* @contributor Md Abdur Rahaman Zihad <[zihad.techvill@gmail.com]> * @created 20-11-2022 */ namespace App\Services; use App\Http\Helpers\Common; use App\Enums\Status; use App\Exceptions\Api\V2\{ PaymentFailedException, SendMoneyException }; use App\Models\{ Transfer, Wallet, User }; use App\Services\{ Mail\ReceiveMoneyMailService, Mail\SendMoneyMailService, Sms\ReceiveMoneySmsService, Sms\SendMoneySmsService }; use Exception, DB; use App\Services\Mail\SendMoney\NotifyAdminOnSendMoneyMailService; class SendMoneyService { /** * @var Common; */ protected $helper; protected $transactionType; protected $transfer; /** * Construct the service class * * @param Common $helper * * @return void */ public function __construct(Common $helper) { $this->helper = $helper; $this->transactionType = Transferred; $this->transfer = new Transfer; } /** * Validates if the payable request can be processed or not * * @param string $email * * @return bool */ public function validateEmail($email) { $receiver = User::whereEmail($email)->first(); // Check if receiver exists if (is_null($receiver)) { return true; } return $this->validateReceiverUserEmail($receiver); } /** * Validates receiver email for sending money * * @param User|null $receiver * * @return bool * * @throws SendMoneyException */ protected function validateReceiverUserEmail($receiver) { if (is_null($receiver)) { return true; } $user = auth()->user(); // Check if both user and receiver email addresses are same if ($user->email == $receiver->email) { throw new SendMoneyException(__("You cannot send money to yourself.")); } // Check if receiver is a suspended user if (in_array($receiver->status, [Status::SUSPENDED, Status::INACTIVE])) { throw new SendMoneyException(__("You cannot send money to a :x user.", ["x" => $receiver->status])); } return true; } /** * Validates if the payable request can be processed or not * * @param string $phone * * @return bool * * @throws SendMoneyException */ public function validatePhoneNumber($phone) { $user = auth()->user(); if (is_null($user->formattedPhone) || empty($user->formattedPhone)) { throw new SendMoneyException(__("Please set your phone number first.")); } $receiver = User::select('formattedPhone', 'status')->where("formattedPhone", $phone)->first(); if (is_null($receiver)) { return true; } return $this->validateReceiverUserPhone($receiver); } /** * Validate receiver phone number for sending money * * @param User $receiver * @return bool * * @throws SendMoneyException */ protected function validateReceiverUserPhone($receiver) { // Check if receiver exists if (is_null($receiver)) { return true; } $user = auth()->user(); // Check if both user and receiver email addresses are same if ($user->formattedPhone == $receiver->formattedPhone) { throw new SendMoneyException(__("You cannot send money to yourself.")); } // Check if receiver is a suspended user if (in_array($receiver->status, [Status::SUSPENDED, Status::INACTIVE])) { throw new SendMoneyException(__("You cannot send money to a :x user.", ["x" => $receiver->status])); } return true; } /** * Get available currencies of the user * * @return array */ public function getSelfCurrencies() { $result = []; Wallet::with('currency:id,code,type') ->where("user_id", auth()->id()) ->whereHas("active_currency") ->join('fees_limits', 'fees_limits.currency_id', 'wallets.currency_id') ->where('fees_limits.has_transaction', 'Yes') ->where('fees_limits.transaction_type_id', $this->transactionType) ->get() ->map(function ($item) use (&$result) { $result[$item->currency_id] = [ 'id' => $item->currency_id, 'code' => optional($item->currency)->code, 'is_default' => $item->is_default, 'type' => optional($item->currency)->type ]; }); return array_values($result); } /** * Check the requested amount and currency in user wallet and Fees limit * * @param int $currencyId Currency Id * @param float $amount * * @return array * * @throws SendMoneyException */ public function validateAmountLimit($currencyId, $amount) { $userId = auth()->id(); $currencyFee = $this->helper->transactionFees($currencyId, $amount, $this->transactionType); $this->helper->amountIsInLimit($currencyFee, $amount); $this->helper->checkWalletAmount($userId, $currencyId, $currencyFee->total_amount); return $currencyFee; } public function sendMoneyConfirm($identifier, $currencyId, $amount, $totalFees, $note) { $userId = auth()->id(); $identifier = trim($identifier); $email = $this->helper->validateEmailInput($identifier); $phone = $this->helper->validatePhoneInput($identifier); if (!