* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\Metadata\Version; use function preg_match; use PharIo\Version\UnsupportedVersionConstraintException; use PharIo\Version\VersionConstraintParser; use PHPUnit\Metadata\InvalidVersionRequirementException; use PHPUnit\Util\InvalidVersionOperatorException; use PHPUnit\Util\VersionComparisonOperator; /** * @psalm-immutable * * @no-named-arguments Parameter names are not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ abstract class Requirement { private const VERSION_COMPARISON = '/(?P
[\d\.-]+(dev|(RC|alpha|beta)[\d\.])?)[ \t]*\r?$/m'; /** * @throws InvalidVersionOperatorException * @throws InvalidVersionRequirementException */ public static function from(string $versionRequirement): self { try { return new ConstraintRequirement( (new VersionConstraintParser)->parse( $versionRequirement ) ); } catch (UnsupportedVersionConstraintException) { if (preg_match(self::VERSION_COMPARISON, $versionRequirement, $matches)) { return new ComparisonRequirement( $matches['version'], new VersionComparisonOperator( !empty($matches['operator']) ? $matches['operator'] : '>=' ) ); } } throw new InvalidVersionRequirementException; } abstract public function isSatisfiedBy(string $version): bool; abstract public function asString(): string; }