var range; // Create a range object for efficently rendering strings to elements. var NS_XHTML = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; export var doc = typeof document === 'undefined' ? undefined : document; var HAS_TEMPLATE_SUPPORT = !!doc && 'content' in doc.createElement('template'); var HAS_RANGE_SUPPORT = !!doc && doc.createRange && 'createContextualFragment' in doc.createRange(); function createFragmentFromTemplate(str) { var template = doc.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = str; return template.content.childNodes[0]; } function createFragmentFromRange(str) { if (!range) { range = doc.createRange(); range.selectNode(doc.body); } var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(str); return fragment.childNodes[0]; } function createFragmentFromWrap(str) { var fragment = doc.createElement('body'); fragment.innerHTML = str; return fragment.childNodes[0]; } /** * This is about the same * var html = new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, 'text/html'); * return html.body.firstChild; * * @method toElement * @param {String} str */ export function toElement(str) { str = str.trim(); if (HAS_TEMPLATE_SUPPORT) { // avoid restrictions on content for things like `
` which // createContextualFragment doesn't support //
support not available in IE return createFragmentFromTemplate(str); } else if (HAS_RANGE_SUPPORT) { return createFragmentFromRange(str); } return createFragmentFromWrap(str); } /** * Returns true if two node's names are the same. * * NOTE: We don't bother checking `namespaceURI` because you will never find two HTML elements with the same * nodeName and different namespace URIs. * * @param {Element} a * @param {Element} b The target element * @return {boolean} */ export function compareNodeNames(fromEl, toEl) { var fromNodeName = fromEl.nodeName; var toNodeName = toEl.nodeName; if (fromNodeName === toNodeName) { return true; } if (toEl.actualize && fromNodeName.charCodeAt(0) < 91 && /* from tag name is upper case */ toNodeName.charCodeAt(0) > 90 /* target tag name is lower case */) { // If the target element is a virtual DOM node then we may need to normalize the tag name // before comparing. Normal HTML elements that are in the "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" // are converted to upper case return fromNodeName === toNodeName.toUpperCase(); } else { return false; } } /** * Create an element, optionally with a known namespace URI. * * @param {string} name the element name, e.g. 'div' or 'svg' * @param {string} [namespaceURI] the element's namespace URI, i.e. the value of * its `xmlns` attribute or its inferred namespace. * * @return {Element} */ export function createElementNS(name, namespaceURI) { return !namespaceURI || namespaceURI === NS_XHTML ? doc.createElement(name) : doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, name); } /** * Copies the children of one DOM element to another DOM element */ export function moveChildren(fromEl, toEl) { var curChild = fromEl.firstChild; while (curChild) { var nextChild = curChild.nextSibling; toEl.appendChild(curChild); curChild = nextChild; } return toEl; }