import Message from '@/Message' import dataGet from 'get-value' import PrefetchMessage from '@/PrefetchMessage' import { dispatch, debounce, wireDirectives, walk } from '@/util' import morphdom from '@/dom/morphdom' import DOM from '@/dom/dom' import nodeInitializer from '@/node_initializer' import store from '@/Store' import PrefetchManager from './PrefetchManager' import UploadManager from './UploadManager' import MethodAction from '@/action/method' import ModelAction from '@/action/model' import DeferredModelAction from '@/action/deferred-model' import MessageBus from '../MessageBus' import { alpinifyElementsForMorphdom, getEntangleFunction } from './SupportAlpine' export default class Component { constructor(el, connection) { el.__livewire = this this.el = el this.lastFreshHtml = this.el.outerHTML this.id = this.el.getAttribute('wire:id') this.checkForMultipleRootElements() this.connection = connection const initialData = JSON.parse(this.el.getAttribute('wire:initial-data')) this.el.removeAttribute('wire:initial-data') this.fingerprint = initialData.fingerprint this.serverMemo = initialData.serverMemo this.effects = initialData.effects this.listeners = this.effects.listeners this.updateQueue = [] this.deferredActions = {} this.tearDownCallbacks = [] this.messageInTransit = undefined this.scopedListeners = new MessageBus() this.prefetchManager = new PrefetchManager(this) this.uploadManager = new UploadManager(this) this.watchers = {} store.callHook('component.initialized', this) this.initialize() this.uploadManager.registerListeners() if (this.effects.redirect) return this.redirect(this.effects.redirect) } get name() { return this.fingerprint.name } get data() { return this.serverMemo.data } get childIds() { return Object.values(this.serverMemo.children).map(child => child.id) } checkForMultipleRootElements() { // Count the number of elements between the first element in the component and the // injected "component-end" marker. This is an HTML comment with notation. let countElementsBeforeMarker = (el, carryCount = 0) => { if (! el) return carryCount // If we see the "end" marker, we can return the number of elements in between we've seen. if (el.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE && el.textContent.includes(`wire-end:${this.id}`)) return carryCount let newlyDiscoveredEls = el.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ? 1 : 0 return countElementsBeforeMarker(el.nextSibling, carryCount + newlyDiscoveredEls) } if (countElementsBeforeMarker(this.el.nextSibling) > 0) { console.warn(`Livewire: Multiple root elements detected. This is not supported. See docs for more information https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/2.x/troubleshooting#root-element-issues`, this.el) } } initialize() { this.walk( // Will run for every node in the component tree (not child component nodes). el => nodeInitializer.initialize(el, this), // When new component is encountered in the tree, add it. el => store.addComponent(new Component(el, this.connection)) ) } get(name) { // The .split() stuff is to support dot-notation. return name .split('.') .reduce((carry, segment) => typeof carry === 'undefined' ? carry : carry[segment], this.data) } getPropertyValueIncludingDefers(name) { let action = this.deferredActions[name] if (! action) return this.get(name) return action.payload.value } updateServerMemoFromResponseAndMergeBackIntoResponse(message) { // We have to do a fair amount of object merging here, but we can't use expressive syntax like {...} // because browsers mess with the object key order which will break Livewire request checksum checks. Object.entries(message.response.serverMemo).forEach(([key, value]) => { // Because "data" is "partial" from the server, we have to deep merge it. if (key === 'data') { Object.entries(value || {}).forEach(([dataKey, dataValue]) => { this.serverMemo.data[dataKey] = dataValue if (message.shouldSkipWatcherForDataKey(dataKey)) return // Because Livewire (for payload reduction purposes) only returns the data that has changed, // we can use all the data keys from the response as watcher triggers. Object.entries(this.watchers).forEach(([key, watchers]) => { let originalSplitKey = key.split('.') let basePropertyName = originalSplitKey.shift() let restOfPropertyName = originalSplitKey.join('.') if (basePropertyName == dataKey) { // If the key deals with nested