with month if (!function_exists('formatDateFront')) { function formatDateFront($timestamp) { if (!empty($timestamp)) { $date = date("M j, Y", strtotime($timestamp)); return replaceMonthName($date); } } } //date format if (!function_exists('formatDate')) { function formatDate($timestamp) { if (!empty($timestamp)) { return date("Y-m-d / H:i", strtotime($timestamp)); } } } //print formatted hour if (!function_exists('formatHour')) { function formatHour($timestamp) { if (!empty($timestamp)) { return date("H:i", strtotime($timestamp)); } } } //date format if (!function_exists('replaceMonthName')) { function replaceMonthName($str) { $str = strTrim($str); $str = strReplace("Jan", trans("January"), $str); $str = strReplace("Feb", trans("February"), $str); $str = strReplace("Mar", trans("March"), $str); $str = strReplace("Apr", trans("April"), $str); $str = strReplace("May", trans("May"), $str); $str = strReplace("Jun", trans("June"), $str); $str = strReplace("Jul", trans("July"), $str); $str = strReplace("Aug", trans("August"), $str); $str = strReplace("Sep", trans("September"), $str); $str = strReplace("Oct", trans("October"), $str); $str = strReplace("Nov", trans("November"), $str); $str = strReplace("Dec", trans("December"), $str); return $str; } } //date diff if (!function_exists('dateDifference')) { function dateDifference($date1, $date2, $format = '%a') { if (!empty($date1) && !empty($date2)) { $datetime1 = date_create($date1); $datetime2 = date_create($date2); $diff = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2); return $diff->format($format); } } } //date difference in hours if (!function_exists('dateDifferenceInHours')) { function dateDifferenceInHours($date1, $date2) { if (!empty($date1) && !empty($date2)) { $datetime1 = date_create($date1); $datetime2 = date_create($date2); $diff = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2); $days = $diff->format('%a'); $hours = $diff->format('%h'); return $hours + ($days * 24); } } } //check cron time if (!function_exists('checkCronTime')) { function checkCronTime($hour) { if (empty(Globals::$generalSettings->last_cron_update) || dateDifferenceInHours(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), Globals::$generalSettings->last_cron_update) >= $hour) { return true; } return false; } } //update last seen if (!function_exists('updateLastSeen')) { function updateLastSeen() { $model = new \App\Models\AuthModel(); $model->updateLastSeen(); } } if (!function_exists('timeAgo')) { function timeAgo($timestamp) { if (!empty($timestamp)) { $timeDiff = time() - strtotime($timestamp); $seconds = $timeDiff; $minutes = round($seconds / 60); $hours = round($seconds / 3600); $days = round($seconds / 86400); $weeks = round($seconds / 604800); $months = round($seconds / 2629440); $years = round($seconds / 31553280); if ($seconds <= 60) { return trans("just_now"); } else if ($minutes <= 60) { if ($minutes == 1) { return "1 " . trans("minute") . " " . trans("ago"); } else { return $minutes . " " . trans("minutes") . " " . trans("ago"); } } else if ($hours <= 24) { if ($hours == 1) { return "1 " . trans("hour") . " " . trans("ago"); } else { return $hours . " " . trans("hours") . " " . trans("ago"); } } else if ($days <= 30) { if ($days == 1) { return "1 " . trans("day") . " " . trans("ago"); } else { return $days . " " . trans("days") . " " . trans("ago"); } } else if ($months <= 12) { if ($months == 1) { return "1 " . trans("month") . " " . trans("ago"); } else { return $months . " " . trans("months") . " " . trans("ago"); } } else { if ($years == 1) { return "1 " . trans("year") . " " . trans("ago"); } else { return $years . " " . trans("years") . " " . trans("ago"); } } } } } //paginate if (!function_exists('paginate')) { function paginate($perPage, $total) { $page = @intval(inputGet('page') ?? ''); if (empty($page) || $page < 1) { $page = 1; } $pager = \Config\Services::pager(); $pager->makeLinks($page, $perPage, $total); $pageObject = new stdClass(); $pageObject->currentPage = $pager->getCurrentPage(); $pageObject->page = $page; $pageObject->offset = ($page - 1) * $perPage; return $pageObject; } } //paginate if (!function_exists('getIPAddress')) { function getIPAddress() { $request = \Config\Services::request(); return $request->getIPAddress(); } } //convert xml characters if (!function_exists('convertToXMLCharacter')) { function convertToXMLCharacter($string) { $str = strReplace(array('&', '<', '>', '\'', '"'), array('&', '<', '>', ''', '"'), $string); $str = strReplace('#45;', '', $str); return $str; } } //check newsletter modal if (!function_exists('checkNewsletterModal')) { function checkNewsletterModal() { if (!authCheck() && Globals::$generalSettings->newsletter_status == 1 && Globals::$generalSettings->newsletter_popup == 1) { if (empty(helperGetCookie('newsletter_popup'))) { helperSetCookie('newsletter_popup', '1', time() + (86400 * 365)); return true; } } return false; } } //set active language ajax post if (!function_exists('setActiveLangPostRequest')) { function setActiveLangPostRequest() { $sysLangId = cleanNumber(inputPost('sys_lang_id')); if (!empty($sysLangId) && Globals::$generalSettings->site_lang != $sysLangId) { $language = getLanguage($sysLangId); if (!empty($language)) { Globals::setActiveLanguage($language->id); Globals::updateLangBaseURL($language->short_form); } } } } //get popular tags if (!function_exists('getPopularTags')) { function getPopularTags() { $popularTags = getCachedData('popular_tags'); if (empty($popularTags)) { $model = new \App\Models\TagModel(); $popularTags = $model->getPopularTags(); setCacheData('popular_tags', $popularTags); } return $popularTags; } } //get polls if (!function_exists('getPollsByActiveLang')) { function getPollsByActiveLang() { $model = new \App\Models\PollModel(); return $model->getPollsByActiveLang(); } } //calculate total vote of poll option if (!function_exists('calculateTotalVotePollOption')) { function calculateTotalVotePollOption($poll) { $total = 0; if (!empty($poll)) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $op = "option{$i}_vote_count"; $total += $poll->$op; } } return $total; } } //get social links array if (!function_exists('getSocialLinksArray')) { function getSocialLinksArray($object = null, $showPersonalWebsite = false) { if ($object == null) { $object = Globals::$settings; } $array = array(); if (!empty($object->facebook_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'facebook', 'name' => 'Facebook', 'url' => $object->facebook_url]); } if (!empty($object->twitter_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'twitter', 'name' => 'Twitter', 'url' => $object->twitter_url]); } if (!empty($object->pinterest_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'pinterest', 'name' => 'Pinterest', 'url' => $object->pinterest_url]); } if (!empty($object->instagram_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'instagram', 'name' => 'Instagram', 'url' => $object->instagram_url]); } if (!empty($object->linkedin_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'linkedin', 'name' => 'Linkedin', 'url' => $object->linkedin_url]); } if (!empty($object->vk_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'vk', 'name' => 'VK', 'url' => $object->vk_url]); } if (!empty($object->telegram_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'telegram', 'name' => 'Telegram', 'url' => $object->telegram_url]); } if (!empty($object->youtube_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'youtube', 'name' => 'YouTube', 'url' => $object->youtube_url]); } if (!empty($object->tiktok_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'tiktok', 'name' => 'TikTok', 'url' => $object->tiktok_url]); } if ($showPersonalWebsite && !empty($object->personal_website_url)) { array_push($array, ['key' => 'globe', 'name' => 'Website URL', 