hasMbstringSupport = $hasMbstringSupport; } public static function factory(): self { return new self(\function_exists('mb_strlen')); } /** * Returns the length of the given string. * It uses the multi-bytes function is available. * * @see strlen * @see mb_strlen */ public function getStringLength(string $string): int { return $this->hasMbstringSupport ? mb_strlen($string) : \strlen($string) // @codeCoverageIgnore ; } /** * Returns the position of the first occurrence of the given character/substring within the given string. * It uses the multi-bytes function is available. * * @see strpos * @see mb_strpos * * @param string $char Needle * @param string $string Haystack * * @return int Char/substring's first occurrence position within the string if found (starts at 0) or -1 if not found */ public function getCharFirstOccurrencePosition(string $char, string $string): int { $position = $this->hasMbstringSupport ? mb_strpos($string, $char) : strpos($string, $char) // @codeCoverageIgnore ; return (false !== $position) ? $position : -1; } /** * Returns the position of the last occurrence of the given character/substring within the given string. * It uses the multi-bytes function is available. * * @see strrpos * @see mb_strrpos * * @param string $char Needle * @param string $string Haystack * * @return int Char/substring's last occurrence position within the string if found (starts at 0) or -1 if not found */ public function getCharLastOccurrencePosition(string $char, string $string): int { $position = $this->hasMbstringSupport ? mb_strrpos($string, $char) : strrpos($string, $char) // @codeCoverageIgnore ; return (false !== $position) ? $position : -1; } }