* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\TextUI; use PHPUnit\TestRunner\TestResult\TestResult; /** * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ final class ShellExitCodeCalculator { private const SUCCESS_EXIT = 0; private const FAILURE_EXIT = 1; private const EXCEPTION_EXIT = 2; public function calculate(bool $failOnEmptyTestSuite, bool $failOnRisky, bool $failOnWarning, bool $failOnIncomplete, bool $failOnSkipped, TestResult $result): int { $returnCode = self::FAILURE_EXIT; if ($result->wasSuccessful()) { $returnCode = self::SUCCESS_EXIT; } if ($failOnEmptyTestSuite && $result->numberOfTests() === 0) { $returnCode = self::FAILURE_EXIT; } if ($result->wasSuccessfulIgnoringPhpunitWarnings()) { if ($failOnRisky && $result->hasTestConsideredRiskyEvents()) { $returnCode = self::FAILURE_EXIT; } if ($failOnWarning && $result->hasWarningEvents()) { $returnCode = self::FAILURE_EXIT; } if ($failOnIncomplete && $result->hasTestMarkedIncompleteEvents()) { $returnCode = self::FAILURE_EXIT; } if ($failOnSkipped && $result->hasTestSkippedEvents()) { $returnCode = self::FAILURE_EXIT; } } if ($result->hasTestErroredEvents()) { $returnCode = self::EXCEPTION_EXIT; } return $returnCode; } }