lastRenderedView = $view; }); Livewire::listen('failed-validation', function ($validator) { $this->lastValidator = $validator; }); Livewire::listen('component.hydrate.subsequent', function ($validator) { // Clear the validator held in memory from the last request so we // can properly assert validation errors for the most recent request. $this->lastValidator = null; }); Livewire::listen('component.dehydrate', function($component) { static::$instancesById[$component->id] = $component; $this->lastErrorBag = $component->getErrorBag(); }); Livewire::listen('mounted', function ($response) { $this->rawMountedResponse = $response; }); // Don't actually generate S3 signedUrls during testing. // Can't use ::partialMock because it's not available in older versions of Laravel. $mock = Mockery::mock(GenerateSignedUploadUrl::class); $mock->makePartial()->shouldReceive('forS3')->andReturn([]); GenerateSignedUploadUrlFacade::swap($mock); // This allows the user to test a component by it's class name, // and not have to register an alias. if (class_exists($name)) { if (! is_subclass_of($name, Component::class)) { throw new \Exception('Class ['.$name.'] is not a subclass of Livewire\Component.'); } $componentClass = $name; app('livewire')->component($name = str()->random(20), $componentClass); } $this->componentName = $name; $this->lastResponse = $this->pretendWereMountingAComponentOnAPage($name, $params, $queryParams); if (! $this->lastResponse->exception) { $this->updateComponent([ 'fingerprint' => $this->rawMountedResponse->fingerprint, 'serverMemo' => $this->rawMountedResponse->memo, 'effects' => $this->rawMountedResponse->effects, ], $isInitial = true); } Livewire::flushState(); } public function updateComponent($output, $isInitial = false) { // Sometimes Livewire will skip rendering the DOM. // We still want to be able to make assertions on // the currently rendered DOM. So we will store // the last known one. if ($output['effects']['html'] ?? false) { $this->lastRenderedDom = $output['effects']['html']; } if ($output['fingerprint'] ?? false) { $this->payload['fingerprint'] = $output['fingerprint']; } foreach ($output['serverMemo'] as $key => $newValue) { if ($key === 'data') { if ($isInitial) data_set($this->payload, 'serverMemo.data', []); foreach ($newValue as $dataKey => $dataValue) { data_set($this->payload, 'serverMemo.data.'.$dataKey, $dataValue); } continue; } if ( ! isset($this->payload['serverMemo'][$key]) || $this->payload['serverMemo'][$key] !== $newValue ) { $this->payload['serverMemo'][$key] = $newValue; } } $this->payload['effects'] = $output['effects']; } public function pretendWereMountingAComponentOnAPage($name, $params, $queryParams) { $randomRoutePath = '/testing-livewire/'.str()->random(20); $this->registerRouteBeforeExistingRoutes($randomRoutePath, function () use ($name, $params) { return View::file(__DIR__.'/../views/mount-component.blade.php', [ 'name' => $name, 'params' => $params, ]); }); $laravelTestingWrapper = new MakesHttpRequestsWrapper(app()); $response = null; $laravelTestingWrapper->temporarilyDisableExceptionHandlingAndMiddleware(function ($wrapper) use ($randomRoutePath, &$response, $queryParams) { $response = $wrapper->call('GET', $randomRoutePath, $queryParams); }); return $response; } private function registerRouteBeforeExistingRoutes($path, $closure) { // To prevent this route from overriding wildcard routes registered within the application, // We have to make sure that this route is registered before other existing routes. $livewireTestingRoute = new Route(['GET', 'HEAD'], $path, $closure); $existingRoutes = app('router')->getRoutes(); // Make an empty collection. $runningCollection = new RouteCollection; // Add this testing route as the first one. $runningCollection->add($livewireTestingRoute); // Now add the existing routes after it. foreach ($existingRoutes as $route) { $runningCollection->add($route); } // Now set this route collection as THE route collection for the app. app('router')->setRoutes($runningCollection); } public function pretendWereSendingAComponentUpdateRequest($message, $payload) { $result = $this->callEndpoint('POST', '/livewire/message/'.$this->componentName, [ 'fingerprint' => $this->payload['fingerprint'], 'serverMemo' => $this->payload['serverMemo'], 'updates' => [['type' => $message, 'payload' => $payload]], ]); LivewireManager::$isLivewireRequestTestingOverride = true; return $result; } public function callEndpoint($method, $url, $payload) { $laravelTestingWrapper = new MakesHttpRequestsWrapper(app()); $response = null; $laravelTestingWrapper->temporarilyDisableExceptionHandlingAndMiddleware(function ($wrapper) use (&$response, $method, $url, $payload) { $response = $wrapper->call($method, $url, $payload); }); return $response; } public function id() { return $this->payload['fingerprint']['id']; } public function instance() { return static::$instancesById[$this->id()]; } public function viewData($key) { return $this->lastRenderedView->getData()[$key]; } public function get($property) { return data_get( $this->instance(), $property, function () use ($property) { // If we couldn't find it, make sure it's not a computed property. $root = $this->instance()->beforeFirstDot($property); try { $value = $this->instance()->{$root}; } catch (\Throwable $e) { if ($e instanceof PropertyNotFoundException) { $value = null; } else if (str($e->getMessage())->contains('must not be accessed before initialization')) { $value = null; } else { throw $e; } } $nested = $root === $property ? null : $this->instance()->afterFirstDot($property); return data_get($value, $nested); } ); } public function __get($property) { return $this->get($property); } public function __call($method, $params) { if (static::hasMacro($method)) { return $this->macroCall($method, $params); } $this->lastResponse->$method(...$params); return $this; } }