*/ private static array $storage = []; /** * Creates a new style from the given arguments. * * @param (Closure(StylesValueObject $element, string|int ...$arguments): StylesValueObject)|null $callback * @return Style */ public static function create(string $name, Closure $callback = null): Style { self::$storage[$name] = $style = new Style( $callback ?? static fn (StylesValueObject $styles) => $styles ); return $style; } /** * Removes all existing styles. */ public static function flush(): void { self::$storage = []; } /** * Checks a style with the given name exists. */ public static function has(string $name): bool { return array_key_exists($name, self::$storage); } /** * Gets the style with the given name. */ public static function get(string $name): Style { return self::$storage[$name]; } }