* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\Event\Code; use const PHP_EOL; use PHPUnit\Event\NoPreviousThrowableException; use PHPUnit\Framework\Exception; use PHPUnit\Util\Filter; use PHPUnit\Util\ThrowableToStringMapper; /** * @psalm-immutable * * @no-named-arguments Parameter names are not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ final class Throwable { /** * @psalm-var class-string */ private readonly string $className; private readonly string $message; private readonly string $description; private readonly string $stackTrace; private readonly ?Throwable $previous; /** * @throws Exception * @throws NoPreviousThrowableException */ public static function from(\Throwable $t): self { $previous = $t->getPrevious(); if ($previous !== null) { $previous = self::from($previous); } return new self( $t::class, $t->getMessage(), ThrowableToStringMapper::map($t), Filter::getFilteredStacktrace($t), $previous ); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $className */ private function __construct(string $className, string $message, string $description, string $stackTrace, ?self $previous) { $this->className = $className; $this->message = $message; $this->description = $description; $this->stackTrace = $stackTrace; $this->previous = $previous; } /** * @throws NoPreviousThrowableException */ public function asString(): string { $buffer = $this->description(); if (!empty($this->stackTrace())) { $buffer .= PHP_EOL . $this->stackTrace(); } if ($this->hasPrevious()) { $buffer .= PHP_EOL . 'Caused by' . PHP_EOL . $this->previous()->asString(); } return $buffer; } /** * @psalm-return class-string */ public function className(): string { return $this->className; } public function message(): string { return $this->message; } public function description(): string { return $this->description; } public function stackTrace(): string { return $this->stackTrace; } /** * @psalm-assert-if-true !null $this->previous */ public function hasPrevious(): bool { return $this->previous !== null; } /** * @throws NoPreviousThrowableException */ public function previous(): self { if ($this->previous === null) { throw new NoPreviousThrowableException; } return $this->previous; } }