* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\Event\Code; use function assert; use function is_int; use function is_numeric; use function sprintf; use PHPUnit\Event\TestData\DataFromDataProvider; use PHPUnit\Event\TestData\DataFromTestDependency; use PHPUnit\Event\TestData\MoreThanOneDataSetFromDataProviderException; use PHPUnit\Event\TestData\NoDataSetFromDataProviderException; use PHPUnit\Event\TestData\TestDataCollection; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use PHPUnit\Metadata\MetadataCollection; use PHPUnit\Util\Reflection; use SebastianBergmann\Exporter\Exporter; /** * @psalm-immutable * * @no-named-arguments Parameter names are not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ final class TestMethod extends Test { /** * @psalm-var class-string */ private readonly string $className; /** * @psalm-var non-empty-string */ private readonly string $methodName; private readonly int $line; private readonly TestDox $testDox; private readonly MetadataCollection $metadata; private readonly TestDataCollection $testData; /** * @throws MoreThanOneDataSetFromDataProviderException */ public static function fromTestCase(TestCase $testCase): self { $methodName = $testCase->name(); assert(!empty($methodName)); $location = Reflection::sourceLocationFor($testCase::class, $methodName); return new self( $testCase::class, $methodName, $location['file'], $location['line'], TestDox::fromTestCase($testCase), MetadataCollection::for($testCase::class, $methodName), self::dataFor($testCase), ); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $className * @psalm-param non-empty-string $methodName */ public function __construct(string $className, string $methodName, string $file, int $line, TestDox $testDox, MetadataCollection $metadata, TestDataCollection $testData) { parent::__construct($file); $this->className = $className; $this->methodName = $methodName; $this->line = $line; $this->testDox = $testDox; $this->metadata = $metadata; $this->testData = $testData; } /** * @psalm-return class-string */ public function className(): string { return $this->className; } /** * @psalm-return non-empty-string */ public function methodName(): string { return $this->methodName; } public function line(): int { return $this->line; } public function testDox(): TestDox { return $this->testDox; } public function metadata(): MetadataCollection { return $this->metadata; } public function testData(): TestDataCollection { return $this->testData; } /** * @psalm-assert-if-true TestMethod $this */ public function isTestMethod(): bool { return true; } /** * @throws NoDataSetFromDataProviderException */ public function id(): string { $buffer = $this->className . '::' . $this->methodName; if ($this->testData()->hasDataFromDataProvider()) { $buffer .= '#' . $this->testData->dataFromDataProvider()->dataSetName(); } return $buffer; } /** * @throws NoDataSetFromDataProviderException */ public function nameWithClass(): string { return $this->className . '::' . $this->name(); } /** * @throws NoDataSetFromDataProviderException */ public function name(): string { if (!$this->testData->hasDataFromDataProvider()) { return $this->methodName; } $dataSetName = $this->testData->dataFromDataProvider()->dataSetName(); if (is_int($dataSetName)) { $dataSetName = sprintf( ' with data set #%d', $dataSetName ); } else { $dataSetName = sprintf( ' with data set "%s"', $dataSetName ); } return $this->methodName . $dataSetName; } /** * @throws MoreThanOneDataSetFromDataProviderException */ private static function dataFor(TestCase $testCase): TestDataCollection { $testData = []; if ($testCase->usesDataProvider()) { $dataSetName = $testCase->dataName(); if (is_numeric($dataSetName)) { $dataSetName = (int) $dataSetName; } $testData[] = DataFromDataProvider::from( $dataSetName, (new Exporter)->export($testCase->providedData()) ); } if ($testCase->hasDependencyInput()) { $testData[] = DataFromTestDependency::from( (new Exporter)->export($testCase->dependencyInput()) ); } return TestDataCollection::fromArray($testData); } }