id = $id ?? str()->random(20); $this->ensureIdPropertyIsntOverridden(); Livewire::setBackButtonCache(); } public function __invoke(Container $container, Route $route) { // With octane and full page components the route is caching the // component, so always create a fresh instance. $instance = new static; // For some reason Octane doesn't play nice with the injected $route. // We need to override it here. However, we can't remove the actual // param from the method signature as it would break inheritance. $route = request()->route() ?? $route; try { $componentParams = (new ImplicitRouteBinding($container)) ->resolveAllParameters($route, $instance); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $exception) { if (method_exists($route,'getMissing') && $route->getMissing()) { return $route->getMissing()(request()); } throw $exception; } $manager = LifecycleManager::fromInitialInstance($instance) ->boot() ->initialHydrate() ->mount($componentParams) ->renderToView(); if ($instance->redirectTo) { return redirect()->response($instance->redirectTo); } $instance->ensureViewHasValidLivewireLayout($instance->preRenderedView); $layout = $instance->preRenderedView->livewireLayout; return app('view')->file(__DIR__."/Macros/livewire-view-{$layout['type']}.blade.php", [ 'view' => $layout['view'], 'params' => $layout['params'], 'slotOrSection' => $layout['slotOrSection'], 'manager' => $manager, ]); } protected function ensureIdPropertyIsntOverridden() { throw_if( array_key_exists('id', $this->getPublicPropertiesDefinedBySubClass()), new CannotUseReservedLivewireComponentProperties('id', $this::getName()) ); } public function bootIfNotBooted() { if (method_exists($this, $method = 'boot')) { ImplicitlyBoundMethod::call(app(), [$this, $method]); } } public function initializeTraits() { foreach (class_uses_recursive($class = static::class) as $trait) { if (method_exists($class, $method = 'initialize'.class_basename($trait))) { $this->{$method}(); } } } public static function getName() { $namespace = collect(explode('.', str_replace(['/', '\\'], '.', config('livewire.class_namespace')))) ->map([Str::class, 'kebab']) ->implode('.'); $fullName = collect(explode('.', str_replace(['/', '\\'], '.', static::class))) ->map([Str::class, 'kebab']) ->implode('.'); if (str($fullName)->startsWith($namespace)) { return (string) str($fullName)->substr(strlen($namespace) + 1); } return $fullName; } public function getQueryString() { $componentQueryString = method_exists($this, 'queryString') ? $this->queryString() : $this->queryString; return collect(class_uses_recursive($class = static::class)) ->map(function ($trait) use ($class) { $member = 'queryString' . class_basename($trait); if (method_exists($class, $member)) { return $this->{$member}(); } if (property_exists($class, $member)) { return $this->{$member}; } return []; }) ->values() ->mapWithKeys(function ($value) { return $value; }) ->merge($componentQueryString) ->toArray(); } public function skipRender() { $this->shouldSkipRender = true; } public function renderToView() { if ($this->shouldSkipRender) { return $this->keepRenderedChildren(); } Livewire::dispatch('component.rendering', $this); $view = method_exists($this, 'render') ? app()->call([$this, 'render']) : view("livewire.{$this::getName()}"); if (is_string($view)) { $view = app('view')->make(CreateBladeView::fromString($view)); } throw_unless($view instanceof View, new \Exception('"render" method on ['.get_class($this).'] must return instance of ['.View::class.']')); Livewire::dispatch('component.rendered', $this, $view); return $this->preRenderedView = $view; } protected function ensureViewHasValidLivewireLayout(View $view) { $layout = $view->livewireLayout ?? []; $isValid = isset($layout['view'], $layout['type'], $layout['params'], $layout['slotOrSection']); if (!$isValid) { $view->layout($layout['view'] ?? config('livewire.layout'), $layout['params'] ?? []); $view->slot($layout['slotOrSection'] ?? $view->livewireLayout['slotOrSection']); } } public function output($errors = null) { if ($this->shouldSkipRender) return null; $view = $this->preRenderedView; // In the service provider, we hijack Laravel's Blade engine // with our own. However, we only want Livewire hijackings, // while we're rendering Livewire components. So we'll // activate it here, and deactivate it at the end // of this method. $engine = app('view.engine.resolver')->resolve('blade'); $engine->startLivewireRendering($this); $this->setErrorBag( $errorBag = $errors ?: ($view->getData()['errors'] ?? $this->getErrorBag()) ); $previouslySharedErrors = app('view')->getShared()['errors'] ?? new ViewErrorBag; $previouslySharedInstance = app('view')->getShared()['_instance'] ?? null; $errors = (new ViewErrorBag)->put('default', $errorBag); $errors->getBag('default')->merge( $previouslySharedErrors->getBag('default') ); $view->with([ 'errors' => $errors, '_instance' => $this, ] + $this->getPublicPropertiesDefinedBySubClass()); app('view')->share('errors', $errors); app('view')->share('_instance', $this); $output = $view->render(); app('view')->share('errors', $previouslySharedErrors); app('view')->share('_instance', $previouslySharedInstance); Livewire::dispatch('view:render', $view); $engine->endLivewireRendering(); return $output; } public function forgetComputed($key = null) { if (is_null($key)) { $this->computedPropertyCache = []; return; } $keys = is_array($key) ? $key : func_get_args(); collect($keys)->each(function ($i) { if (isset($this->computedPropertyCache[$i])) { unset($this->computedPropertyCache[$i]); } }); } public function addToStack($stack, $type, $contents, $key = null) { $this->forStack[] = [ 'key' => $key ?: $this->id, 'stack' => $stack, 'type' => $type, 'contents' => $contents, ]; } public function getForStack() { return $this->forStack; } function __isset($property) { try { $value = $this->__get($property); if (isset($value)) { return true; } } catch(PropertyNotFoundException $ex) {} return false; } public function __get($property) { $studlyProperty = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $property))); if (method_exists($this, $computedMethodName = 'get'.$studlyProperty.'Property')) { if (isset($this->computedPropertyCache[$property])) { return $this->computedPropertyCache[$property]; } return $this->computedPropertyCache[$property] = app()->call([$this, $computedMethodName]); } throw new PropertyNotFoundException($property, static::getName()); } public function __call($method, $params) { if ( in_array($method, ['mount', 'hydrate', 'dehydrate', 'updating', 'updated']) || str($method)->startsWith(['updating', 'updated', 'hydrate', 'dehydrate']) ) { // Eat calls to the lifecycle hooks if the dev didn't define them. return; } if (static::hasMacro($method)) { return $this->macroCall($method, $params); } throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf( 'Method %s::%s does not exist.', static::class, $method )); } }