'url' => $object->personal_website_url]); } return $array; } } //get widget if (!function_exists('getWidget')) { function getWidget($baseWidgets, $type) { if (!empty($baseWidgets)) { foreach ($baseWidgets as $widget) { if ($widget->type == $type) { return $widget; } } } return null; } } //get category widgets if (!function_exists('getCategoryWidgets')) { function getCategoryWidgets($categoryId, $baseWidgets, $adSpaces, $langId) { $arrayWidgets = array(); $widgetIds = array(); $ads = array(); $hasWidgets = false; if (!empty($baseWidgets)) { if (empty($categoryId)) { foreach ($baseWidgets as $widget) { if (empty($widget->display_category_id) && !in_array($widget->id, $widgetIds) && $widget->lang_id == $langId) { array_push($arrayWidgets, $widget); array_push($widgetIds, $widget->id); } } } else { foreach ($baseWidgets as $widget) { if ($widget->display_category_id == $categoryId && !in_array($widget->id, $widgetIds) && $widget->lang_id == $langId) { array_push($arrayWidgets, $widget); array_push($widgetIds, $widget->id); } } } } if (!empty($adSpaces)) { foreach ($adSpaces as $item) { if ($item->display_category_id == $categoryId) { array_push($ads, $item); } } } if (!empty($arrayWidgets) || !empty($ads)) { $hasWidgets = true; } $classWidgets = new stdClass(); $classWidgets->widgets = $arrayWidgets; $classWidgets->ads = $ads; $classWidgets->hasWidgets = $hasWidgets; return $classWidgets; } } //is reaction voted if (!function_exists('isReactionVoted')) { function isReactionVoted($postId, $reaction) { if (!empty(helperGetCookie('reaction_' . $reaction . '_' . $postId))) { return true; } return false; } } //get font family if (!function_exists('getFontFamily')) { function getFontFamily($activeFonts, $key, $removeFamilyText = false) { if (!empty($activeFonts[$key]) && !empty($activeFonts[$key]->font_family)) { $fontFamily = $activeFonts[$key]->font_family; if (!empty($fontFamily)) { if ($removeFamilyText) { $fontFamilyArray = explode(':', $fontFamily); if (!empty($fontFamilyArray[1])) { return $fontFamilyArray[1]; } } return $activeFonts[$key]->font_family; } } return ''; } } //get font url if (!function_exists('getFontURL')) { function getFontURL($activeFonts, $key) { if (!empty($activeFonts[$key]) && !empty($activeFonts[$key]->font_url) && $activeFonts[$key]->font_source != 'local') { return $activeFonts[$key]->font_url; } return ''; } } //load library if (!function_exists('loadLibrary')) { function loadLibrary($library) { $path = APPPATH . 'Libraries/' . $library . '.php'; if (file_exists($path)) { require_once $path; } } } /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * POST FUNCTIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //set cache data if (!function_exists('setCacheData')) { function setCacheData($key, $data) { $key = $key . "_lang" . Globals::$activeLang->id; if (Globals::$generalSettings->cache_system == 1) { $cache = \Config\Services::cache(); cache()->save($key, $data, $generalSettings->cache_refresh_time); } } } //set cache data by lang if (!function_exists('setCacheDataByLang')) { function setCacheDataByLang($key, $data, $langId) { $key = $key . "_lang" . $langId; if (Globals::$generalSettings->cache_system == 1) { $cache = \Config\Services::cache(); cache()->save($key, $data, Globals::$generalSettings->cache_refresh_time); } } } //get cached data if (!function_exists('getCachedData')) { function getCachedData($key) { $key = $key . "_lang" . Globals::$activeLang->id; if (Globals::$generalSettings->cache_system == 1) { $cache = \Config\Services::cache(); if ($data = cache($key)) { return $data; } } return false; } } //get cached data by lang if (!function_exists('getCachedDataByLang')) { function getCachedDataByLang($key, $langId) { $key = $key . "_lang" . $langId; if (Globals::$generalSettings->cache_system == 1) { $cache = \Config\Services::cache(); if ($data = cache($key)) { return $data; } } return false; } } //reset cache data if (!function_exists('resetCacheData')) { function resetCacheData() { $cachePath = WRITEPATH . 