request = new Request($payload); $instance->instance = app('livewire')->getInstance($instance->request->name(), $instance->request->id()); }); } public static function fromInitialRequest($name, $id) { return tap(new static, function ($instance) use ($name, $id) { $instance->instance = app('livewire')->getInstance($name, $id); $instance->request = new Request([ 'fingerprint' => [ 'id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'locale' => app()->getLocale(), 'path' => Livewire::originalPath(), 'method' => Livewire::originalMethod(), ], 'updates' => [], 'serverMemo' => [], ]); }); } public static function fromInitialInstance($component) { $name = app('livewire')->getAlias(get_class($component), $component->getName()); return tap(new static, function ($instance) use ($component, $name) { $instance->instance = $component; $instance->request = new Request([ 'fingerprint' => [ 'id' => $component->id, 'name' => $name, 'locale' => app()->getLocale(), 'path' => Livewire::originalPath(), 'method' => Livewire::originalMethod(), ], 'updates' => [], 'serverMemo' => [], ]); }); } public static function registerHydrationMiddleware(array $classes) { static::$hydrationMiddleware += $classes; } public static function registerInitialHydrationMiddleware(array $callables) { static::$initialHydrationMiddleware += $callables; } public static function registerInitialDehydrationMiddleware(array $callables) { static::$initialDehydrationMiddleware += $callables; } public function boot() { Livewire::dispatch('component.boot', $this->instance); return $this; } public function hydrate() { foreach (static::$hydrationMiddleware as $class) { $class::hydrate($this->instance, $this->request); } return $this; } public function initialHydrate() { foreach (static::$initialHydrationMiddleware as $callable) { $callable($this->instance, $this->request); } return $this; } public function mount($params = []) { // Assign all public component properties that have matching parameters. collect(array_intersect_key($params, $this->instance->getPublicPropertiesDefinedBySubClass())) ->each(function ($value, $property) { $this->instance->{$property} = $value; }); if (method_exists($this->instance, 'mount')) { try { ImplicitlyBoundMethod::call(app(), [$this->instance, 'mount'], $params); } catch (ValidationException $e) { Livewire::dispatch('failed-validation', $e->validator, $this->instance); $this->instance->setErrorBag($e->validator->errors()); } } Livewire::dispatch('component.mount', $this->instance, $params); Livewire::dispatch('component.booted', $this->instance, $this->request); return $this; } public function renderToView() { $this->instance->renderToView(); return $this; } public function initialDehydrate() { $this->response = Response::fromRequest($this->request); foreach (array_reverse(static::$initialDehydrationMiddleware) as $callable) { $callable($this->instance, $this->response); } return $this; } public function dehydrate() { $this->response = Response::fromRequest($this->request); // The array is being reversed here, so the middleware dehydrate phase order of execution is // the inverse of hydrate. This makes the middlewares behave like layers in a shell. foreach (array_reverse(static::$hydrationMiddleware) as $class) { $class::dehydrate($this->instance, $this->response); } return $this; } public function toInitialResponse() { $this->response->embedThyselfInHtml(); Livewire::dispatch('mounted', $this->response); return $this->response->toInitialResponse(); } public function toSubsequentResponse() { return $this->response->toSubsequentResponse(); } }