private_key = $private_key; $this->public_key = $public_key; $this->ch = null; } /** * Gets the current CoinPayments.net exchange rate. Output includes both crypto and fiat currencies. * @param short If short == TRUE (the default), the output won't include the currency names and confirms needed to save bandwidth. */ public function GetRates($short = TRUE) { $short = $short ? 1:0; return $this->api_call('rates', array('accepted' => 1,'short' => $short)); } /** * Gets your current coin balances (only includes coins with a balance unless all = TRUE).
* @param all If all = TRUE then it will return all coins, even those with a 0 balance. */ public function GetBalances($all = FALSE) { return $this->api_call('balances', array('all' => $all ? 1:0)); } /** * Creates a basic transaction with minimal parameters.
* See CreateTransaction for more advanced features. * @param amount The amount of the transaction (floating point to 8 decimals). * @param currency1 The source currency (ie. USD), this is used to calculate the exchange rate for you. * @param currency2 The cryptocurrency of the transaction. currency1 and currency2 can be the same if you don't want any exchange rate conversion. * @param buyer_email Set the buyer's email so they can automatically claim refunds if there is an issue with their payment. * @param address Optionally set the payout address of the transaction. If address is empty then it will follow your payout settings for that coin. * @param ipn_url Optionally set an IPN handler to receive notices about this transaction. If ipn_url is empty then it will use the default IPN URL in your account. */ public function CreateTransactionSimple($amount, $currency1, $currency2, $buyer_email, $address='', $ipn_url='') { $req = array( 'amount' => $amount, 'currency1' => $currency1, 'currency2' => $currency2, 'buyer_email' => $buyer_email, 'address' => $address, 'ipn_url' => $ipn_url, ); return $this->api_call('create_transaction', $req); } public function CreateTransaction($req) { // See https://www.coinpayments.net/apidoc-create-transaction for parameters return $this->api_call('create_transaction', $req); } public function getTransactionInfo($transactionId) { return $this->api_call('get_tx_info', $transactionId); } /** * Creates an address for receiving payments into your CoinPayments Wallet.
* @param currency The cryptocurrency to create a receiving address for. * @param ipn_url Optionally set an IPN handler to receive notices about this transaction. If ipn_url is empty then it will use the default IPN URL in your account. */ public function GetCallbackAddress($currency, $ipn_url = '') { $req = array( 'currency' => $currency, 'ipn_url' => $ipn_url, ); return $this->api_call('get_callback_address', $req); } /** * Creates a withdrawal from your account to a specified address.
* @param amount The amount of the transaction (floating point to 8 decimals). * @param currency The cryptocurrency to withdraw. * @param address The address to send the coins to. * @param auto_confirm If auto_confirm is TRUE, then the withdrawal will be performed without an email confirmation. * @param ipn_url Optionally set an IPN handler to receive notices about this transaction. If ipn_url is empty then it will use the default IPN URL in your account. */ public function CreateWithdrawal($amount, $currency, $address, $auto_confirm = FALSE, $ipn_url = '') { $req = array( 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $currency, 'address' => $address, 'auto_confirm' => $auto_confirm ? 1:0, 'ipn_url' => $ipn_url, ); return $this->api_call('create_withdrawal', $req); } /** * Creates a transfer from your account to a specified merchant.
* @param amount The amount of the transaction (floating point to 8 decimals). * @param currency The cryptocurrency to withdraw. * @param merchant The merchant ID to send the coins to. * @param auto_confirm If auto_confirm is TRUE, then the transfer will be performed without an email confirmation. */ public function CreateTransfer($amount, $currency, $merchant, $auto_confirm = FALSE) { $req = array( 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $currency, 'merchant' => $merchant, 'auto_confirm' => $auto_confirm ? 1:0, ); return $this->api_call('create_transfer', $req); } /** * Creates a transfer from your account to a specified $PayByName tag.
* @param amount The amount of the transaction (floating point to 8 decimals). * @param currency The cryptocurrency to withdraw. * @param pbntag The $PayByName tag to send funds to. * @param auto_confirm If auto_confirm is TRUE, then the transfer will be performed without an email confirmation. */ public function SendToPayByName($amount, $currency, $pbntag, $auto_confirm = FALSE) { $req = array( 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $currency, 'pbntag' => $pbntag, 'auto_confirm' => $auto_confirm ? 1:0, ); return $this->api_call('create_transfer', $req); } private function is_setup() { return (!empty($this->private_key) && !empty($this->public_key)); } private function api_call($cmd, $req = array()) { if (!$this->is_setup()) { return array('error' => 'You have not called the Setup function with your private and public keys!'); } // Set the API command and required fields $req['version'] = 1; $req['cmd'] = $cmd; $req['key'] = $this->public_key; $req['format'] = 'json'; //supported values are json and xml // Generate the query string $post_data = http_build_query($req, '', '&'); // Calculate the HMAC signature on the POST data $hmac = hash_hmac('sha512', $post_data, $this->private_key); // Create cURL handle and initialize (if needed) if ($this->ch === null) { $this->ch = curl_init('https://www.coinpayments.net/api.php'); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, TRUE); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); } curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('HMAC: '.$hmac)); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data); $data = curl_exec($this->ch); if ($data !== FALSE) { if (PHP_INT_SIZE < 8 && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) { // We are on 32-bit PHP, so use the bigint as string option. If you are using any API calls with Satoshis it is highly NOT recommended to use 32-bit PHP $dec = json_decode($data, TRUE, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING); } else { $dec = json_decode($data, TRUE); } if ($dec !== NULL && count($dec)) { return $dec; } else { // If you are using PHP 5.5.0 or higher you can use json_last_error_msg() for a better error message return array('error' => 'Unable to parse JSON result ('.json_last_error().')'); } } else { return array('error' => 'cURL error: '.curl_error($this->ch)); } } };