$email && !$phone) { throw new SendMoneyException(__("Invalid send money request.")); } $currencyFee = $this->helper->transactionFees($currencyId, $amount, $this->transactionType); $this->helper->amountIsInLimit($currencyFee, $amount); $this->helper->checkWalletAmount($userId, $currencyId, $currencyFee->total_amount); $senderWallet = $this->helper->getWallet($userId, $currencyId); $receiver = User::where('email', $identifier)->orWhere('formattedPhone', $identifier)->first(); $arr = [ 'emailFilterValidate' => $email, 'phoneRegex' => $phone, 'processedBy' => preference("processed_by"), 'user_id' => $userId, 'currency_id' => $currencyId, 'uuid' => unique_code(), 'fee' => $totalFees, 'amount' => $amount, 'note' => trim($note), 'receiver' => $identifier, 'charge_percentage' => $currencyFee->charge_percentage, 'charge_fixed' => $currencyFee->charge_fixed, 'p_calc' => $currencyFee->fees_percentage, 'total' => $currencyFee->total_amount, 'senderWallet' => $senderWallet, ]; if (!is_null($receiver)) { $arr['userInfo'] = $receiver; } try { DB::beginTransaction(); //Create Transfer $transfer = $this->transfer->createTransfer($arr); //Create Transferred Transaction $arr['transaction_reference_id'] = $transfer->id; $arr['status'] = $transfer->status; $this->transfer->createTransferredTransaction($arr); //Create Received Transaction $this->transfer->createReceivedTransaction($arr); //Update Sender Wallet $this->transfer->updateSenderWallet($arr['senderWallet'], $arr['total']); //Create Or Update Receiver Wallet $arr['transfer_receiver_id'] = $transfer->receiver_id; $this->transfer->createOrUpdateReceiverWallet($arr); DB::commit(); // Sms & Email $this->notificationToSender($transfer); $this->notificationToReceiver($transfer); $this->notificationToAdmin($transfer); return [ 'status' => true, 'tr_ref_id' => $transfer->id, ]; } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); throw new SendMoneyException($e->getMessage()); } } public function notificationToSender($transfer) { $processedBy = preference('processed_by'); $emailFilterValidate = $this->helper->validateEmailInput($transfer->email); $phoneRegex = $this->helper->validatePhoneInput($transfer->phone); if ($emailFilterValidate && "email" == $processedBy) { return (new SendMoneyMailService())->send($transfer); } elseif ($phoneRegex && "phone" == $processedBy) { return (new SendMoneySmsService())->send($transfer); } elseif ("email_or_phone" == $processedBy) { if ($emailFilterValidate) { return (new SendMoneyMailService())->send($transfer); } elseif ($phoneRegex) { return (new SendMoneySmsService())->send($transfer); } } } public function notificationToReceiver($transfer) { $processedBy = preference('processed_by'); $emailFilterValidate = $this->helper->validateEmailInput($transfer->email); $phoneRegex = $this->helper->validatePhoneInput($transfer->phone); if ($emailFilterValidate && "email" == $processedBy) { return (new ReceiveMoneyMailService())->send($transfer); } elseif ($phoneRegex && "phone" == $processedBy) { return (new ReceiveMoneySmsService())->send($transfer); } elseif ("email_or_phone" == $processedBy) { if ($emailFilterValidate) { return (new ReceiveMoneyMailService())->send($transfer); } elseif ($phoneRegex) { return (new ReceiveMoneySmsService())->send($transfer); } } } //Admin Notification public function notificationToAdmin($transfer) { (new NotifyAdminOnSendMoneyMailService)->send($transfer, ['type' => 'send', 'medium' => 'email']); return true; } }