'; $_['text_edit'] = 'Edit Divido'; $_['text_extension'] = 'الموديولات'; $_['text_order_info'] = 'Divido info'; $_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have modified the Divido module'; $_['text_proposal_id'] = 'Proposal ID'; $_['text_application_id'] = 'Application ID'; $_['text_deposit_amount'] = 'Deposit amount'; // Entry $_['entry_order_status'] = 'Order status when approved'; $_['entry_sort_order'] = 'Sort order'; $_['entry_status'] = 'Status'; $_['entry_api_key'] = 'API-key'; $_['entry_title'] = 'Title'; $_['entry_productselection'] = 'Product selection'; $_['entry_planselection'] = 'Show default plan'; $_['entry_planlist'] = 'Plans'; $_['entry_plans_options_all'] = 'Show all plans'; $_['entry_plans_options_selected'] = 'Select default plans'; $_['entry_products_options_all'] = 'All products'; $_['entry_products_options_selected'] = 'Only selected products'; $_['entry_products_options_threshold'] = 'All products above a defined price'; $_['entry_price_threshold'] = 'Product price threshold'; $_['entry_cart_threshold'] = 'Cart total threshold'; $_['entry_threshold_list'] = 'Plan thresholds'; $_['entry_category'] = 'Categories'; // Help $_['help_api_key'] = 'Key that identifies you with Divido (obtained from Divido)'; $_['help_status'] = 'Status of the payment method'; $_['help_order_status'] = 'Status of the order when lender has approved'; $_['help_title'] = 'Title of the payment option, shown in checkout'; $_['help_planselection'] = 'Choose whether to manually select plans or show the default set'; $_['help_productselection'] = 'Select what products are available on finance'; $_['help_category'] = 'Limit what categories where financing is available'; $_['help_cart_threshold'] = 'Hard lower limit on cart amount for Divido to be available';