error, other { border: 1px #f00; background-color: #fdd; } pre, span { seriousError { @extend error; font-size: 20px; } } hello { @extend other; color: green; div { margin: 10px; } } .cool { color: red; } .blue { color: purple; } .me { @extend .cool, .blue; } .hoverlink { @extend a:hover } a:hover { text-decoration: underline } // partial matching and selector merging: div.hello.world.hmm { color: blue; } pre, code { .okay.span { @extend .hello; } } // multiple matches per selector .xxxxx .xxxxx .xxxxx { color: green; } code { @extend .xxxxx; color: red; } // chained .alpha { color: red; } .beta { @extend .alpha; color: white; } .gama { @extend .beta; color: blue; } // merging selector sequences #admin .tabbar a {font-weight: bold} #demo .overview .fakelink {@extend a} a1 b1 c1 d1 { color: red; } x1 y1 z1 w1 { @extend a1; } a2 b2 c2 d2 { color: red; } x2 y2 z2 w2 { @extend b2; } a3 b3 c3 d3 { color: red; } x3 y3 z3 w3 { @extend c3; } a4 b4 c4 d4 { color: red; } x4 y4 z4 w4 { @extend d4; } // removing common prefix #butt .yeah .okay { font-weight: bold } #butt .umm .sure { @extend .okay } a9 b9 s9 t9 v9 { color: red; } a9 b9 x9 y9 z9 { @extend v9; } // extends & media @media print { horse { color: blue; } } man { color: red; @extend horse; } // result == match wassup { color: blue; @extend wassup; } .foo { .wassup { @extend .wassup; color: blue; } } // multi-extend #something { color: red; } .x { @extend #something; } .y { @extend #something; } // twitter-sass-bootstrap infinite loop .nav-tabs { &.nav-justified { @extend .nav-justified; } } .nav-justified { text-align: justify; } // multi-extend with nesting .btn:hover, .btn:active, .btn.active, .btn.disabled, .btn[disabled] { color: red; } .edit .actions { button { float: right; @extend .btn; } } .edit { .new { .actions { padding: 0; } .actions button { @extend .btn; } } }