data, use the "get" function to get // the most nested data. Otherwise, return the entire data chunk. let potentiallyNestedValue = !! restOfPropertyName ? dataGet(dataValue, restOfPropertyName) : dataValue watchers.forEach(watcher => watcher(potentiallyNestedValue)) } }) }) } else { // Every other key, we can just overwrite. this.serverMemo[key] = value } }) // Merge back serverMemo changes so the response data is no longer incomplete. message.response.serverMemo = Object.assign({}, this.serverMemo) } watch(name, callback) { if (!this.watchers[name]) this.watchers[name] = [] this.watchers[name].push(callback) } set(name, value, defer = false, skipWatcher = false) { if (defer) { this.addAction( new DeferredModelAction(name, value, this.el, skipWatcher) ) } else { this.addAction( new MethodAction('$set', [name, value], this.el, skipWatcher) ) } } sync(name, value, defer = false) { if (defer) { this.addAction(new DeferredModelAction(name, value, this.el)) } else { this.addAction(new ModelAction(name, value, this.el)) } } call(method, ...params) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let action = new MethodAction(method, params, this.el) this.addAction(action) action.onResolve(thing => resolve(thing)) action.onReject(thing => reject(thing)) }) } on(event, callback) { this.scopedListeners.register(event, callback) } addAction(action) { if (action instanceof DeferredModelAction) { this.deferredActions[action.name] = action return } if ( this.prefetchManager.actionHasPrefetch(action) && this.prefetchManager.actionPrefetchResponseHasBeenReceived(action) ) { const message = this.prefetchManager.getPrefetchMessageByAction( action ) this.handleResponse(message) this.prefetchManager.clearPrefetches() return } this.updateQueue.push(action) // This debounce is here in-case two events fire at the "same" time: // For example: if you are listening for a click on element A, // and a "blur" on element B. If element B has focus, and then, // you click on element A, the blur event will fire before the "click" // event. This debounce captures them both in the actionsQueue and sends // them off at the same time. // Note: currently, it's set to 5ms, that might not be the right amount, we'll see. debounce(this.fireMessage, 5).apply(this) // Clear prefetches. this.prefetchManager.clearPrefetches() } fireMessage() { if (this.messageInTransit) return Object.entries(this.deferredActions).forEach(([modelName, action]) => { this.updateQueue.unshift(action) }) this.deferredActions = {} this.messageInTransit = new Message(this, this.updateQueue) let sendMessage = () => { this.connection.sendMessage(this.messageInTransit) store.callHook('message.sent', this.messageInTransit, this) this.updateQueue = [] } if (window.capturedRequestsForDusk) { window.capturedRequestsForDusk.push(sendMessage) } else { sendMessage() } } messageSendFailed() { store.callHook('message.failed', this.messageInTransit, this) this.messageInTransit.reject() this.messageInTransit = null } receiveMessage(message, payload) { message.storeResponse(payload) if (message instanceof PrefetchMessage) return this.handleResponse(message) // This bit of logic ensures that if actions were queued while a request was // out to the server, they are sent when the request comes back. if (this.updateQueue.length > 0) { this.fireMessage() } dispatch('livewire:update') } handleResponse(message) { let response = message.response this.updateServerMemoFromResponseAndMergeBackIntoResponse(message) store.callHook('message.received', message, this) if (response.effects.html) { // If we get HTML from the server, store it for the next time we might not. this.lastFreshHtml = response.effects.html this.handleMorph(response.effects.html.trim()) } else { // It's important to still "morphdom" even when the server HTML hasn't changed, // because Alpine needs to be given the chance to update. this.handleMorph(this.lastFreshHtml) } if (response.effects.dirty) { this.forceRefreshDataBoundElementsMarkedAsDirty( response.effects.dirty ) } if (! message.replaying) { this.messageInTransit && this.messageInTransit.resolve() this.messageInTransit = null if (response.effects.emits && response.effects.emits.length > 0) { response.effects.emits.forEach(event => { this.scopedListeners.call(event.event, ...event.params) if (event.selfOnly) { store.emitSelf(this.id, event.event, ...event.params) } else if (event.to) { store.emitTo(event.to, event.event, ...event.params) } else if (event.ancestorsOnly) { store.emitUp(this.el, event.event, ...event.params) } else { store.emit(event.event, ...event.params) } }) } if ( response.effects.dispatches && response.effects.dispatches.length > 0 ) { response.effects.dispatches.forEach(event => { const data = event.data ? event.data : {} const e = new CustomEvent(event.event, { bubbles: true, detail: data, }) this.el.dispatchEvent(e) }) } } store.callHook('message.processed', message, this) // This means "$this->redirect()" was called in the component. let's just bail and redirect. if (response.effects.redirect) { setTimeout(() => this.redirect(response.effects.redirect)) return } } redirect(url) { if (window.Turbolinks && window.Turbolinks.supported) { window.Turbolinks.visit(url) } else { window.location.href = url } } forceRefreshDataBoundElementsMarkedAsDirty(dirtyInputs) { this.walk(el => { let directives = wireDirectives(el) if (directives.missing('model')) return const modelValue = directives.get('model').value if (! (el.nodeName == 'SELECT' && ! el.multiple) && DOM.hasFocus(el) && ! dirtyInputs.includes(modelValue)) return DOM.setInputValueFromModel(el, this) }) } addPrefetchAction(action) { if (this.prefetchManager.actionHasPrefetch(action)) { return } const message = new PrefetchMessage(this, action) this.prefetchManager.addMessage(message) this.connection.sendMessage(message) } handleMorph(dom) { this.morphChanges = { changed: [], added: [], removed: [] } morphdom(this.el, dom, { childrenOnly: false, getNodeKey: node => { // This allows the tracking of elements by the "key" attribute, like in VueJs. return node.hasAttribute(`wire:key`) ? node.getAttribute(`wire:key`) : // If no "key", then first check for "wire:id", then "id" node.hasAttribute(`wire:id`) ? node.getAttribute(`wire:id`) : node.id }, onBeforeNodeAdded: node => { // }, onBeforeNodeDiscarded: node => { // If the node is from x-if with a transition. if ( node.__x_inserted_me && Array.from(node.attributes).some(attr => /x-transition/.test(attr.name) ) ) { return false } }, onNodeDiscarded: node => { store.callHook('element.removed', node, this) if (node.__livewire) { store.removeComponent(node.__livewire) } this.morphChanges.removed.push(node) }, onBeforeElChildrenUpdated: node => { // }, onBeforeElUpdated: (from, to) => { // Because morphdom also supports vDom nodes, it uses isSameNode to detect // sameness. When dealing with DOM nodes, we want isEqualNode, otherwise // isSameNode will ALWAYS return false. if (from.isEqualNode(to)) { return false } store.callHook('element.updating', from, to, this) // Reset the index of wire:modeled select elements in the // "to" node before doing the diff, so that the options // have the proper in-memory .selected value set. if ( from.hasAttribute('wire:model') && from.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SELECT' ) { to.selectedIndex = -1 } let fromDirectives = wireDirectives(from) // Honor the "wire:ignore" attribute or the .__livewire_ignore element property. if ( fromDirectives.has('ignore') || from.__livewire_ignore === true || from.__livewire_ignore_self === true ) { if ( (fromDirectives.has('ignore') && fromDirectives .get('ignore') .modifiers.includes('self')) || from.__livewire_ignore_self === true ) { // Don't update children of "wire:ingore.self" attribute. from.skipElUpdatingButStillUpdateChildren = true } else { return false } } // Children will update themselves. if (DOM.isComponentRootEl(from) && from.getAttribute('wire:id') !== this.id) return false // Give the root Livewire "to" element, the same object reference as the "from" // element. This ensures new Alpine magics like $wire and @entangle can // initialize in the context of a real Livewire component object. if (DOM.isComponentRootEl(from)) to.