email = new EmailController(); //needed to send email notification $this->helper = new Common(); } // public function payment_method() { return $this->belongsTo(PaymentMethod::class, 'payment_method_id'); } public function currency() { return $this->belongsTo(Currency::class, 'currency_id'); } public function transaction() { return $this->hasOne(Transaction::class, 'transaction_reference_id', 'id'); } public function user() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'user_id'); } public function withdrawal_detail() { return $this->hasOne(WithdrawalDetail::class, 'withdrawal_id'); } /** * [get users firstname and lastname for filtering] * @param [integer] $user [id] * @return [string] [firstname and lastname] */ public function getWithdrawalsUserName($user) { return $this->leftJoin('users', 'users.id', '=', 'withdrawals.user_id') ->where(['user_id' => $user]) ->select('users.first_name', 'users.last_name', 'users.id') ->first(); } /** * [ajax response for search results] * @param [string] $search [query string] * @return [string] [distinct firstname and lastname] */ public function getWithdrawalsUsersResponse($search) { return $this->leftJoin('users', 'users.id', '=', 'withdrawals.user_id') ->where('users.first_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%') ->orWhere('users.last_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%') ->distinct('users.first_name') ->select('users.first_name', 'users.last_name', 'withdrawals.user_id') ->get(); } /** * [Withdrawals Filtering Results] * @param [null/date] $from [start date] * @param [null/date] $to [end date] * @param [string] $status [Status] * @param [string] $pm [Payment Methods] * @param [null/id] $user [User ID] * @return [query] [All Query Results] */ public function getWithdrawalsList($from, $to, $status, $currency, $pm, $user) { $conditions = []; if (empty($from) || empty($to)) { $date_range = null; } else if (empty($from)) { $date_range = null; } else if (empty($to)) { $date_range = null; } else { $date_range = 'Available'; } if (!empty($status) && $status != 'all') { $conditions['withdrawals.status'] = $status; } if (!empty($currency) && $currency != 'all') { $conditions['withdrawals.currency_id'] = $currency; } if (!empty($pm) && $pm != 'all') { $conditions['withdrawals.payment_method_id'] = $pm; } if (!empty($user)) { $conditions['withdrawals.user_id'] = $user; } $withdrawals = $this->with([ 'user:id,first_name,last_name', 'currency:id,code', 'payment_method:id,name', ])->where($conditions); if (!empty($date_range)) { $withdrawals->where(function ($query) use ($from, $to) { $query->whereDate('withdrawals.created_at', '>=', $from)->whereDate('withdrawals.created_at', '<=', $to); }) ->select('withdrawals.*'); } else { $withdrawals->select('withdrawals.*'); } // return $withdrawals; } //for front-end - WithdrawalController.php - common functions (need to reuse in mobile app too) - starts public function createWithdrawal($arr) { $withdrawal = new Withdrawal(); $withdrawal->user_id = $arr['user_id']; $withdrawal->currency_id = $arr['currency_id']; $withdrawal->payment_method_id = $arr['payment_method_id']; $withdrawal->uuid = $arr['uuid']; $withdrawal->charge_percentage = $arr['charge_percentage']; $withdrawal->charge_fixed = $arr['charge_fixed']; $withdrawal->subtotal = $arr['subtotal']; $withdrawal->amount = $arr['amount']; $withdrawal->payment_method_info = $arr['payment_method_info']; $withdrawal->status = 'Pending'; $withdrawal->save(); return $withdrawal; } public function createWithdrawalDetail($arr) { $withdrawalDetail = new WithdrawalDetail(); $withdrawalDetail->withdrawal_id = $arr['transaction_reference_id']; $withdrawalDetail->type = $arr['payoutSetting']->type; if ($arr['payment_method_id'] == Paypal) { $withdrawalDetail->email = $arr['payoutSetting']->email; } elseif ($arr['payment_method_id'] == Bank) { $withdrawalDetail->account_name = $arr['payoutSetting']->account_name; $withdrawalDetail->account_number = $arr['payoutSetting']->account_number; $withdrawalDetail->bank_branch_name = $arr['payoutSetting']->bank_branch_name; $withdrawalDetail->bank_branch_city = $arr['payoutSetting']->bank_branch_city; $withdrawalDetail->bank_branch_address = $arr['payoutSetting']->bank_branch_address; $withdrawalDetail->country = $arr['payoutSetting']->country; $withdrawalDetail->swift_code = $arr['payoutSetting']->swift_code; $withdrawalDetail->bank_name = $arr['payoutSetting']->bank_name; } elseif ($arr['payment_method_id'] == Crypto) { $withdrawalDetail->crypto_address = $arr['payoutSetting']->crypto_address; } elseif (config('mobilemoney.is_active') && $arr['payment_method_id'] == (defined('MobileMoney') ? MobileMoney : '')) { $withdrawalDetail->mobilemoney_id = $arr['payoutSetting']->mobilemoney_id; $withdrawalDetail->mobile_number = $arr['payoutSetting']->mobile_number; } $withdrawalDetail->save(); } public function createWithdrawalTransaction($arr) { $transaction = new Transaction(); $transaction->user_id = $arr['user_id']; $transaction->currency_id = $arr['currency_id']; $transaction->payment_method_id = $arr['payment_method_id']; $transaction->uuid = $arr['uuid']; $transaction->transaction_reference_id = $arr['transaction_reference_id']; $transaction->transaction_type_id = Withdrawal; $transaction->subtotal = $arr['amount']; $transaction->percentage = $arr['percentage']; $transaction->charge_percentage = $arr['charge_percentage']; $transaction->charge_fixed = $arr['charge_fixed']; $transaction->total = '-' . ($transaction->subtotal + $transaction->charge_percentage + $transaction->charge_fixed); $transaction->status = 'Pending'; $transaction->save(); return $transaction->id; } public function updateWallet($arr) { $arr['wallet']->balance = ($arr['wallet']->balance - $arr['totalAmount']); $arr['wallet']->save(); } public function processPayoutMoneyConfirmation($arr = []) { $response = ['status' => 401]; try { //Backend Validation - Wallet Balance Again Amount Check - Starts here $checkWalletBalance = $this->helper->checkWalletBalanceAgainstAmount($arr['totalAmount'], $arr['currency_id'], $arr['user_id']); if ($checkWalletBalance == true) { $response['withdrawalTransactionId'] = null; $response['message'] = __("Sorry, not enough funds to perform the operation."); return $response; //Backend Validation - Wallet Balance Again Amount Check - Ends here } else { DB::beginTransaction(); //Create Withdrawal $withdrawal = self::createWithdrawal($arr); //Create Withdrawal Detail $arr['transaction_reference_id'] = $withdrawal->id; self::createWithdrawalDetail($arr); //Create Withdrawal Transaction $transactionId = self::createWithdrawalTransaction($arr); //Update Wallet self::updateWallet($arr); DB::commit(); // Notificaton email/SMS (new NotifyAdminOnWithdrawMailService)->send($withdrawal, ['type' => 'withdraw', 'medium' => 'email']); $response['status'] = 200; $response['withdrawalTransactionId'] = $transactionId; return $response; } } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); $response['withdrawalTransactionId'] = null; $response['message'] = $e->getMessage(); return $response; } } //for front-end - WithdrawalController.php - common functions (need to reuse in mobile app too) - ends /** * updateStatus * * @param int $withdrawalId * @param string $status * @return object */ public static function updateStatus(int $withdrawalId, string $status): object { $withdrawal = Withdrawal::find($withdrawalId); if ($withdrawal) { $withdrawal->status = $status; $withdrawal->save(); } return $withdrawal; } public static function isBankPaymentMethod($withdrawal) { return optional($withdrawal->payment_method)->name === 'Bank'; } public static function getBankPaymentMethodInfo($withdrawal) { if (!empty($withdrawal->withdrawal_detail)) { $accountNumber = '*****' . substr($withdrawal->withdrawal_detail->account_number, -4); return $withdrawal->withdrawal_detail->account_name . ' (' . $accountNumber . ')' . ' ' . $withdrawal->withdrawal_detail->bank_name; } return '-'; } public static function getDefaultPaymentMethodInfo($withdrawal) { return !empty($withdrawal->payment_method_info) ? $withdrawal->payment_method_info : '-'; } }