factory = $factory; $this->callback = $callback; } /** * Add a process to the pool with a key. * * @param string $key * @return \Illuminate\Process\PendingProcess */ public function as(string $key) { return tap($this->factory->newPendingProcess(), function ($pendingProcess) use ($key) { $this->pendingProcesses[$key] = $pendingProcess; }); } /** * Start all of the processes in the pool. * * @param callable|null $output * @return \Illuminate\Process\InvokedProcessPool */ public function start(?callable $output = null) { call_user_func($this->callback, $this); return new InvokedProcessPool( collect($this->pendingProcesses) ->each(function ($pendingProcess) { if (! $pendingProcess instanceof PendingProcess) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Process pool must only contain pending processes.'); } })->mapWithKeys(function ($pendingProcess, $key) use ($output) { return [$key => $pendingProcess->start(output: $output ? function ($type, $buffer) use ($key, $output) { $output($type, $buffer, $key); } : null)]; }) ->all() ); } /** * Start and wait for the processes to finish. * * @return \Illuminate\Process\ProcessPoolResults */ public function run() { return $this->wait(); } /** * Start and wait for the processes to finish. * * @return \Illuminate\Process\ProcessPoolResults */ public function wait() { return $this->start()->wait(); } /** * Dynamically proxy methods calls to a new pending process. * * @param string $method * @param array $parameters * @return \Illuminate\Process\PendingProcess */ public function __call($method, $parameters) { return tap($this->factory->{$method}(...$parameters), function ($pendingProcess) { $this->pendingProcesses[] = $pendingProcess; }); } }