* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\Framework; use const PHP_EOL; use function assert; use function class_exists; use function defined; use function extension_loaded; use function get_include_path; use function hrtime; use function serialize; use function sprintf; use function sys_get_temp_dir; use function tempnam; use function unlink; use function var_export; use AssertionError; use PHPUnit\Event; use PHPUnit\Event\NoPreviousThrowableException; use PHPUnit\Event\TestData\MoreThanOneDataSetFromDataProviderException; use PHPUnit\Event\TestData\NoDataSetFromDataProviderException; use PHPUnit\Metadata\Api\CodeCoverage as CodeCoverageMetadataApi; use PHPUnit\Metadata\Parser\Registry as MetadataRegistry; use PHPUnit\Runner\CodeCoverage; use PHPUnit\TextUI\Configuration\Configuration; use PHPUnit\TextUI\Configuration\Registry as ConfigurationRegistry; use PHPUnit\Util\ErrorHandler; use PHPUnit\Util\GlobalState; use PHPUnit\Util\PHP\AbstractPhpProcess; use ReflectionClass; use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Exception as OriginalCodeCoverageException; use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\StaticAnalysisCacheNotConfiguredException; use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\UnintentionallyCoveredCodeException; use SebastianBergmann\Invoker\Invoker; use SebastianBergmann\Invoker\TimeoutException; use SebastianBergmann\Template\Template; use Throwable; /** * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ final class TestRunner { private ?bool $timeLimitCanBeEnforced = null; private readonly Configuration $configuration; public function __construct() { $this->configuration = ConfigurationRegistry::get(); } /** * @throws \PHPUnit\Runner\Exception * @throws \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\InvalidArgumentException * @throws CodeCoverageException * @throws MoreThanOneDataSetFromDataProviderException * @throws NoDataSetFromDataProviderException * @throws UnintentionallyCoveredCodeException */ public function run(TestCase $test): void { Assert::resetCount(); if ($this->configuration->registerMockObjectsFromTestArgumentsRecursively()) { $test->registerMockObjectsFromTestArgumentsRecursively(); } $shouldCodeCoverageBeCollected = (new CodeCoverageMetadataApi)->shouldCodeCoverageBeCollectedFor( $test::class, $test->name() ); $error = false; $failure = false; $incomplete = false; $risky = false; $skipped = false; ErrorHandler::instance()->enable(); $collectCodeCoverage = CodeCoverage::instance()->isActive() && $shouldCodeCoverageBeCollected; if ($collectCodeCoverage) { CodeCoverage::instance()->start($test); } try { if ($this->canTimeLimitBeEnforced() && $this->shouldTimeLimitBeEnforced($test)) { $risky = $this->runTestWithTimeout($test); } else { $test->runBare(); } } catch (AssertionFailedError $e) { $failure = true; if ($e instanceof IncompleteTestError) { $incomplete = true; } elseif ($e instanceof SkippedTest) { $skipped = true; } } catch (AssertionError $e) { $test->addToAssertionCount(1); $failure = true; $frame = $e->getTrace()[0]; assert(isset($frame['file'])); assert(isset($frame['line'])); $e = new AssertionFailedError( sprintf( '%s in %s:%s', $e->getMessage(), $frame['file'], $frame['line'] ) ); } catch (Throwable $e) { $error = true; } $test->addToAssertionCount(Assert::getCount()); if ($this->configuration->reportUselessTests() && $test->numberOfAssertionsPerformed() === 0) { $risky = true; } if (!$error && !$failure && !$incomplete && !$skipped && !$risky && $this->configuration->requireCoverageMetadata() && !$this->hasCoverageMetadata($test::class, $test->name())) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testConsideredRisky( $test->valueObjectForEvents(), 'This test does not define a code coverage target but is expected to do so' ); $risky = true; } if ($collectCodeCoverage) { $append = !$risky && !$incomplete && !$skipped; $linesToBeCovered = []; $linesToBeUsed = []; if ($append) { try { $linesToBeCovered = (new CodeCoverageMetadataApi)->linesToBeCovered( $test::class, $test->name() ); $linesToBeUsed = (new CodeCoverageMetadataApi)->linesToBeUsed( $test::class, $test->name() ); } catch (InvalidCoversTargetException $cce) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testTriggeredPhpunitWarning( $test->valueObjectForEvents(), $cce->getMessage() ); } } try { CodeCoverage::instance()->stop( $append, $linesToBeCovered, $linesToBeUsed ); } catch (UnintentionallyCoveredCodeException $cce) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testConsideredRisky( $test->valueObjectForEvents(), 'This test executed code that is not listed as code to be covered or used:' . PHP_EOL . $cce->getMessage() ); } catch (OriginalCodeCoverageException $cce) { $error = true; $e = $e ?? $cce; } } ErrorHandler::instance()->disable(); if (isset($e)) { if ($test->wasPrepared()) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testFinished( $test->valueObjectForEvents(), $test->numberOfAssertionsPerformed() ); } return; } if ($this->configuration->reportUselessTests() && !