id }}')"; } public static function entangle($expression) { return <<
window.Livewire.find('{{ \$_instance->id }}').entangle('{{ {$expression}->value() }}'){{ {$expression}->hasModifier('defer') ? '.defer' : '' }}window.Livewire.find('{{ \$_instance->id }}').entangle('{{ {$expression} }}') EOT; } public static function js($expression) { return <<
EOT; } public static function livewireStyles($expression) { return '{!! \Livewire\Livewire::styles('.$expression.') !!}'; } public static function livewireScripts($expression) { return '{!! \Livewire\Livewire::scripts('.$expression.') !!}'; } public static function livewire($expression) { $cachedKey = "'" . Str::random(7) . "'"; // If we are inside a Livewire component, we know we're rendering a child. // Therefore, we must create a more deterministic view cache key so that // Livewire children are properly tracked across load balancers. if (LivewireManager::$currentCompilingViewPath !== null) { // $cachedKey = '[hash of Blade view path]-[current @livewire directive count]' $cachedKey = "'l" . crc32(LivewireManager::$currentCompilingViewPath) . "-" . LivewireManager::$currentCompilingChildCounter . "'"; // We'll increment count, so each cache key inside a compiled view is unique. LivewireManager::$currentCompilingChildCounter++; } $pattern = "/,\s*?key\(([\s\S]*)\)/"; //everything between ",key(" and ")" $expression = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($match) use (&$cachedKey) { $cachedKey = trim($match[1]) ?: $cachedKey; return ""; }, $expression); return <<
html(); } elseif (\$_instance->childHasBeenRendered($cachedKey)) { \$componentId = \$_instance->getRenderedChildComponentId($cachedKey); \$componentTag = \$_instance->getRenderedChildComponentTagName($cachedKey); \$html = \Livewire\Livewire::dummyMount(\$componentId, \$componentTag); \$_instance->preserveRenderedChild($cachedKey); } else { \$response = \Livewire\Livewire::mount({$expression}); \$html = \$response->html(); \$_instance->logRenderedChild($cachedKey, \$response->id(), \Livewire\Livewire::getRootElementTagName(\$html)); } echo \$html; ?> EOT; } public static function stack($name, $default = '') { $expression = rtrim("{$name}, {$default}", ', '); return "
yieldPushContent($expression); ?>
"; } public static function once($id = null) { $id = $id ?: "'".(string) Str::uuid()."'"; return "hasRenderedOnce({$id})): \$__env->markAsRenderedOnce({$id}); ?>"; } public static function endonce() { return ""; } public static function push($name, $content = '') { $randomKey = Str::random(9); $expression = rtrim("{$name}, {$content}", ', '); return "startPush({$expression}); \$__stack_name = {$name}; ob_start(); echo '
'; } else { \$__env->startPush({$expression}); } ?>"; } public static function prepend($name, $content = '') { $randomKey = Str::random(9); $expression = rtrim("{$name}, {$content}", ', '); return "startPrepend({$expression}); \$__stack_name = {$name}; ob_start(); echo '
'; } else { \$__env->startPrepend({$expression}); } ?>"; } public static function endpush() { return "addToStack(\$__stack_name, 'push', \$__contents, \$__stack_item_key); echo \$__contents; unset(\$__contents); unset(\$__stack_item_key); unset(\$__stack_name); \$__env->stopPush(); } else { \$__env->stopPush(); } ?>"; } public static function endprepend() { return "addToStack(\$__stack_name, 'prepend', \$__contents, \$__stack_item_key); echo \$__contents; unset(\$__contents); unset(\$__stack_item_key); unset(\$__stack_name); \$__env->stopPrepend(); } else { \$__env->stopPrepend(); } ?>"; } }