{{ getColumnValue(auth()->user()) }}
{{ __('Welcome, here is a brief summary of your account.') }}
{{ $wallet->currency?->code }}
{{ ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $wallet->currency?->type)) }}
{{ formatNumber($wallet->balance, $wallet->currency?->id) }}
{{ $wallet->is_default == 'Yes' ? 'Default' : '' }}
{{ __('Check all') }}
{{ __('Wallet Balance') }}
{{ __('Profile QR Code') }}
{{ __('Send or Receive Money') }}
{{ __('Use the QR code to easily handle your transactions.') }}
{{ __('Contact Ticket Support') }}
{{ __('Create a ticket on the problem you are facing and our team will get back to you soon. Our dedicated support team is here to assist you every step of the way') }}
{{ __('Create Merchant') }}
{{ __('A Merchant User is a special type of user who operates a business and sells products. If you wish to establish a merchant business, kindly access the following link.') }}
{{ __('Recent Activities') }}
{{ __('See All Transactions') }}