'cache/'; $files = glob($cachePath . '*'); if (!empty($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, 'index.html') === false) { @unlink($file); } } } } } //reset cache data on change if (!function_exists('resetCacheDataOnChange')) { function resetCacheDataOnChange() { if (Globals::$generalSettings->refresh_cache_database_changes == 1) { resetCacheData(); } } } //get category by id if (!function_exists('getCategoryById')) { function getCategoryById($id) { $model = new \App\Models\CategoryModel(); return $model->getCategory($id); } } //get category if (!function_exists('getCategory')) { function getCategory($id, $categories) { $category = null; if (!empty($categories)) { $category = array_filter($categories, function ($item) use ($id) { return $item->id == $id; }); foreach ($category as $key => $value) { $category = $value; break; } } return $category; } } //get categories if (!function_exists('getCategories')) { function getCategories() { $model = new \App\Models\CategoryModel(); return $model->getCategories(); } } //get categories if (!function_exists('getCategoriesByLang')) { function getCategoriesByLang($langId) { $model = new \App\Models\CategoryModel(); return $model->getCategoriesByLang($langId); } } //get subcategories if (!function_exists('getSubcategories')) { function getSubcategories($parentId, $categories) { if (!empty($categories)) { return array_filter($categories, function ($item) use ($parentId) { return $item->parent_id == $parentId; }); } return null; } } //get category tree if (!function_exists('getCategoryTree')) { function getCategoryTree($categoryId, $categories) { $tree = array(); $categoryId = cleanNumber($categoryId); if (!empty($categoryId)) { array_push($tree, $categoryId); $subCategories = getSubcategories($categoryId, $categories); if (!empty($subCategories)) { foreach ($subCategories as $subCategory) { array_push($tree, $subCategory->id); } } } return $tree; } } //get parent category tree if (!function_exists('getParentCategoryTree')) { function getParentCategoryTree($categoryId, $categories) { $tree = array(); $categoryId = cleanNumber($categoryId); if (!empty($categoryId)) { $category = getCategory($categoryId, $categories); if (!empty($category) && $category->parent_id != 0) { $parent = getCategory($category->parent_id, $categories); if (!empty($parent)) { array_push($tree, $parent); } } array_push($tree, $category); } return $tree; } } //get posts by category if (!function_exists('getPostsByCategoryId')) { function getPostsByCategoryId($categoryId, $categories, $latestCategoryPosts) { if (!empty($latestCategoryPosts)) { $categoryTree = getCategoryTree($categoryId, $categories); if (!empty($categoryTree)) { return array_filter($latestCategoryPosts, function ($item) use ($categoryTree) { return in_array($item->category_id, $categoryTree); }); } } return null; } } //get post by id if (!function_exists('getPostById')) { function getPostById($id) { $model = new \App\Models\PostAdminModel(); return $model->getPost($id); } } //get post image if (!function_exists('getPostImage')) { function getPostImage($post, $imageSize) { if (!empty($post)) { if (!empty($post->image_url)) { return $post->image_url; } else { $path = ""; if ($imageSize == "big") { $path = $post->image_big; } elseif ($imageSize == "default") { $path = $post->image_default; } elseif ($imageSize == "slider") { $path = $post->image_slider; } elseif ($imageSize == "mid") { $path = $post->image_mid; } elseif ($imageSize == "small") { $path = $post->image_small; } if ($post->image_storage == 'aws_s3') { $path = getAWSBaseURL() . $path; } else { $path = base_url($path); } return $path; } } } } //get slider posts if (!function_exists('getSliderPosts')) { function getSliderPosts() { $sliderPosts = getCachedData('slider_posts'); if (empty($sliderPosts)) { $model = new \App\Models\PostModel(); $sliderPosts = $model->getSliderPosts(); setCacheData('slider_posts', $sliderPosts); } return $sliderPosts; } } //get featured posts if (!function_exists('getFeaturedPosts')) { function getFeaturedPosts() { $featuredPosts = getCachedData('featured_posts'); if (empty($featuredPosts)) { $model = new \App\Models\PostModel(); $featuredPosts = $model->getFeaturedPosts(); setCacheData('featured_posts', $featuredPosts); } return $featuredPosts; } } //get breaking news if (!function_exists('getBreakingNews')) { function getBreakingNews() { $breakingNews = getCachedData('breaking_news'); if (empty($breakingNews)) { $model = new \App\Models\PostModel(); $breakingNews = $model->getBreakingNews(); setCacheData('breaking_news', $breakingNews); } return $breakingNews; } } //check post image exist if (!function_exists('checkPostImg')) { function checkPostImg($post, $type = '') { $isExist = false; if (!empty($post)) { if (!empty($post->image_mid) || !empty($post->image_small) || !empty($post->image_url)) { $isExist = true; } } if ($isExist == false && $type == 'class') { echo " post-item-no-image"; } else { if ($type != 'class') { return $isExist; } } } } //get popular posts if (!function_exists('getPopularPosts')) { function getPopularPosts($langId, $latestCategoryPosts) { $model = new \App\Models\PostModel(); $popularPosts = getCachedDataByLang('popular_posts', $langId); if (empty($popularPosts)) { $popularPosts = completePopularPosts($model->getPopularPosts($langId), $langId, $latestCategoryPosts); setCacheDataByLang('popular_posts', $popularPosts, $langId); } return $popularPosts; } } //complete popular posts if (!function_exists('completePopularPosts')) { function completePopularPosts($popularPosts, $langId, $latestCategoryPosts) { if (countItems($popularPosts) >= 5) { return $popularPosts; } if (!empty($latestCategoryPosts)) { foreach ($latestCategoryPosts as $post) { if ($post->lang_id == $langId) { $inArray = false; foreach ($popularPosts as $item) { if ($item->id == $post->id) { $inArray = true; } } if ($inArray == false) { $newPopular = clone $post; $newPopular->pageviews = 0; array_push($popularPosts, $newPopular); } if (countItems($popularPosts) >= 5) { return $popularPosts; break; } } } } return $popularPosts; } } //get recommended posts if (!function_exists('getRecommendedPosts')) { function getRecommendedPosts() { $recommendedPosts = getCachedData('recommended_posts'); if (empty($recommendedPosts)) { $model = new \App\Models\PostModel(); $recommendedPosts = $model->getRecommendedPosts(); setCacheData('recommended_posts', $recommendedPosts); } return $recommendedPosts; } } //get latest posts if (!function_exists('getLatestPosts')) { function getLatestPosts($limit) { $key = 'latest_posts_' . $limit; $posts = getCachedData($key); if (empty($posts)) { $model = new \App\Models\PostModel(); $posts = $model->getLatestPosts($limit); setCacheData($key, $posts); } return $posts; } } //get most viewed posts if (!function_exists('getMostViewedPosts')) { function getMostViewedPosts($limit) { $key = 'most_viewed_posts_' . $limit; $posts = getCachedData($key); if (empty($posts)) { $model = new \App\Models\PostModel(); $posts = $model->getMostViewedPosts($limit); setCacheData($key, $posts); } return $posts; } } //get post images if (!function_exists('getPostAdditionalImages')) { function getPostAdditionalImages($postId) { $model = new \App\Models\PostAdminModel(); return $model->getAdditionalImages($postId); } } //get post files if (!function_exists('getPostFiles')) { function getPostFiles($postId) { $model = new \App\Models\PostAdminModel(); return $model->getPostFiles($postId); } } //get quiz question answer if (!function_exists('getQuizQuestionAnswers')) { function getQuizQuestionAnswers($questionId) { $model = new \App\Models\QuizModel(); return $model->getQuizQuestionAnswers($questionId); } } //get