registry = $registry; $this->token = $this->config->get('etsy_token'); $this->logging = $this->config->get('etsy_logging'); if ($this->logging == 1) { $this->setLogger(); } $this->setEncryptionKey($this->config->get('etsy_encryption_key')); $this->setEncryptionIv($this->config->get('etsy_encryption_iv')); } public function __get($name) { return $this->registry->get($name); } public function getEncryptionKey() { return $this->encryption_key; } public function setEncryptionKey($key) { $this->encryption_key = $key; } public function getEncryptionIv() { return $this->encryption_iv; } public function setEncryptionIv($encryption_iv) { $this->encryption_iv = $encryption_iv; } public function resetConfig($token, $encryption_key) { $this->token = $token; $this->setEncryptionKey($encryption_key); } public function call($uri, $method, $data = array()) { if($this->config->get('etsy_status') == 1) { $headers = array (); $headers[] = 'X-Auth-Token: ' . $this->token; $headers[] = 'X-Endpoint-Version: 2'; $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json'; //$headers[] = 'Content-Length: '.strlen(json_encode($data)); $defaults = array( CURLOPT_HEADER => 0, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers, CURLOPT_URL => $this->url . $uri, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "OpenBay Pro for Etsy/OpenCart", CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT => 1, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE => 1, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 180, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 0, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 0, //CURLOPT_VERBOSE => true, //CURLOPT_STDERR => fopen(DIR_LOGS . 'curl_verbose.log', "w+") ); if ($method == 'POST') { $defaults[CURLOPT_POST] = 1; $defaults[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = json_encode($data); } $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, $defaults); $response = array(); if (! $result = curl_exec($curl)) { $this->log('call() - Curl Failed ' . curl_error($curl) . ' ' . curl_errno($curl)); return false; } else { $this->log('call() - Result of : "' . print_r($result, true) . '"'); $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($result); if($encoding == 'UTF-8') { $result = preg_replace('/[^(\x20-\x7F)]*/', '', $result); } $result = json_decode($result, 1); $response['header_code'] = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if(!empty($result)) { $response['data'] = $result; } else { $response['data'] = ''; } } curl_close($curl); return $response; } else { $this->log('call() - OpenBay Pro / Etsy not active'); return false; } } private function setLogger() { if (file_exists(DIR_LOGS . 'etsylog.log')) { if (filesize(DIR_LOGS . 'etsylog.log') > ($this->max_log_size * 1000000)) { rename(DIR_LOGS . 'etsylog.log', DIR_LOGS . '_etsylog_' . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '.log'); } } $this->logger = new \Log('etsylog.log'); } public function log($data, $write = true) { if ($this->logging == 1) { if (function_exists('getmypid')) { $process_id = getmypid(); $data = $process_id . ' - ' . print_r($data, true); } $this->logger->write($data); } } public function getServer() { return $this->url; } public function settingsUpdate() { $this->log("settingsUpdate() - start"); $response = $this->call('v1/etsy/data/type/getSetup/', 'GET'); if (isset($response['data']) && is_array($response['data'])) { foreach ($response['data'] as $key => $options) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_setting_option` WHERE `key` = '" . $this->db->escape($key) . "' LIMIT 1"); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_setting_option` SET `data` = '" . $this->db->escape(json_encode($options)) . "', `key` = '" . $this->db->escape($key) . "', `last_updated` = now()"); $this->log("settingsUpdate() - updated option: " . $key); } $this->log("settingsUpdate() - complete"); } else { $this->log("settingsUpdate() - failed - no data response"); } } public function getSetting($key) { $this->log("getSetting() - " . $key); $qry = $this->db->query("SELECT `data` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_setting_option` WHERE `key` = '" . $this->db->escape($key) . "' LIMIT 1"); if($qry->num_rows > 0) { $this->log("getSetting() - Found setting"); return json_decode($qry->row['data']); } else { return false; } } public function getLinks($product_id, $status = 0, $limit = null) { $this->log("getLinks() - Product_id: " . $product_id . " status: " . $status . " limit:" . $limit); if ($limit != null) { $sql_limit = ' LIMIT 1'; } else { $sql_limit = ''; } $qry = $this->db->query("SELECT `el`.