trim($match[1][$key]), 'type' => strtoupper(trim($match[3][$key])), 'size' => str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', trim($match[4][$key])), 'sizeext' => trim($match[6][$key]), 'collation' => trim($match[7][$key]), 'unsigned' => trim($match[8][$key]), 'notnull' => trim($match[9][$key]), 'autoincrement' => trim($match[12][$key]), 'default' => trim($match[14][$key]) ); } // Get primary keys $primary_data = array(); preg_match('#primary\s*key\s*\([^)]+\)#i', $sql, $match); if (isset($match[0])) { preg_match_all('#`(\w[\w\d]*)`#', $match[0], $match); } else{ $match = array(); } if ($match) { foreach($match[1] as $primary) { $primary_data[] = $primary; } } // Get indexes $index_data = array(); $indexes = array(); preg_match_all('#key\s*`\w[\w\d]*`\s*\(.*\)#i', $sql, $match); foreach($match[0] as $key) { preg_match_all('#`(\w[\w\d]*)`#', $key, $match); $indexes[] = $match; } foreach($indexes as $index) { $key = ''; foreach($index[1] as $field) { if ($key == '') { $key = $field; } else{ $index_data[$key][] = $field; } } } // Table options $option_data = array(); preg_match_all('#(\w+)=\'?(\w+\~?\w+)\'?#', $sql, $option); foreach(array_keys($option[0]) as $key) { $option_data[$option[1][$key]] = $option[2][$key]; } // Get Table Name preg_match_all('#create\s*table\s*`(\w[\w\d]*)`#i', $sql, $table); if (isset($table[1][0])) { $table_new_data[] = array( 'sql' => $sql, 'name' => $table[1][0], 'field' => $field_data, 'primary' => $primary_data, 'index' => $index_data, 'option' => $option_data ); } } // Get all current tables, fields, type, size, etc.. $table_old_data = array(); $table_query = $this->db->query("SHOW TABLES FROM `" . DB_DATABASE . "`"); foreach ($table_query->rows as $table) { if (utf8_substr($table['Tables_in_' . DB_DATABASE], 0, strlen(DB_PREFIX)) == DB_PREFIX) { $field_data = array(); $extended_field_data = array(); $field_query = $this->db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $table['Tables_in_' . DB_DATABASE] . "`"); foreach ($field_query->rows as $field) { $field_data[] = $field['Field']; $extended_field_data[] = $field; } $table_old_data[$table['Tables_in_' . DB_DATABASE]]['field_list'] = $field_data; $table_old_data[$table['Tables_in_' . DB_DATABASE]]['extended_field_data'] = $extended_field_data; } } foreach ($table_new_data as $table) { // If table is not found create it if (!isset($table_old_data[$table['name']])) { $this->db->query($table['sql']); } else { // DB Engine if (isset($table['option']['ENGINE'])) { $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` ENGINE = `" . $table['option']['ENGINE'] . "`"); } // Charset if (isset($table['option']['CHARSET']) && isset($table['option']['COLLATE'])) { $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `" . $table['option']['CHARSET'] . "` COLLATE `" . $table['option']['COLLATE'] . "`"); } // Loop through all tables and adjust based on opencart.sql file $i = 0; foreach ($table['field'] as $field) { // If field is not found create it if (!in_array($field['name'], $table_old_data[$table['name']]['field_list'])) { $status = true; foreach ($table_old_data[$table['name']]['extended_field_data'] as $oldfield) { if ($oldfield['Extra'] == 'auto_increment' && $field['autoincrement']) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` CHANGE `" . $oldfield['Field'] . "` `" . $field['name'] . "` " . strtoupper($field['type']); $status = false; break; } } if ($status) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` ADD `" . $field['name'] . "` " . $field['type']; } if ($field['size']) { $sql .= "(" . $field['size'] . ")"; } if ($field['collation']) { $sql .= " " . $field['collation']; } if ($field['unsigned']) { $sql .= " " . $field['unsigned']; } if ($field['notnull']) { $sql .= " " . $field['notnull']; } if ($field['default'] != '') { $sql .= " DEFAULT '" . $field['default'] . "'"; } if (isset($table['field'][$i - 1])) { $sql .= " AFTER `" . $table['field'][$i - 1]['name'] . "`"; } else { $sql .= " FIRST"; } $this->db->query($sql); } else { // Remove auto increment from all fields $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` CHANGE `" . $field['name'] . "` `" . $field['name'] . "` " . strtoupper($field['type']); if ($field['size']) { $sql .= "(" . $field['size'] . ")"; } if ($field['collation']) { $sql .= " " . $field['collation']; } if ($field['unsigned']) { $sql .= " " . $field['unsigned']; } if ($field['notnull']) { $sql .= " " . $field['notnull']; } if ($field['default'] != '') { $sql .= " DEFAULT '" . $field['default'] . "'"; } if (isset($table['field'][$i - 1])) { $sql .= " AFTER `" . $table['field'][$i - 1]['name'] . "`"; } else { $sql .= " FIRST"; } $this->db->query($sql); } $i++; } $status = false; // Drop primary keys and indexes. $query = $this->db->query("SHOW INDEXES FROM `" . $table['name'] . "`"); $last_key_name = ''; if ($query->num_rows) { foreach ($query->rows as $result) { if ($result['Key_name'] != 'PRIMARY' && $result['Key_name'] != $last_key_name) { $last_key_name = $result['Key_name']; $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` DROP INDEX `" . $result['Key_name'] . "`"); } else { $status = true; } } } if ($status) { $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` DROP PRIMARY KEY"); } // Add a new primary key. $primary_data = array(); foreach ($table['primary'] as $primary) { $primary_data[] = "`" . $primary . "`"; } if ($primary_data) { $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` ADD PRIMARY KEY(" . implode(',', $primary_data) . ")"); } // Add the new indexes foreach ($table['index'] as $name => $index) { $index_data = array(); foreach ($index as $key) { $index_data[] = '`' . $key . '`'; } if ($index_data) { $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` ADD INDEX `$name` (" . implode(',', $index_data) . ")"); } } // Add auto increment to primary keys again foreach ($table['field'] as $field) { if ($field['autoincrement']) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table['name'] . "` CHANGE `" . $field['name'] . "` `" . $field['name'] . "` " . strtoupper($field['type']); if ($field['size']) { $sql .= "(" . $field['size'] . ")"; } if ($field['collation']) { $sql .= " " . $field['collation']; } if ($field['unsigned']) { $sql .= " " . $field['unsigned']; } if ($field['notnull']) { $sql .= " " . $field['notnull']; } if ($field['default'] != '') { $sql .= " DEFAULT '" . $field['default'] . "'"; } if ($field['autoincrement']) { $sql .= " AUTO_INCREMENT"; } $this->db->query($sql); } } } } } }