To have your products accepted by Google Merchant Center, please make sure to follow these requirements:
Campaigns will run until paused. You can pause a campaign at any time.
It usually takes around 30 days for Google to rank products and optimize shopping ad campaigns.
Google will create a unique shopping ad for each approved product synced to your Merchant Center account. Ads are optimized based to maximize your sales. Popular products will likely receive more of your budget.
Your ads may appear on multiple platforms including Google Search, Google Display Network, Youtube, and Gmail.
I confirm my product catalog is publically accessible without requiring a password.
Payment and transaction processing, as well as collection of any sensitive and financial personal information from the user, are conducted over a secure processing server (SSL-protected, with a valid SSL certificate - https://).
I confirm my website provides a clear and conspicuous return policy to users.
I confirm my website provides clear and conspicuous billing terms and conditions.
I confirm my website displays sufficient and accurate contact information with at least two of the following: phone number, physical address, email address.
Upon clicking Proceed, you will be asked to authorize OpenCart to manage your listing and account in Google Shopping. Your website URL will be claimed by the selected Merchant Center account.