*, `p`.`quantity` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_listing` `el` LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "product` `p` ON `el`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` WHERE `el`.`product_id` = '" . (int)$product_id . "' AND `el`.`status` = '" . (int)$status . "' ORDER BY `el`.`created` DESC" . $sql_limit); if ($qry->num_rows) { $this->log("getLinks() - " . $qry->num_rows . " found"); $links = array(); foreach ($qry->rows as $row) { $links[] = $row; } return $links; } else { $this->log("getLinks() - no links found"); return false; } } public function getLinkedProduct($etsy_item_id) { $this->log("getLinkedProduct() - etsy_item_id: " . $etsy_item_id); $qry = $this->db->query("SELECT `p`.`quantity`, `p`.`product_id`, `p`.`model`, `el`.`etsy_listing_id`, `el`.`status` AS `link_status` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_listing` `el` LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "product` `p` ON `p`.`product_id` = `el`.`product_id` WHERE `el`.`etsy_item_id` = '" . (int)$etsy_item_id . "' AND `el`.`status` = 1"); if($qry->num_rows) { $this->log("getLinkedProduct() - " . $qry->num_rows . " found"); return $qry->row; } else { $this->log("getLinkedProduct() - no link found"); return false; } } public function updateListingStock($etsy_item_id, $new_stock, $status) { $this->log("updateListingStock() - ItemID: " . $etsy_item_id . ", new stock: " . $new_stock . ", status: " . $status); if ($new_stock > 0) { $this->log("updateListingStock() - stock > 0 - update stock"); if ($status == 'edit') { $status = 'inactive'; } $response = $this->call('v1/etsy/product/listing/' . (int)$etsy_item_id . '/updateStock/', 'POST', array('quantity' => $new_stock, 'state' => $status)); if (isset($response['data']['error'])) { return $response; } else { return true; } } else { $this->log("updateListingStock() - stock > 0 - set to inactive"); $this->deleteLink(null, $etsy_item_id); $response = $this->call('v1/etsy/product/listing/' . (int)$etsy_item_id . '/inactive/', 'POST'); if (isset($response['data']['error'])) { $this->log("updateListingStock() - Error: " . json_encode($response)); return $response; } else { $this->log("updateListingStock() - Item ended OK"); return true; } } } public function deleteProduct($product_id) { $this->log("deleteProduct() - Product ID: " . $product_id); $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_listing` WHERE `product_id` = '" . (int)$product_id . "'"); } public function deleteLink($etsy_listing_id = null, $etsy_item_id = null) { $this->log("deleteLink() - Listing ID: " . $etsy_listing_id . ", item ID" . $etsy_item_id); if ($etsy_listing_id != null) { $this->log("deleteLink() - Listing ID is not null"); $this->db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_listing` SET `status` = 0 WHERE `etsy_listing_id` = '" . (int)$etsy_listing_id . "' LIMIT 1"); } elseif ($etsy_item_id != null) { $this->log("deleteLink() - Item ID is not null"); $this->db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_listing` SET `status` = 0 WHERE `etsy_item_id` = '" . (int)$etsy_item_id . "' LIMIT 1"); } } public function productUpdateListen($product_id, $data = array()) { $this->log("productUpdateListen() - " . $product_id . ", Data: " . json_encode($data)); $links = $this->getLinks($product_id, 1); if (!empty($links)) { foreach ($links as $link) { $this->log("productUpdateListen() - Item ID: " . $link['etsy_item_id']); $etsy_listing = $this->getEtsyItem($link['etsy_item_id']); if ($etsy_listing != false && isset($etsy_listing['state']) && ($etsy_listing['state'] == 'active' || $etsy_listing['state'] == 'private' || $etsy_listing['state'] == 'draft' || $etsy_listing['state'] == 'edit')) { $this->log("productUpdateListen() - Listing state seems valid"); if ($etsy_listing['quantity'] != $link['quantity']) { $this->log("productUpdateListen() - Stock is different, do update"); $this->updateListingStock($link['etsy_item_id'], $link['quantity'], $etsy_listing['state']); } else { $this->log("productUpdateListen() - Stock is the same: " . $etsy_listing['quantity'] . " " . $link['quantity']); } } else { $this->log("productUpdateListen() - Listing state seems invalid"); $this->log("productUpdateListen() - " . json_encode($etsy_listing)); $this->deleteLink($link['etsy_listing_id']); } } } else { $this->log("productUpdateListen() - No links"); } } public function orderFind($order_id = null, $receipt_id = null) { $this->log("orderFind() - OrderID: " . $order_id . ", Receipt ID: " . $receipt_id); if ($order_id != null) { $this->log("orderFind() - Order ID is not null"); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_order` WHERE `order_id` = '" . (int)$order_id . "' LIMIT 1"); if($query->num_rows > 0) { $this->log('orderFind() - Found'); return $query->row; } else { $this->log('orderFind() - Not found'); return false; } } elseif ($receipt_id != null) { $this->log("orderFind() - Receipt ID is not null"); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "etsy_order` WHERE `receipt_id` = '" . (int)$receipt_id . "' LIMIT 1"); if($query->num_rows > 0) { $this->log('orderFind() - Found'); return $query->row; } else { $this->log('orderFind() - Not found'); return false; } } } public function orderDelete($order_id) { $this->log("orderDelete() - ID: " . $order_id); if(!