filePointer = $filePointer; $this->options = $options; $this->encodingHelper = $encodingHelper; } /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element. * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.rewind.php */ public function rewind(): void { $this->rewindAndSkipBom(); $this->numReadRows = 0; $this->rowBuffer = null; $this->next(); } /** * Checks if current position is valid. * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.valid.php */ public function valid(): bool { return null !== $this->filePointer && !$this->hasReachedEndOfFile; } /** * Move forward to next element. Reads data for the next unprocessed row. * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.next.php * * @throws \OpenSpout\Common\Exception\EncodingConversionException If unable to convert data to UTF-8 */ public function next(): void { $this->hasReachedEndOfFile = feof($this->filePointer); if (!$this->hasReachedEndOfFile) { $this->readDataForNextRow(); } } /** * Return the current element from the buffer. * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php */ public function current(): ?Row { return $this->rowBuffer; } /** * Return the key of the current element. * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.key.php */ public function key(): int { return $this->numReadRows; } /** * This rewinds and skips the BOM if inserted at the beginning of the file * by moving the file pointer after it, so that it is not read. */ private function rewindAndSkipBom(): void { $byteOffsetToSkipBom = $this->encodingHelper->getBytesOffsetToSkipBOM($this->filePointer, $this->options->ENCODING); // sets the cursor after the BOM (0 means no BOM, so rewind it) fseek($this->filePointer, $byteOffsetToSkipBom); } /** * @throws \OpenSpout\Common\Exception\EncodingConversionException If unable to convert data to UTF-8 */ private function readDataForNextRow(): void { do { $rowData = $this->getNextUTF8EncodedRow(); } while ($this->shouldReadNextRow($rowData)); if (false !== $rowData) { // array_map will replace NULL values by empty strings $rowDataBufferAsArray = array_map('\\strval', $rowData); $this->rowBuffer = new Row(array_map(static function ($cellValue) { return Cell::fromValue($cellValue); }, $rowDataBufferAsArray), null); ++$this->numReadRows; } else { // If we reach this point, it means end of file was reached. // This happens when the last lines are empty lines. $this->hasReachedEndOfFile = true; } } /** * @param array
|bool $currentRowData * * @return bool Whether the data for the current row can be returned or if we need to keep reading */ private function shouldReadNextRow($currentRowData): bool { $hasSuccessfullyFetchedRowData = (false !== $currentRowData); $hasNowReachedEndOfFile = feof($this->filePointer); $isEmptyLine = $this->isEmptyLine($currentRowData); return (!$hasSuccessfullyFetchedRowData && !$hasNowReachedEndOfFile) || (!$this->options->SHOULD_PRESERVE_EMPTY_ROWS && $isEmptyLine) ; } /** * Returns the next row, converted if necessary to UTF-8. * As fgetcsv() does not manage correctly encoding for non UTF-8 data, * we remove manually whitespace with ltrim or rtrim (depending on the order of the bytes). * * @return array
|false The row for the current file pointer, encoded in UTF-8 or FALSE if nothing to read * * @throws \OpenSpout\Common\Exception\EncodingConversionException If unable to convert data to UTF-8 */ private function getNextUTF8EncodedRow(): array|false { $encodedRowData = fgetcsv( $this->filePointer, self::MAX_READ_BYTES_PER_LINE, $this->options->FIELD_DELIMITER, $this->options->FIELD_ENCLOSURE, '' ); if (false === $encodedRowData) { return false; } foreach ($encodedRowData as $cellIndex => $cellValue) { switch ($this->options->ENCODING) { case EncodingHelper::ENCODING_UTF16_LE: case EncodingHelper::ENCODING_UTF32_LE: // remove whitespace from the beginning of a string as fgetcsv() add extra whitespace when it try to explode non UTF-8 data $cellValue = ltrim($cellValue); break; case EncodingHelper::ENCODING_UTF16_BE: case EncodingHelper::ENCODING_UTF32_BE: // remove whitespace from the end of a string as fgetcsv() add extra whitespace when it try to explode non UTF-8 data $cellValue = rtrim($cellValue); break; } $encodedRowData[$cellIndex] = $this->encodingHelper->attemptConversionToUTF8($cellValue, $this->options->ENCODING); } return $encodedRowData; } /** * @param array
|bool $lineData Array containing the cells value for the line * * @return bool Whether the given line is empty */ private function isEmptyLine($lineData): bool { return \is_array($lineData) && 1 === \count($lineData) && null === $lineData[0]; } }