poll question answer by user if (!function_exists('getPollQuestionAnswerByUser')) { function getPollQuestionAnswerByUser($post, $userPollAnswers, $questionId) { if (!empty($userPollAnswers)) { foreach ($userPollAnswers as $item) { if ($item->question_id == $questionId) { return $item->answer_id; } } } if (!empty(getSession('pollAnswer' . $questionId))) { return getSession('pollAnswer' . $questionId); } return null; } } //calculate percentage if (!function_exists('calculatePercentage')) { function calculatePercentage($sum, $value) { $percentage = 0; if (!empty($sum) && !empty($value) && $sum > 0 && $value > 0) { $percentage = ($value * 100) / $sum; if (!empty($percentage)) { $percentage = number_format($percentage, 1); } } return $percentage; } } //get post audios if (!function_exists('getPostAudios')) { function getPostAudios($postId) { $model = new \App\Models\PostAdminModel(); return $model->getPostAudios($postId); } } //check post delete permission if (!function_exists('checkPostOwnership')) { function checkPostOwnership($ownerId) { if (checkUserPermission('manage_all_posts')) { return true; } if ($ownerId == user()->id) { return true; } } } //set post meta tags if (!function_exists('setPostMetaTags')) { function setPostMetaTags($post, $postTags, $data) { $data['title'] = $post->title; $data['description'] = $post->summary; $data['keywords'] = $post->keywords; $data['ogTitle'] = $post->title; $data['ogType'] = 'article'; $data['ogImage'] = getPostImage($post, 'big'); $data['ogWidth'] = '750'; $data['ogHeight'] = '422'; $data['ogCreator'] = $post->author_username; $data['ogAuthor'] = $post->author_username; $data['ogPublishedTime'] = $post->created_at; $data['ogModifiedTime'] = $post->updated_at; if (empty($post->updated_at)) { $data['ogModifiedTime'] = $post->created_at; } $data['ogTags'] = $postTags; return $data; } } //check post is in the reading list or not if (!function_exists('isPostInReadingList')) { function isPostInReadingList($postId) { $model = new \App\Models\PostModel(); return $model->isPostInReadingList($postId); } } //generate keywords if (!function_exists('generateKeywords')) { function generateKeywords($title) { if (!empty($title)) { $array = explode(" ", $title); $keywords = ""; $i = 0; if (!empty($array)) { foreach ($array as $item) { $item = strTrim($item); $item = strTrim($item, ","); if (!empty($item) && strlen($item) > 2) { $item = removeSpecialCharacters($item); if ($i == 0) { $keywords = $item; } else { $keywords .= ", " . $item; } } $i++; } } return $keywords; } } } //get aws base url if (!function_exists('getAWSBaseURL')) { function getAWSBaseURL() { return 'https://s3.' . Globals::$generalSettings->aws_region . '.amazonaws.com/' . Globals::$generalSettings->aws_bucket . '/'; } } //get post image base URL if (!function_exists('getBaseURLByStorage')) { function getBaseURLByStorage($storage) { $baseURL = base_url() . '/'; if ($storage == 'aws_s3') { $baseURL = getAWSBaseURL(); } return $baseURL; } } //get csv value if (!function_exists('getCSVInputValue')) { function getCSVInputValue($array, $key, $dataType = 'string') { if (!empty($array)) { if (!empty($array[$key])) { return $array[$key]; } } if ($dataType == 'int') { return 0; } return ''; } } //check if comment voted if (!function_exists('isCommentVoted')) { function isCommentVoted($commentId) { if (!empty(helperGetCookie('comment_voted_' . $commentId))) { return true; } return false; } } //check comment owner if (!function_exists('checkCommentOwner')) { function checkCommentOwner($comment) { if (!empty($comment)) { if (authCheck()) { if ($comment->user_id == user()->id) { return true; } } else { if (!empty(helperGetCookie('added_comment_id_' . $comment->id))) { return true; } } } return false; } } //get subcomments if (!function_exists('getSubComments')) { function getSubComments($parentId) { $model = new \App\Models\CommonModel(); return $model->getSubComments($parentId); } } //get media icon if (!function_exists('getMediaIcon')) { function getMediaIcon($post, $class = '') { if (!empty($post)) { $cls = 'media-icon'; if (!empty($class)) { $cls .= ' ' . $class; } if ($post->post_type == 'video') { echo '
