160, 'sha224' => 224, 'sha256' => 256, 'sha384' => 384, 'sha512' => 512 ); /** * Hmac constructor. * @param GmpMathInterface $math * @param PrivateKeyInterface $privateKey * @param \GMP $messageHash - decimal hash of the message (*may* be truncated) * @param string $algorithm - hashing algorithm */ public function __construct(GmpMathInterface $math, PrivateKeyInterface $privateKey, \GMP $messageHash, string $algorithm) { if (!isset($this->algSize[$algorithm])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported hashing algorithm'); } $this->math = $math; $this->algorithm = $algorithm; $this->privateKey = $privateKey; $this->messageHash = $messageHash; } /** * @param string $bits - binary string of bits * @param \GMP $qlen - length of q in bits * @return \GMP */ public function bits2int(string $bits, \GMP $qlen): \GMP { $vlen = gmp_init(BinaryString::length($bits) * 8, 10); $hex = bin2hex($bits); $v = gmp_init($hex, 16); if ($this->math->cmp($vlen, $qlen) > 0) { $v = $this->math->rightShift($v, (int) $this->math->toString($this->math->sub($vlen, $qlen))); } return $v; } /** * @param \GMP $int * @param \GMP $rlen - rounded octet length * @return string */ public function int2octets(\GMP $int, \GMP $rlen): string { $out = pack("H*", $this->math->decHex(gmp_strval($int, 10))); $length = gmp_init(BinaryString::length($out), 10); if ($this->math->cmp($length, $rlen) < 0) { return str_pad('', (int) $this->math->toString($this->math->sub($rlen, $length)), "\x00") . $out; } if ($this->math->cmp($length, $rlen) > 0) { return BinaryString::substring($out, 0, (int) $this->math->toString($rlen)); } return $out; } /** * @param string $algorithm * @return int */ private function getHashLength(string $algorithm): int { return $this->algSize[$algorithm]; } /** * @param \GMP $q * @return \GMP */ public function generate(\GMP $q): \GMP { $qlen = gmp_init(NumberSize::bnNumBits($this->math, $q), 10); $rlen = $this->math->rightShift($this->math->add($qlen, gmp_init(7, 10)), 3); $hlen = $this->getHashLength($this->algorithm); $bx = $this->int2octets($this->privateKey->getSecret(), $rlen) . $this->int2octets($this->messageHash, $rlen); $v = str_pad('', $hlen >> 3, "\x01", STR_PAD_LEFT); $k = str_pad('', $hlen >> 3, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT); $k = hash_hmac($this->algorithm, $v . "\x00" . $bx, $k, true); $v = hash_hmac($this->algorithm, $v, $k, true); $k = hash_hmac($this->algorithm, $v . "\x01" . $bx, $k, true); $v = hash_hmac($this->algorithm, $v, $k, true); $t = ''; for (;;) { $toff = gmp_init(0, 10); while ($this->math->cmp($toff, $rlen) < 0) { $v = hash_hmac($this->algorithm, $v, $k, true); $cc = min(BinaryString::length($v), (int) gmp_strval(gmp_sub($rlen, $toff), 10)); $t .= BinaryString::substring($v, 0, $cc); $toff = gmp_add($toff, $cc); } $k = $this->bits2int($t, $qlen); if ($this->math->cmp($k, gmp_init(0, 10)) > 0 && $this->math->cmp($k, $q) < 0) { return $k; } $k = hash_hmac($this->algorithm, $v . "\x00", $k, true); $v = hash_hmac($this->algorithm, $v, $k, true); } } }