getParameters() as $parameter) { static::substituteNameBindingForCallParameter($parameter, $parameters, $paramIndex); static::substituteImplicitBindingForCallParameter($container, $parameter, $parameters); static::addDependencyForCallParameter($container, $parameter, $parameters, $dependencies); } return array_values(array_merge($dependencies, $parameters)); } protected static function substituteNameBindingForCallParameter($parameter, array &$parameters, int &$paramIndex) { // check if we have a candidate for name/value binding if (! array_key_exists($paramIndex, $parameters)) { return; } if ($parameter->isVariadic()) { // this last param will pick up the rest - reindex any remaining parameters $parameters = array_merge( array_filter($parameters, function ($key) { return ! is_int($key); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY), array_values(array_filter($parameters, function ($key) { return is_int($key); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY)) ); return; } // stop if this one is due for dependency injection if (! is_null($className = static::getClassForDependencyInjection($parameter)) && ! $parameters[$paramIndex] instanceof $className) { return; } if (! array_key_exists($paramName = $parameter->getName(), $parameters)) { // have a parameter value that is bound by sequential order // and not yet bound by name, so bind it to parameter name $parameters[$paramName] = $parameters[$paramIndex]; unset($parameters[$paramIndex]); $paramIndex++; } } protected static function substituteImplicitBindingForCallParameter($container, $parameter, array &$parameters) { $paramName = $parameter->getName(); // check if we have a candidate for implicit binding if (is_null($className = static::getClassForImplicitBinding($parameter))) { return; } // Check if the value we have for this param is an instance // of the desired class, attempt implicit binding if not if (array_key_exists($paramName, $parameters) && ! $parameters[$paramName] instanceof $className) { $parameters[$paramName] = static::getImplicitBinding($container, $className, $parameters[$paramName]); } elseif (array_key_exists($className, $parameters) && ! $parameters[$className] instanceof $className) { $parameters[$className] = static::getImplicitBinding($container, $className, $parameters[$className]); } } protected static function getClassForDependencyInjection($parameter) { if (! is_null($className = static::getParameterClassName($parameter)) && ! static::implementsInterface($parameter)) { return $className; } } protected static function getClassForImplicitBinding($parameter) { if (! is_null($className = static::getParameterClassName($parameter)) && static::implementsInterface($parameter)) { return $className; } return null; } protected static function getImplicitBinding($container, $className, $value) { $model = $container->make($className)->resolveRouteBinding($value); if (! $model) { throw (new ModelNotFoundException)->setModel($className, [$value]); } return $model; } public static function getParameterClassName($parameter) { $type = $parameter->getType(); if(!$type){ return null; } if(! $type instanceof ReflectionNamedType){ return null; } return (! $type->isBuiltin()) ? $type->getName() : null; } public static function implementsInterface($parameter) { return (new ReflectionClass($parameter->getType()->getName()))->implementsInterface(ImplicitlyBindable::class); } }