request = $request; $this->fingerprint = $request->fingerprint; $this->memo = $request->memo; $this->effects = []; } public function id() { return $this->fingerprint['id']; } public function embedThyselfInHtml() { if (! $html = $this->effects['html'] ?? null) return; $this->effects['html'] = (new AddAttributesToRootTagOfHtml)($html, [ 'initial-data' => $this->toArrayWithoutHtml(), ]); } public function embedIdInHtml() { if (! $html = $this->effects['html'] ?? null) return; $this->effects['html'] = (new AddAttributesToRootTagOfHtml)($html, [ 'id' => $this->fingerprint['id'], ]); } public function html() { return $this->effects['html'] ?? null; } public function toArrayWithoutHtml() { return [ 'fingerprint' => $this->fingerprint, 'effects' => array_diff_key($this->effects, ['html' => null]), 'serverMemo' => $this->memo, ]; } public function toInitialResponse() { return tap($this)->embedIdInHtml(); } public function toSubsequentResponse() { $this->embedIdInHtml(); $requestMemo = $this->request->memo; $responseMemo = $this->memo; $dirtyMemo = []; // Only send along the memos that have changed to not bloat the payload. foreach ($responseMemo as $key => $newValue) { // If the memo key is not in the request, add it. if (! isset($requestMemo[$key])) { $dirtyMemo[$key] = $newValue; continue; } // If the memo values are the same, skip adding them. if ($requestMemo[$key] === $newValue) continue; $dirtyMemo[$key] = $newValue; } // If 'data' is present in the response memo, diff it one level deep. if (isset($dirtyMemo['data']) && isset($requestMemo['data'])) { foreach ($dirtyMemo['data'] as $key => $value) { if (! isset($requestMemo['data'][$key])) continue; if ($value === $requestMemo['data'][$key]) { unset($dirtyMemo['data'][$key]); } } } // Make sure any data marked as "dirty" is present in the resulting data payload. foreach (data_get($this, 'effects.dirty', []) as $property) { $property = head(explode('.', $property)); data_set($dirtyMemo, 'data.'.$property, $responseMemo['data'][$property] ?? null); } return [ 'effects' => $this->effects, 'serverMemo' => $dirtyMemo, ]; } }