__livewire = this alpinifyElementsForMorphdom(from, to) }, onElUpdated: node => { this.morphChanges.changed.push(node) store.callHook('element.updated', node, this) }, onNodeAdded: node => { const closestComponentId = DOM.closestRoot(node).getAttribute('wire:id') if (closestComponentId === this.id) { if (nodeInitializer.initialize(node, this) === false) { return false } } else if (DOM.isComponentRootEl(node)) { store.addComponent(new Component(node, this.connection)) // We don't need to initialize children, the // new Component constructor will do that for us. node.skipAddingChildren = true } this.morphChanges.added.push(node) }, }) window.skipShow = false } walk(callback, callbackWhenNewComponentIsEncountered = el => { }) { walk(this.el, el => { // Skip the root component element. if (el.isSameNode(this.el)) { callback(el) return } // If we encounter a nested component, skip walking that tree. if (el.hasAttribute('wire:id')) { callbackWhenNewComponentIsEncountered(el) return false } if (callback(el) === false) { return false } }) } modelSyncDebounce(callback, time) { // Prepare yourself for what's happening here. // Any text input with wire:model on it should be "debounced" by ~150ms by default. // We can't use a simple debounce function because we need a way to clear all the pending // debounces if a user submits a form or performs some other action. // This is a modified debounce function that acts just like a debounce, except it stores // the pending callbacks in a global property so we can "clear them" on command instead // of waiting for their setTimeouts to expire. I know. if (!this.modelDebounceCallbacks) this.modelDebounceCallbacks = [] // This is a "null" callback. Each wire:model will resister one of these upon initialization. let callbackRegister = { callback: () => { } } this.modelDebounceCallbacks.push(callbackRegister) // This is a normal "timeout" for a debounce function. var timeout return e => { clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = setTimeout(() => { callback(e) timeout = undefined // Because we just called the callback, let's return the // callback register to it's normal "null" state. callbackRegister.callback = () => { } }, time) // Register the current callback in the register as a kind-of "escape-hatch". callbackRegister.callback = () => { clearTimeout(timeout) callback(e) } } } callAfterModelDebounce(callback) { // This is to protect against the following scenario: // A user is typing into a debounced input, and hits the enter key. // If the enter key submits a form or something, the submission // will happen BEFORE the model input finishes syncing because // of the debounce. This makes sure to clear anything in the debounce queue. if (this.modelDebounceCallbacks) { this.modelDebounceCallbacks.forEach(callbackRegister => { callbackRegister.callback() callbackRegister.callback = () => { } }) } callback() } addListenerForTeardown(teardownCallback) { this.tearDownCallbacks.push(teardownCallback) } tearDown() { this.tearDownCallbacks.forEach(callback => callback()) } upload( name, file, finishCallback = () => { }, errorCallback = () => { }, progressCallback = () => { } ) { this.uploadManager.upload( name, file, finishCallback, errorCallback, progressCallback ) } uploadMultiple( name, files, finishCallback = () => { }, errorCallback = () => { }, progressCallback = () => { } ) { this.uploadManager.uploadMultiple( name, files, finishCallback, errorCallback, progressCallback ) } removeUpload( name, tmpFilename, finishCallback = () => { }, errorCallback = () => { } ) { this.uploadManager.removeUpload( name, tmpFilename, finishCallback, errorCallback ) } get $wire() { if (this.dollarWireProxy) return this.dollarWireProxy let refObj = {} let component = this return (this.dollarWireProxy = new Proxy(refObj, { get(object, property) { if (['_x_interceptor'].includes(property)) return if (property === 'entangle') { return getEntangleFunction(component) } if (property === '__instance') return component // Forward "emits" to base Livewire object. if (typeof property === 'string' && property.match(/^emit.*/)) return function (...args) { if (property === 'emitSelf') return store.emitSelf(component.id, ...args) if (property === 'emitUp') return store.emitUp(component.el, ...args) return store[property](...args) } if ( [ 'get', 'set', 'sync', 'call', 'on', 'upload', 'uploadMultiple', 'removeUpload', ].includes(property) ) { // Forward public API methods right away. return function (...args) { return component[property].apply(component, args) } } // If the property exists on the data, return it. let getResult = component.get(property) // If the property does not exist, try calling the method on the class. if (getResult === undefined) { return function (...args) { return component.call.apply(component, [ property, ...args, ]) } } return getResult }, set: function (obj, prop, value) { component.set(prop, value) return true }, })) } }