$test->doesNotPerformAssertions() && $test->numberOfAssertionsPerformed() === 0) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testConsideredRisky( $test->valueObjectForEvents(), 'This test did not perform any assertions' ); } if ($test->doesNotPerformAssertions() && $test->numberOfAssertionsPerformed() > 0) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testConsideredRisky( $test->valueObjectForEvents(), sprintf( 'This test is not expected to perform assertions but performed %d assertions', $test->numberOfAssertionsPerformed() ) ); } if ($this->configuration->disallowTestOutput() && $test->hasOutput()) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testConsideredRisky( $test->valueObjectForEvents(), sprintf( 'This test printed output: %s', $test->output() ) ); } if ($test->wasPrepared()) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testFinished( $test->valueObjectForEvents(), $test->numberOfAssertionsPerformed() ); } } /** * @throws \PHPUnit\Runner\Exception * @throws \PHPUnit\Util\Exception * @throws \SebastianBergmann\Template\InvalidArgumentException * @throws Exception * @throws MoreThanOneDataSetFromDataProviderException * @throws NoPreviousThrowableException * @throws ProcessIsolationException * @throws StaticAnalysisCacheNotConfiguredException */ public function runInSeparateProcess(TestCase $test, bool $runEntireClass, bool $preserveGlobalState): void { $class = new ReflectionClass($test); if ($runEntireClass) { $template = new Template( __DIR__ . '/../Util/PHP/Template/TestCaseClass.tpl' ); } else { $template = new Template( __DIR__ . '/../Util/PHP/Template/TestCaseMethod.tpl' ); } $bootstrap = ''; $constants = ''; $globals = ''; $includedFiles = ''; $iniSettings = ''; if (ConfigurationRegistry::get()->hasBootstrap()) { $bootstrap = ConfigurationRegistry::get()->bootstrap(); } if ($preserveGlobalState) { $constants = GlobalState::getConstantsAsString(); $globals = GlobalState::getGlobalsAsString(); $includedFiles = GlobalState::getIncludedFilesAsString(); $iniSettings = GlobalState::getIniSettingsAsString(); } $coverage = CodeCoverage::instance()->isActive() ? 'true' : 'false'; if (defined('PHPUNIT_COMPOSER_INSTALL')) { $composerAutoload = var_export(PHPUNIT_COMPOSER_INSTALL, true); } else { $composerAutoload = '\'\''; } if (defined('__PHPUNIT_PHAR__')) { $phar = var_export(__PHPUNIT_PHAR__, true); } else { $phar = '\'\''; } $data = var_export(serialize($test->providedData()), true); $dataName = var_export($test->dataName(), true); $dependencyInput = var_export(serialize($test->dependencyInput()), true); $includePath = var_export(get_include_path(), true); // must do these fixes because TestCaseMethod.tpl has unserialize('{data}') in it, and we can't break BC // the lines above used to use addcslashes() rather than var_export(), which breaks null byte escape sequences $data = "'." . $data . ".'"; $dataName = "'.(" . $dataName . ").'"; $dependencyInput = "'." . $dependencyInput . ".'"; $includePath = "'." . $includePath . ".'"; $offset = hrtime(); $serializedConfiguration = $this->saveConfigurationForChildProcess(); $var = [ 'bootstrap' => $bootstrap, 'composerAutoload' => $composerAutoload, 'phar' => $phar, 'filename' => $class->getFileName(), 'className' => $class->getName(), 'collectCodeCoverageInformation' => $coverage, 'data' => $data, 'dataName' => $dataName, 'dependencyInput' => $dependencyInput, 'constants' => $constants, 'globals' => $globals, 'include_path' => $includePath, 'included_files' => $includedFiles, 'iniSettings' => $iniSettings, 'name' => $test->name(), 'offsetSeconds' => $offset[0], 'offsetNanoseconds' => $offset[1], 'serializedConfiguration' => $serializedConfiguration, ]; if (!$runEntireClass) { $var['methodName'] = $test->name(); } $template->setVar($var); $php = AbstractPhpProcess::factory(); $php->runTestJob($template->render(), $test); @unlink($serializedConfiguration); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $className */ private function hasCoverageMetadata(string $className, string $methodName): bool { $metadata = MetadataRegistry::parser()->forClassAndMethod($className, $methodName); if ($metadata->isCovers()->isNotEmpty()) { return true; } if ($metadata->isCoversClass()->isNotEmpty()) { return true; } if ($metadata->isCoversFunction()->isNotEmpty()) { return true; } if ($metadata->isCoversNothing()->isNotEmpty()) { return true; } return false; } private function canTimeLimitBeEnforced(): bool { if ($this->timeLimitCanBeEnforced !== null) { return $this->timeLimitCanBeEnforced; } if (!class_exists(Invoker::class)) { $this->timeLimitCanBeEnforced = false; return $this->timeLimitCanBeEnforced; } $this->timeLimitCanBeEnforced = (new Invoker)->canInvokeWithTimeout(); return $this->timeLimitCanBeEnforced; } private function shouldTimeLimitBeEnforced(TestCase $test): bool { if (!$this->configuration->enforceTimeLimit()) { return false; } if (!(($this->configuration->defaultTimeLimit() || $test->size()->isKnown()))) { return false; } if (extension_loaded('xdebug') && xdebug_is_debugger_active()) { return false; } return true; } /** * @throws Throwable */ private function runTestWithTimeout(TestCase $test): bool { $_timeout = $this->configuration->defaultTimeLimit(); if ($test->size()->isSmall()) { $_timeout = $this->configuration->timeoutForSmallTests(); } elseif ($test->size()->isMedium()) { $_timeout = $this->configuration->timeoutForMediumTests(); } elseif ($test->size()->isLarge()) { $_timeout = $this->configuration->timeoutForLargeTests(); } try { (new Invoker)->invoke([$test, 'runBare'], [], $_timeout); } catch (TimeoutException) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testConsideredRisky( $test->valueObjectForEvents(), sprintf( 'This test was aborted after %d second%s', $_timeout, $_timeout !== 1 ? 's' : '' ) ); return true; } return false; } /** * @throws ProcessIsolationException */ private function saveConfigurationForChildProcess(): string { $path = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'PHPUnit'); if (!$path) { throw new ProcessIsolationException; } if (!ConfigurationRegistry::saveTo($path)) { throw new ProcessIsolationException; } return $path; } }