cache->get(self::CACHE_KEY_PLANS)) { // OpenCart 2.1 decodes json objects to associative arrays so we // need to make sure we're getting a list of simple objects back. $plans = array_map(function ($plan) { return (object)$plan; }, $plans); return $plans; } $api_key = $this->config->get('payment_divido_api_key'); if (!$api_key) { throw new Exception("No Divido api-key defined"); } Divido::setMerchant($api_key); $response = Divido_Finances::all(); if ($response->status != 'ok') { throw new Exception("Can't get list of finance plans from Divido!"); } $plans = $response->finances; // OpenCart 2.1 switched to json for their file storage cache, so // we need to convert to a simple object. $plans_plain = array(); foreach ($plans as $plan) { $plan_copy = new stdClass(); $plan_copy->id = $plan->id; $plan_copy->text = $plan->text; $plan_copy->country = $plan->country; $plan_copy->min_amount = $plan->min_amount; $plan_copy->min_deposit = $plan->min_deposit; $plan_copy->max_deposit = $plan->max_deposit; $plan_copy->interest_rate = $plan->interest_rate; $plan_copy->deferral_period = $plan->deferral_period; $plan_copy->agreement_duration = $plan->agreement_duration; $plans_plain[] = $plan_copy; } $this->cache->set(self::CACHE_KEY_PLANS, $plans_plain); return $plans_plain; } public function getLookupByOrderId($order_id) { return $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "divido_lookup` WHERE `order_id` = " . (int)$order_id); } public function install() { $this->db->query(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . DB_PREFIX . "divido_product` ( `product_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `display` CHAR(7) NOT NULL, `plans` text, PRIMARY KEY (`product_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;"); $this->db->query(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . DB_PREFIX . "divido_lookup` ( `order_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `salt` CHAR(64) NOT NULL, `proposal_id` CHAR(40), `application_id` CHAR(40), `deposit_amount` NUMERIC(6,2), PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;"); } public function uninstall() { $this->db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . DB_PREFIX . "divido_product`;"); $this->db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . DB_PREFIX . "divido_lookup`;"); } }