import { lerp, getCursorPos } from './utils'; // Track the cursor position let cursor = {x: 0, y: 0}; window.addEventListener('mousemove', ev => cursor = getCursorPos(ev)); /** * Class representing a .cursor element */ export class CursorText { // DOM elements DOM = { // Main element (.cursor) el: null, // Inner element (.cursor__text) text: null, } // Element style properties renderedStyles = { // With interpolation, we can achieve a smooth animation effect when moving the cursor. // The "previous" and "current" values are the values that will interpolate. // The returned value will be one between these two (previous and current) at a specific increment. // The "amt" is the amount to interpolate. // As an example, the following formula calculates the x-axis translation value to apply to the cursor element: // this.renderedStyles.tx.previous = lerp(this.renderedStyles.tx.previous, this.renderedStyles.tx.current, this.renderedStyles.tx.amt); // translation values // The lower the amt, the slower the cursor "follows" the user gesture tx: {previous: 0, current: 0, amt: 0.15}, ty: {previous: 0, current: 0, amt: 0.15}, }; // Element size and position bounds; /** * Constructor. */ constructor(DOM_el) { this.DOM.el = DOM_el; this.DOM.text = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.cursor__text'); // Hide it initially this.DOM.el.style.opacity = 0; // Calculate size and position this.bounds = this.DOM.el.getBoundingClientRect(); for (const key in this.renderedStyles) { this.renderedStyles[key].amt = this.DOM.el.dataset.amt || this.renderedStyles[key].amt; } // Show the element and start tracking its position as soon as the user moves the cursor. const onMouseMoveEv = () => { // Set up the initial values to be the same this.renderedStyles.tx.previous = this.renderedStyles.tx.current = cursor.x + 20; this.renderedStyles.ty.previous = this.renderedStyles.ty.previous = cursor.y - this.bounds.height/2; // Show it this.DOM.el.style.opacity = 1; // Start rAF loop requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render()); // Remove the initial mousemove event window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMoveEv); }; window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMoveEv); } /** * Loop / Interpolation */ render() { // New cursor positions this.renderedStyles['tx'].current = cursor.x + 20; this.renderedStyles['ty'].current = cursor.y - this.bounds.height/2; // Interpolation for (const key in this.renderedStyles ) { this.renderedStyles[key].previous = lerp(this.renderedStyles[key].previous, this.renderedStyles[key].current, this.renderedStyles[key].amt); } // Apply interpolated values (smooth effect) this.DOM.el.style.transform = `translateX(${(this.renderedStyles['tx'].previous)}px) translateY(${this.renderedStyles['ty'].previous}px)`; // loop... requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render()); } }