'; } elseif ($post->post_type == 'audio') { echo '
'; } } } } //unserialize data if (!function_exists('unserializeData')) { function unserializeData($serializedData) { $data = @unserialize($serializedData); if (empty($data) && preg_match('/^[aOs]:/', $serializedData)) { $serializedData = preg_replace_callback('/s\:(\d+)\:\"(.*?)\";/s', function ($matches) { return 's:' . strlen($matches[2]) . ':"' . $matches[2] . '";'; }, $serializedData); $data = @unserialize($serializedData); } return $data; } } //parse serialized name array if (!function_exists('parseSerializedNameArray')) { function parseSerializedNameArray($nameArray, $langId, $getMainName = true) { if (!empty($nameArray)) { $nameArray = unserializeData($nameArray); if (!empty($nameArray)) { foreach ($nameArray as $item) { if ($item['lang_id'] == $langId && !empty($item['name'])) { return esc($item['name']); } } } //if not exist if ($getMainName == true) { if (!empty($nameArray)) { foreach ($nameArray as $item) { if ($item['lang_id'] == Globals::$defaultLang->id && !empty($item['name'])) { return esc($item['name']); } } } } } return ''; } } //detect bots if (!function_exists('isBot')) { function isBot() { if (preg_match('/abacho|accona|AddThis|AdsBot|ahoy|AhrefsBot|AISearchBot|alexa|altavista|anthill|appie|applebot|arale|araneo|AraybOt|ariadne|arks|aspseek |ATN_Worldwide|Atomz|baiduspider|baidu|bbot|bingbot|bing|Bjaaland|BlackWidow|BotLink|bot|boxseabot|bspider|calif|CCBot|ChinaClaw|christcrawler|CMC\/0\.01|combine |confuzzledbot|contaxe|CoolBot|cosmos|crawler|crawlpaper|crawl|curl|cusco|cyberspyder|cydralspider|dataprovider|digger|DIIbot|DotBot|downloadexpress|DragonBot |DuckDuckBot|dwcp|EasouSpider|ebiness|ecollector|elfinbot|esculapio|ESI|esther|eStyle|Ezooms|facebookexternalhit|facebook|facebot|fastcrawler|FatBot|FDSE|FELIX IDE |fetch|fido|find|Firefly|fouineur|Freecrawl|froogle|gammaSpider|gazz|gcreep|geona|Getterrobo-Plus|get|girafabot|golem|googlebot|\-google|grabber|GrabNet|griffon|Gromit |gulliver|gulper|hambot|havIndex|hotwired|htdig|HTTrack|ia_archiver|iajabot|IDBot|Informant|InfoSeek|InfoSpiders|INGRID\/0\.1|inktomi|inspectorwww|Internet Cruiser Robot |irobot|Iron33|JBot|jcrawler|Jeeves|jobo|KDD\-Explorer|KIT\-Fireball|ko_yappo_robot|label\-grabber|larbin|legs|libwww-perl|linkedin|Linkidator|linkwalker|Lockon|logo_gif_crawler |Lycos|m2e|majesticsEO|marvin|mattie|mediafox|mediapartners|MerzScope|MindCrawler|MJ12bot|mod_pagespeed|moget|Motor|msnbot|muncher|muninn|MuscatFerret|MwdSearch|Nationa lDirectory|naverbot|NEC\-MeshExplorer|NetcraftSurveyAgent|NetScoop|NetSeer|newscan\-online|nil|none|Nutch|ObjectsSearch|Occam|openstat.ru\/Bot|packrat|pageboy|ParaSite|patric |pegasus|perlcrawler|phpdig|piltdownman|Pimptrain|pingdom|pinterest|pjspider|PlumtreeWebAccessor|PortalBSpider|psbot|rambler|Raven|RHCS|RixBot|roadrunner|Robbie|robi|RoboCrawl |robofox|Scooter|Scrubby|Search\-AU|searchprocess|search|SemrushBot|Senrigan|seznambot|Shagseeker|sharp\-info\-agent|sift|SimBot|Site Valet|SiteSucker|skymob|SLCrawler\/2\.0 |slurp|snooper|solbot|speedy|spider_monkey|SpiderBot\/1\.0|spiderline|spider|suke|tach_bw|TechBOT|TechnoratiSnoop|templeton|teoma|titin|topiclink|twitterbot|twitter|UdmSearch |Ukonline|UnwindFetchor|URL_Spider_SQL|urlck|urlresolver|Valkyrie libwww\-perl|verticrawl|Victoria|void\-bot|Voyager|VWbot_K|wapspider|WebBandit\/1\.0|webcatcher|WebCopier |WebFindBot|WebLeacher|WebMechanic|WebMoose|webquest|webreaper|webspider|webs|WebWalker|WebZip|wget|whowhere|winona|wlm|WOLP|woriobot|WWWC|XGET|xing|yahoo|YandexBot|YandexMobileBot |yandex|yeti|Zeus/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { return true; } return false; } }