$this->orderFind($order_id)) { $query = $this->db->query("SELECT `p`.`product_id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "order_product` `op` LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "product` `p` ON `op`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` WHERE `op`.`order_id` = '" . (int)$order_id . "'"); if($query->num_rows > 0) { $this->log("orderDelete() - " . $query->num_rows . " products"); foreach ($query->rows as $product) { $this->log("orderDelete() - Processing ID: " . $product['product_id']); $this->productUpdateListen((int)$product['product_id']); } } else { $this->log("orderDelete() - No products in order"); } } else { $this->log("orderDelete() - Not an Etsy order"); } } public function orderUpdatePaid($receipt_id, $status) { $this->log("orderUpdatePaid() - Receipt ID: " . $receipt_id . ", Status: " . $status); $response = $this->openbay->etsy->call('v1/etsy/order/update/payment/', 'POST', array('receipt_id' => $receipt_id, 'status' => $status)); if (isset($response['data']['error'])) { $this->log("orderUpdatePaid() - Error: " . json_encode($response)); return $response; } else { $this->log("orderUpdatePaid() - OK"); return true; } } public function orderUpdateShipped($receipt_id, $status) { $this->log("orderUpdateShipped() - Receipt ID: " . $receipt_id . ", Status: " . $status); $response = $this->openbay->etsy->call('v1/etsy/order/update/shipping/', 'POST', array('receipt_id' => $receipt_id, 'status' => $status)); if (isset($response['data']['error'])) { $this->log("orderUpdateShipped() - Error: " . json_encode($response)); return $response; } else { $this->log("orderUpdateShipped() - OK"); return true; } } public function putStockUpdateBulk($product_id_array, $end_inactive) { $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - ok"); $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - Item count: " . count($product_id_array)); foreach($product_id_array as $product_id) { $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - Product ID: " . $product_id); $links = $this->getLinks($product_id, 1); if (!empty($links)) { $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - Links found: " . count($links)); foreach ($links as $link) { $etsy_listing = $this->getEtsyItem($link['etsy_item_id']); if ($etsy_listing != false && isset($etsy_listing['state']) && ($etsy_listing['state'] == 'active' || $etsy_listing['state'] == 'private' || $etsy_listing['state'] == 'draft' || $etsy_listing['state'] == 'edit')) { $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - Listing state seems valid"); if ($etsy_listing['quantity'] != $link['quantity']) { $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - Stock is different, do update"); $this->updateListingStock($link['etsy_item_id'], $link['quantity'], $etsy_listing['state']); } else { $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - Stock is the same: " . $etsy_listing['quantity'] . " " . $link['quantity']); } } else { $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - Listing state seems invalid"); $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - " . json_encode($etsy_listing)); $this->deleteLink($link['etsy_listing_id']); } } } else { $this->log("putStockUpdateBulk() - No link found"); } } } public function getEtsyItem($listing_id) { $this->log("getEtsyItem(): " . $listing_id); $response = $this->openbay->etsy->call('v1/etsy/product/listing/' . $listing_id . '/', 'GET'); if (isset($response['data']['error'])) { $this->log("getEtsyItem() error: ". $response['data']['error']); return $response; } else { $this->log("getEtsyItem() - OK : " . json_encode($response)); return $response['data']['results'][0]; } } public function validate() { if ($this->config->get('etsy_token') && $this->config->get('etsy_encryption_key') && $this->config->get('etsy_encryption_iv')) { $this->log("Etsy details valid"); return true; } else { $this->log("Etsy details are not valid"); return false; } } }