options = $options ?? new Options(); } public function getOptions(): Options { return $this->options; } /** * Opens the CSV streamer and makes it ready to accept data. */ protected function openWriter(): void { if ($this->options->SHOULD_ADD_BOM) { // Adds UTF-8 BOM for Unicode compatibility fwrite($this->filePointer, EncodingHelper::BOM_UTF8); } } /** * Adds a row to the currently opened writer. * * @param Row $row The row containing cells and styles * * @throws IOException If unable to write data */ protected function addRowToWriter(Row $row): void { $cells = array_map(static function (Cell\BooleanCell|Cell\EmptyCell|Cell\NumericCell|Cell\StringCell|Cell\FormulaCell $value): string { if ($value instanceof Cell\BooleanCell) { return (string) (int) $value->getValue(); } return (string) $value->getValue(); }, $row->getCells()); $wasWriteSuccessful = fputcsv( $this->filePointer, $cells, $this->options->FIELD_DELIMITER, $this->options->FIELD_ENCLOSURE, '' ); if (false === $wasWriteSuccessful) { throw new IOException('Unable to write data'); // @codeCoverageIgnore } ++$this->lastWrittenRowIndex; if (0 === $this->lastWrittenRowIndex % $this->options->FLUSH_THRESHOLD) { fflush($this->filePointer); } } /** * Closes the CSV streamer, preventing any additional writing. * If set, sets the headers and redirects output to the browser. */ protected function closeWriter(): void { $this->lastWrittenRowIndex = 0; } }